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No Mrs. Teixeira, bringing back 1960s politics will not work


Dear Editor,
There have been several letters to the editor of Kaieteur News properly exposing the diplomatic dilemma in which the minority PPP Government and Ms. Pyria Manickchand found themselves. Our task is simple: to question what really Gail Teixeira meant when she mentioned “…Indian women in this country (Guyana) must know their place…” We condemned her derogatory remarks and the disparaging of Indo-Guyanese women. Shame on Ms. Teixeira for being so malicious and wicked!
This is not a trivial comment. It is one steeped and embedded in racist views that is presented with a deep and painful message to our Indian sisters as Apan Jhat politics of the 1960s.  Yes, the PPP is caught here propagandizing with the barest of subtleness. The minority PPP  regime has disarmed the PNC by taking away its most potent weapon—peaceful demonstrations—and now with the Rodney Commission. It is now trying to do the same to the AFC but they will not succeed because Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo will stop them dead in their tracks. They know the Freedom House bullies so well that they can read their actions like a book.
And what political technique they are using – Apan Jhat —which was used by Dr. Jagan more than 50 years ago to solidify the PPP Indian support base.  But they are so dumb that they have failed to recognize that the leading lights in the AFC are Prakash Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo, both East Indians and thus when the AFC coined that name “Sitira” there was no intent at racism by these esteem gentlemen but much effort to expose the wild cuss down-behavior of certain people including the vulgar and abusive Minister of Education. It had nothing to do with the race of the person or Indian women.
However, there are some in the PPP who have it in their DNA to cuss down their opponents for tea, breakfast and dinner and this is the characteristic that the AFC leaders were alluding to.  Sitira could also mean an Afro-Guyanese woman or someone any other ethnicity since it exposes a character, not a race. Ms. Teixeira, who is not a damsel, cannot be excused for making such ridiculous and racist statement. It shows that she is of a dying breed that is bent on using race-bait politics to divide Indo-and Afro-Guyanese.
But Ms Teixeira in her quest to advance the PPP’s Apan Jhat political ambitions threw caution to the wind and totally ignored the fact that some of the leading power players in the AFC are East Indians with East Indian wives having the name Sita.
The issue here is not “principal” but principle and Ms. Teixeira’s racist outburst against East Indian women by trying to mix them up with the fable “OH SITIRA” is not only silly but also infantile, foolish and insulting. This type of uncivilized and primitive thinking will not sit well with Indo-Guyanese women in the 21st century who are modern and civilized human beings and we are extremely proud of them.
We advise Ms. Texiera to read the valuable essay called “The Luxury of Integrity.” Integrity is defined as adherence to ethical and moral principles and one can never experience this luxury unless one practises it, not just when others are watching.  Unfortunately, under the spotlight of NCN, Ms. Teixeira again pulls down her knitting for all to see how racist, bigoted and prejudicial she is and this attempt to return to the 1960s Apan Jhat politics has certainly backfired on the PPP. It may have worked in that period but it will not work in our modern Guyana society today. Just ask the rice farmers of Essequibo, the sugar workers in Berbice and all our beautiful and educated Indian mothers, wives sisters and aunts.
If Ms. Teixeira and the dictators at Freedom House do not believe us, just call any elections, local government or general elections.
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

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But Ms Teixeira in her quest to advance the PPP’s Apan Jhat political ambitions threw caution to the wind and totally ignored the fact that some of the leading power players in the AFC are East Indians with East Indian wives having the name Sita.  - quoted.


The PPP has now gone insane.


The ghost that wouldn’t die

July 11, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

Perhaps the ugliest and nastiest racist miasma to come off a keyboard, the tip of a pen or the tongue of a person, was carried in the Guyana Chronicle in July 2012. Written by a woman very close to Janet Jagan, it informed readers that Guyanese African youths have been historically, culturally and sociologically indoctrinated with hatred for Indians and that hatred finds its natural outlet in African youths seeing Indians as natural prey to be attacked. The most disappointing response to that unspeakable descent into racist filth was the silence of the leadership of the security forces. The security forces cannot make political statements, but condemnation of bestial attacks on one’s race goes beyond politics – it is a crime against civilized thinking. The leadership of the security forces had an opportunity to issue a statement because the abomination occurred in a state-owned media, the final jurisdiction over which rested with the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces – President Ramotar. He was at the time and still is the Minister with portfolio for the state media. The reasoning is simple – if African youths hate Indians and want to harm them, then, why did two African dominated organizations, namely the police and army, since 1992, accept an Indian dominated ruling party, and have not used the power of the security forces to harm the leaders of the PPP and Government? The security forces consist of mainly young African men who have worked tirelessly to maintain law and order in Guyana. Surely to assert that these young men are indoctrinated with a racist hatred for their civilian bosses is the ultimate insult. Now we may have another ultimate insult, this time not focused on African youths but on African women. Every day you pick up the newspapers and you are confronted with the macabre yet realistic thought that Guyana has the most absurd governmental leadership in the world. I just cannot forget a Legal Affairs Minister once telling the media; “I thought y’all talking ‘bout me when you refer to a Minister who committed illegal things, because I is a man who like do illegal things.” And that Minister kept his job. He was subsequently placed in a more sensitive job. A parliamentarian, justifying the government’s refusal to open the three publicly-owned swimming pools, told the media that people must understand that they must bathe first before they use a pool. A sitting president reportedly abused his common-law wife in the most heart-breaking manner and survived in office. The latest in these horrible acts of moral bestialities is the invocation of the racial ghost by Gail Teixeira in the incident involving the atrocious behaviour of Priya Manickchand at the home of the US Ambassador. How any citizen can accept Teixeira’s miasmic and ugly interpretation of Guyanese revulsion against what Manickchand did, only shows that this is a dead society. A human being goes to a function, engages in behaviour that is uncouth, obnoxious, ethically unrefined and morally crude.  When the society offers its protestations, the society is told by Gail Teixeira of the Office of the President that the critics are portraying a racial bias against Indian women. That is an acrobatic leap that is overflowing with manifestations of fetid rubbish. People must be judged by the content of their conduct. But Teixeira has gone in a frightening direction. If you commit a crime, your accuser may not be morally offended in condemning you, but may be racially biased. So if in a working day, a security guard catches eight Indian shop-lifters and no Africans or Chinese, the guard is racist? But what about the inherent genetic superiority in Teixeira’s logic? If we are racist in condemning Manickchand, then by Teixeira’s logic, Indian women may be superior to African women, because Teixeira has not accepted that her government was biased against African women when it targeted them. An African mother of small children was remanded for two years on bogus treason charges. An African Chief Education Officer was refused confirmation before retirement thereby reducing her pension; three African women from the Energy Authority were among seven African employees who were sacked after supposedly failing an illegally administered polygraph. My question to Teixeira is, if the critics of Manickchand were racially motivated, was Teixeira’s Government racially bigoted in the three cases I mentioned above? What is playing out in this country by the PPP is the only card left to play – the race thing. That ghost is the only game the PPP can play. The racial poltergeist is the only survival string left for the PPP and that ghost will be kept alive once the PPP power looks like falling. And it is falling.


Perhaps the ugliest and nastiest racist miasma to come off a keyboard, the tip of a pen or the tongue of a person, was carried in the Guyana Chronicle in July 2012. Written by a woman very close to Janet Jagan, it informed readers that Guyanese African youths have been historically, culturally and sociologically indoctrinated with hatred for Indians and that hatred finds its natural outlet in African youths seeing Indians as natural prey to be attacked. The most disappointing response to that unspeakable descent into racist filth was the silence of the leadership of the security forces. The security forces cannot make political statements, but condemnation of bestial attacks on one’s race goes beyond politics – it is a crime against civilized thinking.

Originally Posted by Mars:

No Mrs. Teixeira, bringing back 1960s politics will not work


Dear Editor,
There have been several letters to the editor of Kaieteur News properly exposing the diplomatic dilemma in which the minority PPP Government and Ms. Pyria Manickchand found themselves. Our task is simple: to question what really Gail Teixeira meant when she mentioned “…Indian women in this country (Guyana) must know their place…” We condemned her derogatory remarks and the disparaging of Indo-Guyanese women. Shame on Ms. Teixeira for being so malicious and wicked!
This is not a trivial comment. It is one steeped and embedded in racist views that is presented with a deep and painful message to our Indian sisters as Apan Jhat politics of the 1960s.  Yes, the PPP is caught here propagandizing with the barest of subtleness. The minority PPP  regime has disarmed the PNC by taking away its most potent weapon—peaceful demonstrations—and now with the Rodney Commission. It is now trying to do the same to the AFC but they will not succeed because Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo will stop them dead in their tracks. They know the Freedom House bullies so well that they can read their actions like a book.
And what political technique they are using – Apan Jhat —which was used by Dr. Jagan more than 50 years ago to solidify the PPP Indian support base.  But they are so dumb that they have failed to recognize that the leading lights in the AFC are Prakash Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo, both East Indians and thus when the AFC coined that name “Sitira” there was no intent at racism by these esteem gentlemen but much effort to expose the wild cuss down-behavior of certain people including the vulgar and abusive Minister of Education. It had nothing to do with the race of the person or Indian women.
However, there are some in the PPP who have it in their DNA to cuss down their opponents for tea, breakfast and dinner and this is the characteristic that the AFC leaders were alluding to.  Sitira could also mean an Afro-Guyanese woman or someone any other ethnicity since it exposes a character, not a race. Ms. Teixeira, who is not a damsel, cannot be excused for making such ridiculous and racist statement. It shows that she is of a dying breed that is bent on using race-bait politics to divide Indo-and Afro-Guyanese.
But Ms Teixeira in her quest to advance the PPP’s Apan Jhat political ambitions threw caution to the wind and totally ignored the fact that some of the leading power players in the AFC are East Indians with East Indian wives having the name Sita.
The issue here is not “principal” but principle and Ms. Teixeira’s racist outburst against East Indian women by trying to mix them up with the fable “OH SITIRA” is not only silly but also infantile, foolish and insulting. This type of uncivilized and primitive thinking will not sit well with Indo-Guyanese women in the 21st century who are modern and civilized human beings and we are extremely proud of them.
We advise Ms. Texiera to read the valuable essay called “The Luxury of Integrity.” Integrity is defined as adherence to ethical and moral principles and one can never experience this luxury unless one practises it, not just when others are watching.  Unfortunately, under the spotlight of NCN, Ms. Teixeira again pulls down her knitting for all to see how racist, bigoted and prejudicial she is and this attempt to return to the 1960s Apan Jhat politics has certainly backfired on the PPP. It may have worked in that period but it will not work in our modern Guyana society today. Just ask the rice farmers of Essequibo, the sugar workers in Berbice and all our beautiful and educated Indian mothers, wives sisters and aunts.
If Ms. Teixeira and the dictators at Freedom House do not believe us, just call any elections, local government or general elections.
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

What is all this hulabaloo about OH Sitira.  Rose and Singh are well in tuned with Guyanese folklore.  Sitira is the woman pun the dam top who does cuss down she husband, she neighbour, she cousin and all host of people - PUN THE DAM.


This happens in Victoria - former Afro Guyanese slave village and it also happens in Albion - dominant East Indian village.


So Gail talking a whole host of sh!t.


Gail Texiera is a PPP bicycle, everybady get a lil ride even Rohee did.


This woman talking about womens rights and respect for women is a complete disgrace. She has sat by and watch violence against women spiral to ridiculous levels in Guyana she goes on NCN every day to talk shyte.


Has she once created a PSA to air on all television stations to educate the population about violence against women?


Has manickchand incorporated anything into the school curriculum to educate the youth of tomorrow about why violence against women is wrong and how we should change our behavior towards women? 


Where has the PPP done anything substantial for women in this country? They have allowed more Baroom Bars all over the country and they have ignored enforcing laws to prevent Trafficking in Persons those are the facts.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Mars:

No Mrs. Teixeira, bringing back 1960s politics will not work


Dear Editor,
There have been several letters to the editor of Kaieteur News properly exposing the diplomatic dilemma in which the minority PPP Government and Ms. Pyria Manickchand found themselves. Our task is simple: to question what really Gail Teixeira meant when she mentioned “…Indian women in this country (Guyana) must know their place…” We condemned her derogatory remarks and the disparaging of Indo-Guyanese women. Shame on Ms. Teixeira for being so malicious and wicked!
This is not a trivial comment. It is one steeped and embedded in racist views that is presented with a deep and painful message to our Indian sisters as Apan Jhat politics of the 1960s.  Yes, the PPP is caught here propagandizing with the barest of subtleness. The minority PPP  regime has disarmed the PNC by taking away its most potent weapon—peaceful demonstrations—and now with the Rodney Commission. It is now trying to do the same to the AFC but they will not succeed because Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo will stop them dead in their tracks. They know the Freedom House bullies so well that they can read their actions like a book.
And what political technique they are using – Apan Jhat —which was used by Dr. Jagan more than 50 years ago to solidify the PPP Indian support base.  But they are so dumb that they have failed to recognize that the leading lights in the AFC are Prakash Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo, both East Indians and thus when the AFC coined that name “Sitira” there was no intent at racism by these esteem gentlemen but much effort to expose the wild cuss down-behavior of certain people including the vulgar and abusive Minister of Education. It had nothing to do with the race of the person or Indian women.
However, there are some in the PPP who have it in their DNA to cuss down their opponents for tea, breakfast and dinner and this is the characteristic that the AFC leaders were alluding to.  Sitira could also mean an Afro-Guyanese woman or someone any other ethnicity since it exposes a character, not a race. Ms. Teixeira, who is not a damsel, cannot be excused for making such ridiculous and racist statement. It shows that she is of a dying breed that is bent on using race-bait politics to divide Indo-and Afro-Guyanese.
But Ms Teixeira in her quest to advance the PPP’s Apan Jhat political ambitions threw caution to the wind and totally ignored the fact that some of the leading power players in the AFC are East Indians with East Indian wives having the name Sita.
The issue here is not “principal” but principle and Ms. Teixeira’s racist outburst against East Indian women by trying to mix them up with the fable “OH SITIRA” is not only silly but also infantile, foolish and insulting. This type of uncivilized and primitive thinking will not sit well with Indo-Guyanese women in the 21st century who are modern and civilized human beings and we are extremely proud of them.
We advise Ms. Texiera to read the valuable essay called “The Luxury of Integrity.” Integrity is defined as adherence to ethical and moral principles and one can never experience this luxury unless one practises it, not just when others are watching.  Unfortunately, under the spotlight of NCN, Ms. Teixeira again pulls down her knitting for all to see how racist, bigoted and prejudicial she is and this attempt to return to the 1960s Apan Jhat politics has certainly backfired on the PPP. It may have worked in that period but it will not work in our modern Guyana society today. Just ask the rice farmers of Essequibo, the sugar workers in Berbice and all our beautiful and educated Indian mothers, wives sisters and aunts.
If Ms. Teixeira and the dictators at Freedom House do not believe us, just call any elections, local government or general elections.
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

What is all this hulabaloo about OH Sitira.  Rose and Singh are well in tuned with Guyanese folklore.  Sitira is the woman pun the dam top who does cuss down she husband, she neighbour, she cousin and all host of people - PUN THE DAM.


This happens in Victoria - former Afro Guyanese slave village and it also happens in Albion - dominant East Indian village.


So Gail talking a whole host of sh!t.




KishanB aka Brian Teekah you have to make up your mind.  One day your are PPP the next day you are AFC then the next day you are PPP again then the next day you are AFC


Maybe try to be like Uncle Churchill.  He sides with the AFC but also sends his donation to my friend in Freedom House

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Mars:

No Mrs. Teixeira, bringing back 1960s politics will not work


Dear Editor,
There have been several letters to the editor of Kaieteur News properly exposing the diplomatic dilemma in which the minority PPP Government and Ms. Pyria Manickchand found themselves. Our task is simple: to question what really Gail Teixeira meant when she mentioned “…Indian women in this country (Guyana) must know their place…” We condemned her derogatory remarks and the disparaging of Indo-Guyanese women. Shame on Ms. Teixeira for being so malicious and wicked!
This is not a trivial comment. It is one steeped and embedded in racist views that is presented with a deep and painful message to our Indian sisters as Apan Jhat politics of the 1960s.  Yes, the PPP is caught here propagandizing with the barest of subtleness. The minority PPP  regime has disarmed the PNC by taking away its most potent weapon—peaceful demonstrations—and now with the Rodney Commission. It is now trying to do the same to the AFC but they will not succeed because Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo will stop them dead in their tracks. They know the Freedom House bullies so well that they can read their actions like a book.
And what political technique they are using – Apan Jhat —which was used by Dr. Jagan more than 50 years ago to solidify the PPP Indian support base.  But they are so dumb that they have failed to recognize that the leading lights in the AFC are Prakash Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo, both East Indians and thus when the AFC coined that name “Sitira” there was no intent at racism by these esteem gentlemen but much effort to expose the wild cuss down-behavior of certain people including the vulgar and abusive Minister of Education. It had nothing to do with the race of the person or Indian women.
However, there are some in the PPP who have it in their DNA to cuss down their opponents for tea, breakfast and dinner and this is the characteristic that the AFC leaders were alluding to.  Sitira could also mean an Afro-Guyanese woman or someone any other ethnicity since it exposes a character, not a race. Ms. Teixeira, who is not a damsel, cannot be excused for making such ridiculous and racist statement. It shows that she is of a dying breed that is bent on using race-bait politics to divide Indo-and Afro-Guyanese.
But Ms Teixeira in her quest to advance the PPP’s Apan Jhat political ambitions threw caution to the wind and totally ignored the fact that some of the leading power players in the AFC are East Indians with East Indian wives having the name Sita.
The issue here is not “principal” but principle and Ms. Teixeira’s racist outburst against East Indian women by trying to mix them up with the fable “OH SITIRA” is not only silly but also infantile, foolish and insulting. This type of uncivilized and primitive thinking will not sit well with Indo-Guyanese women in the 21st century who are modern and civilized human beings and we are extremely proud of them.
We advise Ms. Texiera to read the valuable essay called “The Luxury of Integrity.” Integrity is defined as adherence to ethical and moral principles and one can never experience this luxury unless one practises it, not just when others are watching.  Unfortunately, under the spotlight of NCN, Ms. Teixeira again pulls down her knitting for all to see how racist, bigoted and prejudicial she is and this attempt to return to the 1960s Apan Jhat politics has certainly backfired on the PPP. It may have worked in that period but it will not work in our modern Guyana society today. Just ask the rice farmers of Essequibo, the sugar workers in Berbice and all our beautiful and educated Indian mothers, wives sisters and aunts.
If Ms. Teixeira and the dictators at Freedom House do not believe us, just call any elections, local government or general elections.
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

What is all this hulabaloo about OH Sitira.  Rose and Singh are well in tuned with Guyanese folklore.  Sitira is the woman pun the dam top who does cuss down she husband, she neighbour, she cousin and all host of people - PUN THE DAM.


This happens in Victoria - former Afro Guyanese slave village and it also happens in Albion - dominant East Indian village.


So Gail talking a whole host of sh!t.




KishanB aka Brian Teekah you have to make up your mind.  One day your are PPP the next day you are AFC then the next day you are PPP again then the next day you are AFC


Maybe try to be like Uncle Churchill.  He sides with the AFC but also sends his donation to my friend in Freedom House

AAH Wally.


That is how I Kishan want the PPP.  Guessing and confused.


You keep guessing which political force I am with, that is your place.


Mine is to focus and destroy the political demons in Guyana.




We advise Ms. Texiera to read the valuable essay called “The Luxury of Integrity.” Integrity is defined as adherence to ethical and moral principles and one can never experience this luxury unless one practises it, not just when others are watching. 


quoted from Rose and Singh




What integrity, Gail got none.  She cause over 100 men to run through the PUNANEE to advance her political career.  


An she want to lecture people.  Look FIYA PUN yu Gail.


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