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BREAKING: Judge, husband battered during home invasion, robbery

Justice Nicole Pierre Justice Nicole Pierre
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A Land Court Judge and her husband were early Thursday morning severely battered and robbed during an invasion of their home on the East Coast Demerara, but the bandits moments later dropped their prized booty during an exchange of gunfire.

Five of the six persons were arrested, police said.

Badly injured and admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a city hospital are Justice Nicole Pierre and her husband. The incident occurred at about 1:40 AM at Felicity, East Coast Demerara.

Head of the Criminal Investigations Department, Senior Superintendent Blanhum told Demerara Waves Online News that the bandits dropped the suitcase and the safe during a shootout with a nearby security guard. The suitcase and safe have combination locks. No guns were found in possession of the men.

Blanhum  told Demerara Waves Online News that the men experienced difficulty fleeing the scene because their vehicle broke down. He said police responded promptly and cornered the men in the area.

Investigators learnt that the men held up the Special Constable guard at the hut at gun-point before entering the house through an open window.

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Look abbe PPP Antiman discovered crime is a problem. Skontholes had giant dildos stuffed down ayuh throats from 1992 to May 11th 2015.


Congratulations on removing these hard to remove diamond studded dildos from ayuh throats.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Look abbe PPP Antiman discovered crime is a problem. Skontholes had giant dildos stuffed down ayuh throats from 1992 to May 11th 2015.


Congratulations on removing these hard to remove diamond studded dildos from ayuh throats.

You are indeed an ignorant, illiterate FOOL.  YOu need to start at Kindergarten and work your way up. In fact, you need help to get you from being a JACKASS into a human.  It will be very difficult but for your sake, I hope help arrives soon.  DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Look abbe PPP Antiman discovered crime is a problem. Skontholes had giant dildos stuffed down ayuh throats from 1992 to May 11th 2015.


Congratulations on removing these hard to remove diamond studded dildos from ayuh throats.

You are indeed an ignorant, illiterate FOOL.  YOu need to start at Kindergarten and work your way up. In fact, you need help to get you from being a JACKASS into a human.  It will be very difficult but for your sake, I hope help arrives soon.  DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!


Marnin Aunty Kneeru,


Market done arready gyal? Any leftova hassa and houri?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

No one was safe in Guyana since Gajaraj turned a blind eye on Roger Khan and that was 10 plus years ago.


Will crime be added to your already burgeoning Ministerial portfolio over at the Chronicle bai?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

No one was safe in Guyana since Gajaraj turned a blind eye on Roger Khan and that was 10 plus years ago.


Yes but I do not believe a Judge was ever attacked.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Look abbe PPP Antiman discovered crime is a problem. Skontholes had giant dildos stuffed down ayuh throats from 1992 to May 11th 2015.


Congratulations on removing these hard to remove diamond studded dildos from ayuh throats.

You are indeed an ignorant, illiterate FOOL.  YOu need to start at Kindergarten and work your way up. In fact, you need help to get you from being a JACKASS into a human.  It will be very difficult but for your sake, I hope help arrives soon.  DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!


Marnin Aunty Kneeru,


Market done arready gyal? Any leftova hassa and houri?

Nah me gat wan laaang, laaang Squash ( Not the round kind) that I kept for you. Squash laang and fine, sing Padna sing.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Look abbe PPP Antiman discovered crime is a problem. Skontholes had giant dildos stuffed down ayuh throats from 1992 to May 11th 2015.


Congratulations on removing these hard to remove diamond studded dildos from ayuh throats.

You are indeed an ignorant, illiterate FOOL.  YOu need to start at Kindergarten and work your way up. In fact, you need help to get you from being a JACKASS into a human.  It will be very difficult but for your sake, I hope help arrives soon.  DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!


Marnin Aunty Kneeru,


Market done arready gyal? Any leftova hassa and houri?

Nah me gat wan laaang, laaang Squash ( Not the round kind) that I kept for you. Squash laang and fine, sing Padna sing.


Buggery has never quite held any appeal to me but I will defend your constitutional right to bugger and be buggered

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Look abbe PPP Antiman discovered crime is a problem. Skontholes had giant dildos stuffed down ayuh throats from 1992 to May 11th 2015.


Congratulations on removing these hard to remove diamond studded dildos from ayuh throats.

You are indeed an ignorant, illiterate FOOL.  YOu need to start at Kindergarten and work your way up. In fact, you need help to get you from being a JACKASS into a human.  It will be very difficult but for your sake, I hope help arrives soon.  DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!


Marnin Aunty Kneeru,


Market done arready gyal? Any leftova hassa and houri?

Nah me gat wan laaang, laaang Squash ( Not the round kind) that I kept for you. Squash laang and fine, sing Padna sing.


Buggery has never quite held any appeal to me but I will defend your constitutional right to bugger and be buggered

I dont do any version of Buggering. Check with your Friend for such TIPS.  The squash can be used for cooking also.


Who was in power between 2006 - 2012?  THE PPP.


October 20, 2012Leave a comment

Crime and criminality under the PNC and the PPP
No country can flourish in a society of criminality, crime, wrongdoing and breakdown of the rule of law. This is the kind of society Guyana has become under the PPP. The drug trade flourished under the PPP when other countries in the region saw major decline in drug trafficking. While Colombia has reduced the impact of drug trafficking, Guyana has become a drug trafficking haven.
As long as we continue to have drugs in Guyana, we will have serious crime, corruption and the breakdown of law and order. Guyana is now a full-fledged criminal republic. Criminality has found a safe haven in Guyana. Let’s get something straight. Crime in Guyana did not start with the PPP. Crime has been around for time immemorial and upsurged under the PNC regime.
What the PPP did was that it took crime and criminality in Guyana to an entirely crippling, sickening and frightening other level. Everything in terms of crime we had under the PNC we basically have under the PPP with some differences and exceptions.
In every society we will have crimes of passion, domestic violence, crimes against people and property, crimes of opportunity and crimes of corruption. Guyana under the PNC of particularly the 1980s saw its fair share of such crimes. We have seen more crime and criminality under the PPP despite its boast of economic development.
What is it that has caused these richer or less poorer and better living Guyanese to engage in more murdering, killing, slaughtering, domestically abusing, robbing, thieving, kicking down doors, filling their pockets and corrupting than they ever did when they were dirt poor, starving and destitute under the PNC?
The collapse of the rule of law, the drug trade and the rampant corruption and stealing from the public treasury are important answers. However, the PPP has encouraged a permissive culture of condoning corruption, immorality and stealing. Its bigwigs not only steal, but arrogantly display their stolen goods in extravagant style, throwing up mansions, driving luxury vehicles out of the reach of even the middle class in developed countries and living in brazen style.
This creates greed, covetousness, envy, keeping-up-with-the-neighbours mentality and copycat tendencies, particularly when others know the spoils were from ill-gotten. So, the decent-minded citizen will start accepting bribes or pilfering money from the people. Or the cop will leave his job and become a drug cartel enforcer. Then there is another set of criminals who think there is nothing wrong in invading the homes of these individuals and robbing them.
One cannot discount the skyrocketing cost of living issue. Everything costs a lot of money in Guyana. Criminality has made a handful of criminal entrepreneurs and those they bribe very wealthy. So has those outrageous fat cat salaries paid by the PPP to thousands of party hacks. This has created another small cabal of wealthy, using taxpayers’ money. Then there are the thieves who steal the public money and fatten themselves on the backs of the people. The spending of this small group of crooks and the corrupt, places significant pressure on the working class man and woman. Because these vagabonds can pay more for a product, they are constantly driving prices up.
When Pradoville mansions with ten bedrooms are being built, it drives up the price for building materials for the family of six building a simple home. People pressed economically start making immoral decisions and the downward spiral occurs.
Under the PNC, crime and criminality was kept to a petty level except for politically motivated crimes such as the assassination of Walter Rodney. Gun crimes were infrequent but are now a common occurrence. The drug trade existed under the PNC but was marginal at best. Contraband trading was big business but many viewed it as a moral necessity in the face of food bans.
The drug trade, proceeds from crime and the underground economy are now major centrepieces of Guyana’s economy under the PPP. The fact that the drug trade continues untouched under the PPP suggests the party sees the drug trade and the criminal economy as vital to the country’s economy.
One may argue the VAT was instituted to tax the spending of illegal wealth in Guyana. The PNC did not have a similar tax imposed on the proceeds of contraband trafficking. In fact, contraband trafficking and smuggling under the PPP is much larger than it was under the PNC.
The evidence of inaction against drug cartels points to the PPP strategically deciding to make the proceeds from drug trafficking and the underground economy a facet of its economic policy. The fact that the PPP refused to allow the DEA and the British entry to Guyana to fight the drug scourge and its denial of serious external help, strongly indicates the PPP sought to profit from the economic spinoffs of the drug trade.
Like every other jumbie and voodoo economic miscalculation of the PPP, this one backfired. Guyana grew 3.54% per annum under the PPP and 2.23% under Jagdeo, under whose rule the drug trade flourished in Guyana. There was far greater annual growth in Guyana under Cheddi Jagan when the drug trade was in its infancy.
It was a shameless, gutless and intellectually backward decision to refuse to crush the menace of the drug trade when the opportunity presented itself. Today, the drug trade benefits only a few who control it and those who are bribed by it.
The PNC had the same moral and economic dilemma as the PPP. During the heyday of the drug trade in the 1980s, where drug cartels made their most profits, the PNC could have allowed this scourge to take root to reap the economic spinoffs. But for all its skulduggery and wrongdoing, the PNC refused to take this step. Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte were patriotic enough to know the price of social devastation from encouraging criminal cartels and drug networks. They knew that drug cartels do not benefit a nation. They benefit the few leaders of that cartel and the corrupt who feed off of them. Corruption under the PPP dwarfs the stealing by the PNC. The PPP is showing us what thieving and bribery really is.
A bribe for a soft drink and a tennis roll or a small pittance to feed the family for a day in the PNC days is now a demand for millions, a car, a house and school fees for an entire year for the crook’s children. When men stole under the PNC to fix the leaking roof of their existing house or their fences, men today under the PPP are stealing enough to build several mega-mansions.
The scale of corruption and pilfering under the PPP is alarmingly outlandish. These are men with the impunity and unchecked greed. There is far more money collected from tax revenues available to the bandits within the PPP. It is evident that both the PNC and the PPP created criminal states or nations wracked by criminality. But the criminality and crime has attained a catastrophic scale under the PPP. Guyana is a narco-state.
For all their wrongs, Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham knew when to draw that line in the sand. For all their flaws and there are many, these men knew that some things simply could not ever be allowed to set foot upon the country of their birth and the land of their political sacrifices. They may have loved power and worshipped foreign ideologies and run dictatorships, but they knew when nation trumped everything else. These were men who were wrong on many things, but right on a few things that matter. The prospect of economic prosperity from drug trafficking at enormous cost to the nation was not an option to these men. They preferred a life of poverty, free of drug cartel-created crime, than a life of illicit wealth created by a poisonous substance that filled the nation with crime, fear and the rawness of blood spilling.
Drug cartels and crime networks are run by a few for the benefit of a few. Wherever the drug trade blooms, death, crime and inequality take off. This is the deathly legacy of the PPP.
M. Maxwell

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Criminality got out of order when Roger Khan was given a free reign to rule in Guyana.

BULLSHIT!!! Criminality got out of hand when Williams, Nigel and others were at Buxton  supporting, aiding and directing a ruthless gang of Criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Criminality got out of order when Roger Khan was given a free reign to rule in Guyana.

BULLSHIT!!! Criminality got out of hand when Williams, Nigel and others were at Buxton  supporting, aiding and directing a ruthless gang of Criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!



Criminality got out of order when Roger Khan was given a free reign to rule in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

No one was safe in Guyana since Gajaraj turned a blind eye on Roger Khan and that was 10 plus years ago.


Yes but I do not believe a Judge was ever attacked.

Good thing you don't go to Guyana. See what you missing.? Btw, where is cousin Ranjattan and Paul hero Seetalall persuad. They need to galvanize themselves into action now.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

No one was safe in Guyana since Gajaraj turned a blind eye on Roger Khan and that was 10 plus years ago.


Yes but I do not believe a Judge was ever attacked.

Good thing you don't go to Guyana. See what you missing.? Btw, where is cousin Ranjattan and Paul hero Seetalall persuad. They need to galvanize themselves into action now.

GUYANA GONE FUH CHANNA.  The train left the station May 12,

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

No one was safe in Guyana since Gajaraj turned a blind eye on Roger Khan and that was 10 plus years ago.


Yes but I do not believe a Judge was ever attacked.

Good thing you don't go to Guyana. See what you missing.? Btw, where is cousin Ranjattan and Paul hero Seetalall persuad. They need to galvanize themselves into action now.

GUYANA GONE FUH CHANNA.  The train left the station May 12,

Comment from the then US Ambassador



Comment ------- 19. (C) Multiple sources have expressed fears to Ambassador that not only has Khan penetrated almost every level of Guyanese government and society, but that he will exert ever greater influence over the political scene beginning with this year's elections. Most respected commentators believe that Guyana has already become or is well on the way to being a narco-state. If Guyana is a narco-state, then Khan is its leader. Ambassador has spoken with GoG to little avail about Khan's drug activities and unaccounted wealth. The GoG has adopted a head-in-the-sand approach to Khan and narco-trafficking in general. The GoG asks for hard evidence and pretends not to know how Khan acquires his means. END COMMENT. BULLEN


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