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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
They are trying to build a classless society.

Is that sunil in the picture?

Is it the big stomach that gave him away?

Could you image a country without pants?
OP in GT if that count,kwame chasing some of them funny bais

It's here in Manhattan to.

For the eleventh year, thousands of subway riders stripped to their skivvies for Improv Everywhere's annual wintertime prank. Bare-legged participants in three boroughs journeyed to Union Square, all the while acting as normal as possible to bemuse their fellow passengers. For the first time, there was an official after-party, hosted by Winkel & Balktick at the Greenwich Village Country Club. The strictly no-pants event featured a pants check, minigolf, No Pants Dance Squad and underwear-themed decor.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Doesn't appear too hygenic. Especially on public transportation.

People need to free up sometime. You should try it and show them your colors.
Sorry I'm old school. I wear underwear at the beach and not on the subway or whilst riding public transportation. From a hygene point of view I don't think it's a smart move. I wouldn't sit in just my short drawers on a subway car in NY. I would probably catch some venerial disease. Big Grin

That's like people who don't wear panties who don a mini skirt sitting in my seat on an aircraft on the previous leg of the voyage. They have remnants of piss on the chair then I have to sit there. I like full clothing on public transportation

Sorry, I have nothing against the no pants philosphy, it's just not my cup of tea when riding PT.

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