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Acting Chief Justice Ian Chang this afternoon overturned the decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions to have Police Commissioner Henry Greene charged with rape.

In a 64-page ruling that took almost 2 hours to read, Justice Chang ruled that the DPP’s advice to charge Greenewas bad in law and irrational.



Excerpts from Stabroeknews

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In a 64-page ruling that took almost 2 hours to read, Justice Chang ruled that the DPP’s advice to charge Greenewas bad in law and irrational.

Henry Greene

He said there was no way a conviction could have been secured against Greene and the police therefore cannot act on that advice.


Taken from Stabroeknews

It may have been a ploy to use the alleged victim as leverage for political gain, but the facts show that sexual activity did take place. Whether it was consensual is debatable, but the evidence was insufficient to go to trial. Reminds me of the Frenchman and the maid rape case in Manhattan recently.

So the accused serial rapists walk again....what makes this good legal decision making and the release of the treason accused bad in contrast? Do not worry, he will re offend if it is his nature. By his own account he has trouble with "the girls"


 The man is tainted. He had no right mounting a person in distress who came to his office as the highest law enforcement personnel in the nation. He is a sleeze bag and if the PPP had any moral center they would throw him to the wolves a long time back. The sex may have been consensual but he is lucky he is not here or   would still be facing   civil suits.


 The opposition did not tell him to drop his pants and drag his monstrous form over that woman in her most desperate moment. He took advantage of her and if the opposition makes hay of it it is only natural. The man is a pig; literally and figuratively. I doubt you can even recruit believers among your most faithful cadres who are not disgusted with his behavior. You are excused on account of being too slow to know better.


Consult your moral underpinnings for what is deemed "appropriate" in the exercise of ones office. It is not as though he met this woman in a bar ( doubt any woman in their right mind would want to be mounted by that mass of oozing flesh). This is a citizen requesting the good office of our law enforcement. He abused it.


He took of his pants, hauled his slabs of y=lard and performed a sex act on a person seeking help not sex. He took advantage of a woman in her need/ Indeed it is his word against hers but given the circumstance, who he is etc, one is compelled to conclude that man was acting as is his habit.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Those charges was questionably from the inception.......was it a ploy by the opponents of state to discredit the Commissioner and by extension the state?

What happen you jealous it's not you who got attacked and banged?


Another case like Kwame McCoy Bu@@ering de lil boy from Linden.

Green rapeing a next Police officers wife.....and McCoy jumping to defend him ...because eee see nothing wrong.


If you are supporting the Criminal Corrupt Cabal ......As long as you are operating under "Ramotar and Jagdeo"  watch are enttled to state protection and shelter.


However..... Assistant Commssioner Ramnarine must face discplary charges....WHY?????

(1) Is it because he is A Berbician???? 

(2) Is it  Because he is An Indain?????

(3) Is it Because he is Exposing wrongdoings by Jagdeo & Ramotar Black officials????

(4) Is it because he refuse to be anypart of the "Ramotar and Jajdeo" Criminal Corrupt Cabal?????



This is why Berbicians will not support Ramotar or Jagdeo and their Criminal Corrupt Cabal.


Look how Lamumba, McCoy and Green can commit any criminal act and be fully protected by Ramorar and Jagdeo.


A Horse of Different Color


Guys, the woman said in an interview on Benschop radio that she went with Green and brought pepper pot and chowmein. He had the chowmein and he  gave her the pepper pot.  Those were statements that would have been brought up in court.  Could these statements have influenced the decision not to put Green on trial for rape?


Wally the woman said Green called her and told her to come and pick up her cell phone.

I understand that is all the woman went for.


If that is true....Green lied about returning the cell phone....and was only planning to rape the Police Offcers wife




De Pepperpot, De Chowmein and De Raping was not what she went for or wanted from De Commishioner of Police.


Offering someone lil food after raping them does not legalise de crime or change it to consenual sex.


This is a defence like Conscience Kwame......eee say De lil Crying on the tape....prove it was him just begging Julius fuh de B*ttie.....and that is not a crime in President Jagdeo Office.


I wonder if any of the ladies here would like for Iman take them out for some chowmein an not souse, it was, pepper pot.

I should go ask dem girls in social.


That's the cheapest date I've heard of. What happen, no mauby with the meal or he run outta money?


TI, Yuh gun mek Spicer tek Malation now. Also, three people were set FREE for TREASON, I dont hear dem NEEMAKARAMS saying the JUDGE is no good. Sometimes I wonder if these CUNUMUNUS are really Guyanese. A diiferent kind of SHAMELESS PROS Guyanese I tell yoh.

Originally Posted by TI:
Blackie is a good role model for the young ones. He was draped with the national flag and died a true hero of the soil.

Blackie was criminal. Today we have many criminals running around town. 


Quote : Blackie is a good role model for the young ones. He was draped with the national flag and died a true hero of the soil.


Bhai in Guyana  after 1997 Flag dont mean anything.

(1) Blackie was the Biggest Criminal.....when they killed him PNC wrap eee coffin in the Guyana Flag.

(2) Sash Swah was the most honest and Hard Woring Minister in de PPP Govt.

He was rising too fast in de Party and had to be cut down to make room for Nephew-in-law. So he was assassinated , cut down and the most brutal manner. Jagdeo & Ramotar wrapped his coffin with the PPP Flag and sing de PPP official '

"De Chutney Song" .........including......Oh Fighting men....

Up to today no one was ever arrested or charge although it was a Gang that carried out the Orders to Kill.....Jagdeo say he know de killers.....but then he say "Na badda with da"


PPP General Secretary, Mr. Donald Ramotar also asked "why Sash?" He said his assassination was an act of terrorism, designed to create fear and panic in the country.

"I have no doubt that the intellectual authors of this beastly act had as one of their objectives, to undermine the growing unity of our people. Unity and solidarity are enemies of terrorists," he said.

In response, he said Guyana must work even harder to defend democracy, and to advance socially, economically and politically.

HOME TRIBUTE: Part of the mammoth crowd for the funeral service of the late minister, his brother Rajpat and sister Pulmattie.

Touching too on the possible objective of the assassins to impact the upcoming elections, he said this object must be forfeited with the holding of free and fair elections of international standards and witnessed by national and international observers.

"Our security forces must bring to justice those that have committed these foul deeds with seeming impunity. We call on them to redouble their efforts and bring an end to terrorism in Guyana," he urged.



PPP FAREWELL: Members of the PPP give the victory sign as they thank Satyadeow Sawh for a "a job well done" and bid farewell.

The funeral was a mixture of outright condemnation of the minister' assassination, calls for his assassins to be brought to justice, and of sterling tributes, especially for his work among rural farmers, for whom he saw agriculture as their way out of poverty.

"Let our tears be irrigation for a new crop of fighters for the protection of our democracy and the development of our country," said Mr. Navin Chanderpal, whose portfolio of Agriculture Minister Sawh took over when he resigned a few years ago.



Sawh left behind his wife, Sattie, and two sons Roger, 19, and Dave, 16. Roger described him as the "the biggest teddy bear" and with the reputation he built up, he said his father went down with "a blaze of glory."


He also paid tribute to their guard Robertson, calling him "a soldier to the very end, and he even paid tribute to their dog, Brutus, who was also killed in the attack. It was a reflection of the humility and the dignity Sawh accorded any he came into contact with, whether high official or those he walked with in the mud.


"We will pull together and weather this very difficult storm," Roger told a mammoth crowd at their Earl' Court, LBI home where his father was murdered.


When his body arrived at Freedom House, headquarters of the governing People' Progressive Party (PPP), the outpouring of emotions from Afro-Guyanese women, who credited Sawh with their livelihood, was a telling demonstration that he had transcended ethnicity in his dealings with the ordinary people.





(3) Only the other day after them loose all them votes in Berbice....some PPP idiots were calling to change the Guyana Flag ......and replace it with some Jhandi flags. Ramotar & Jagdeo Bhai's got no respect for the Guyana Flag. 


Whoever was behind the killing of Minister Sawh may have known three things about the man.


1. Sawh hated guns.


2. Sawh don't have loaded guns in his house.


3. Sawh's house guards did not carry guns. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Many of these criminals who are running around town were hoping to get into office last November.  I am sorry they have been disappointed.

And the #1 criminal made a house for 2 mill USD. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The million dollar question remains.....and probably the alleged victim can shade some light on it.....was it a ploy by the opponents of state to discredit the Commissioner?


 Picking up for your BF?

Last edited by Mitwah

I am disappointed that this man was not tried in a court of law. We have an alleged victim here and the accused walks freely with a cloud of doubt floating like bad breath around this man.


Political or not, a case of rape should not have been taken this lightly. A very sad day for rape victims in Guyana. 


The court has made its decision and it stands but it sends the wrong message. Let us call a spade a spade.



Yugee......Bhai like Ramotar people cant get it right....Honestly I cant see Ralph or anyone else allowing this to happen under their Presidency.

This man as you said should be charged.....this is where Ramotar and Jagdeo is messing up the country.

Bookman say.......Book Green now.....and we all agree.


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