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Former Member



-thoughts on PPP’s warning and GECOM’s assurance…

IT HAS been a long time since a major party in Guyana opted to go public with the serious claim of “electoral padding” of the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) compiled by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) for new national elections.

But precisely such an allegation was made in a media statement last week by the General Secretary of the governing People’s Progressive Party (PPP, Mr. Clement Rohee.
Also current high profile Minister of Home Affairs, Rohee went further with a promise to make available to GECOM the relevant information obtained on “electoral padding” with the expectation that the problem would be speedily and seriously addressed by the Commission.freedom_house
Well, as is widely known, under the Peoples National Congress (PNC) long reign of state power-based on documented evidence of rigged national elections-allegations of “electoral padding” for national elections was the norm that made a mockery of electoral democracy.
It is, therefore, quite encouraging to learn, via GECOM’s Deputy Chief Elections Officer, Vishnu Persaud, that while the Commission has good reasons to say the current Preliminary List of Electors was “safe” (meaning, I assume, free of political skullduggery), it would await the promised report of specific problems referenced by the PPP’s General Secretary.
I am reasonably familiar with the functioning of the seven-member Commission–an independent constitutional body. I think I also know something of the particular competence and integrity of its chairman, Dr Steve Surujablly, in addition to a few of the commissioners, of the PPP and PNC.
According to media reports out of Georgetown there appears to be some tension in current relations between the administration of President Donald Ramotar and the Commission’s chairman.
Assuming the accuracy of such reports, it is to be hoped that both would correct this impression following the release of the approved preliminary list of verified electors.
The people of Guyana cannot afford ANY brand of political rascality that smacks of governance based on rigged elections. And the PNC’s activists of Region 10 who were also delegates at the party’s 18th biennial congress cannot now be a party to any kind of electoral fraud.

Barbados/T&T politics
Meanwhile, hilarious or worrying as they may be for those directly involved, the reality is that multi-party politicking continues to dominate public life in these Caribbean Community states. And surprises, painful and otherwise, are guaranteed.
Hence in Barbados, a former dynamic leader and three-term Prime Minister can walk away from the party of which he has been a member for 43 unbroken years with a public pledge “never to return.”
In this regard, mark one for Mr. Owen Arthur, a respected economist and former articulate crusader for the Caribbean Community as an economic integration movement.
Across in neighbouring Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Winston Dookeran, an economist and former Central Bank Governor, currently Foreign Minister in the cabinet of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, is burdened with his own political disenchantment.
Having voted, as he said he would, against the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2014 in the House of Representatives last Wednesday, he may well have decided to demonstrate more of an independent position between now and new general elections by June next year, and not later than September.
A founder-leader of the Congress of Peoples (COP), which secured six seats at the last general election for the 41-member House of Representatives, comfortably dominated by the United National Congress of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Dookeran, once a key representative of the UNC had broken ranks to form the COP ahead of the 2010 general elections.
The Constitution Amendment Bill, otherwise viewed as a path-setting legislation to enhance parliamentary democracy, includes the right to recall parliamentarians as well as term limits for Prime Ministers. It also provides for so-called “run-off” polls when contestants fail to secure more than 50 percent of the valid votes in any constituency.
Ironically,  while Dookeran voted against the bill, his successor as COP leader, Prakash Ramadhar, lawyer by profession, remains quite firm in his support, even as Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar, had publicly declared that all government MPs were “free” to vote as they choose and so they overwhelmingly did.
The Senate is scheduled to meet on August 26 when the focus of attention would be on the voting by six independent senators. The indication points to approval, as happened in the elected House of Representatives.

BLP “lost its way”?
Meanwhile, former Prime Minister Arthur, who resigned last month from the Barbados Labour Party, with which he had cut his political teeth. He did so amid then prevailing wide protests against the government’s controversial Solid Waste Tax (as reported on earlier in this column).
Arthur’s stunning claim to rationalise his departure from the BLP-one of CARICOM’s oldest parties-was that it “has lost its way and has lost its soul…”
What a startling indictment—the validity of which is yet to be clearly articulated-by Arthur, the politician who now sits on the front-bench in parliament slightly apart from government MPs in the House of Assembly. Among those MPs are ones who have been chorusing their ridicule of Arthur as both Prime Minister and Opposition Leader.
Question of relevance being raised, and not just by faithful members of the BLP-one of the oldest parties of the Caribbean-but others of divergent political affiliations as well.
That painful question is whether it is Mr. Arthur-former dynamic party leader and three-term Prime Minister who may really “have lost his way”-by his dramatic “walk away” from the party with which he had spent 43 of his 64 years?
In our CARICOM Region a few other major parties have been varyingly affected by leadership problems, some resulting in splits and creation of new parties. Examples would most decidedly include Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Jamaica, Dominica, Grenada and St. Lucia.

(Analysis by Rickey Singh)


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

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Bai Shan Lin owes Amerindians “plenty, plenty money”

August 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- Company switches managers, system to avoid paying - Refused to sign agreement with Region One Village – Kwebanna residents

Amerindians from Kwebanna Village, Region One, promised “plenty, plenty money” to work for Bai Shan Lin, are today

Godfrey Wilson, Toshao of Kwebanna Village, Region One

Godfrey Wilson, Toshao of Kwebanna Village, Region One


owed millions of dollars by the Chinese company. The Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) claims that it is holding Bai Shan Lin accountable to the laws of the country, including those governing corporate social responsibility. But Amerindians of Kwebanna, a tiny village of Arawaks, Warraus and Caribs, near Bai Shan Lin’s operations, in Waini, Region One, would tell you a different story. Bai Shan Lin harvests logs through what forestry authorities say is a joint venture with Kwebanna Woods, a company that has a Timber Sales Agreement that allows it to harvest for export in commercial quantities. Some of the workers employed by Bai Shan Lin are owed a combined total of millions of dollars. “They tell me that I must give them the service and I must work for plenty, plenty money and they would pay me the money but when the time reach for I come home now, no money,” said Andrew Brescenio. He is among workers who would spend weeks, sometimes up to three at a time, living in plastic tents while cutting logs for Bai Shan Lin. When Bai Shan Lin entered the village looking for chainsaw operators, Brescenio opted to go. He started working with the company in October 23, 2012. He was promised pay of $400 for every cubic metre of trees he cut. He worked seven blocks and only received a percentage of what he worked for.  He left for the village and returned in 2013. He had hoped to collect what was owed to him, but to no avail. It was then that he was told to work for “plenty, plenty money” and when it adds up he would be paid. But again, he was given just a percentage and to date has not received a cent of what is owed to him. He alone is owed over $1 million, he said. “They always promising us that they will pay whenever we done cut the wood…but they rob we.” Even when it comes to knowing exactly what is cut, they have to take Bai Shan Lin’s word for it, as the measurement is

Owed hundreds of thousands of dollars, Andrew Bruscenio

Owed hundreds of thousands of dollars, Andrew Bruscenio


done by the Chinese workers. “They always keep robbing we on the production too because they never give us the priority to measure our own logs to know how much cubic metre we cutting.” Bruscenio said that on his last attempt to get the money he worked for, he was told by Bai Shan Lin officials that the manager had been fired and the current managers knew nothing of his outstanding wages. Silent Minister Brescenio said that the matter was drawn to the attention of the Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai since last year, but she has not responded to the complaints. The Amerindian man travelled several miles to Buckhall, Essequibo River to talk to Bai Shan Lin, in vain. He had no money to travel back to Kwebanna. His story resembles that of other workers. Bandie Samuels worked with the company in 2012. He is owed over $100,000. Theobald Lewis said that initially, he worked for 18 days then got sick and had to return to the village. He was given a partial payment in two installments. He went back to the interior to meet with officials to get the rest of his money and was asked to work further and he would be paid the total sum, including what was owed to him. Today, he is still waiting. “We are not getting into contact with these people…When we call, different manager and different system in place.” He too said that the matter was reported to the Minister of Amerindian Affairs, but she has not responded. Some workers have been more fortunate than others when it comes to their payment, but it was not without much persistence. “I had to make plenty calls to get my money,” said Trevon Brescilio. But it’s not just the workers felling trees who have been exploited. Villager, David Thomas,

Owed: Two villagers of Kwebanna who claimed they are also owed significant sums by Bai Shan Lin.

Owed: Two villagers of Kwebanna who claimed they are also owed significant sums by Bai Shan Lin.


said that he served hot meals to Bai Shan Lin operations but the company also never paid him. He is owed about $140,000. “I give them ting to eat; they come by me, I cook and I give (them) it.” Apart from the exploitation of the workers at Kwebanna, when Bai Shan Lin entered the community, the company reportedly bluntly refused to draw up an agreement with the community, according to the village Toshao, or Leader, Godfrey Wilson. Kwebanna has been operating a Community Forestry Commission for over ten years now. The village leader said that when officials of the company first visited about three years ago, they informed the villagers that they are going to check out “their land.” “So that was a surprise and shock to us! You coming from China and say you coming to check out our land!” No agreement According to the village Toshao the company wanted to use the village as a thoroughfare to take out its logs. The village asked for a monthly toll of $1.5 million. The company refused, Wilson said. When it entered the village, Bai Shan Lin offered to buy the logs the community harvests. Wilson said the village agreed, but Bai Shan Lin wanted to set the payment terms. The village refused because the price that was offered was below what was reasonable to villagers. The village depends on its community forestry operation; most of the villagers are

The Kwebanna community along Waini River, Region One

The Kwebanna community along Waini River, Region One


employed in the village enterprise which processes the logs, which are then sold as building material to companies on the Coast. In Region One, Bai Shan Lin has been logging various species of wood and selling to Barama Company Limited. In order to get ready for its operations, the company has to clear the Waini River to allow it to float the logs out of the area. It is now aggressively cutting miles and miles of road in the area, a signal of its intent. The GFC and its governing authority, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, have launched an unprecedented public relations campaign to defend Bai Shan Lin which has come under intense scrutiny in the past weeks over its logging activities. The Parliamentary opposition has already accused senior government officials of colluding with the company to hide the true nature of its operations, noting that kickbacks are what have caused it to shut up in the face of what could be glaring violations of Guyanese law. A flyover last week of Bai Shan Lin operations in Kwakwani, East of the Upper Berbice River, found a huge stockpile of logs, mainly Wamara and other prime species. GFC has said that the Chinese company is doing nothing wrong but there are many questions over the joint venture

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo


arrangement and the many concessions granted to the Chinese company, including duty free concessions on luxury vehicles like Lexus and Infiniti, hundreds of container trucks, loaders, excavators, bulldozers and other heavy duty vehicles. The heavy equipment is mainly for primary logging activities.


PPP propaganda machine at work to deceive Guyanese again

April 22, 2011 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The PPP does not do many things well. However, they have a propaganda machine that has been of great service to them, even if it comes at the expense of the development of Guyana. Let me give some examples. One night in August 2009, I attended a small function held on the Grounds of Belfield House, The residence of the late President L. F. S. Burnham. While at this function I took time to take a long hard look at the building. I had visited this place before but never really took the time to observe like I did that night. After a while I had to conclude the PPP’s propaganda machinery was most efficient. While in the opposition they claimed that Burnham was the richest man in Guyana. Later they claimed he was the 5th richest black man in the world. They claimed he had a huge account stashed away in the Swiss bank, and people believed them. As I looked at that house I concluded it was a simple structure, just the size of the average house in Queenstown and Bel Air. Burnham, before becoming Prime Minister must have been a man of some means. He was a lawyer. By any estimate he lived better than the average Guyanese citizen. Yet as President, with all the money he was alleged to have stolen, his castle was rather modest. There was no Padoville in those days. Burnham’s ministers lived close to the ordinary people. These days the ministers are all able to live in exclusive comfort. The point I want to make is that few of the ministers of the present PPP government had as much to start with as Mr. Burnham did. Yet within five years they all have homes far better and more expensive than the one he had. How did they get it? Not one of the PPP ministers would exchange where they now live for Burnham’s castle at Belfield. This is the power of the PPP’s propaganda machine. The CORA report was recently released. It underscores many of the claims that many Guyanese were making over the years. There is enough information to point to the fact that this is a corrupt, dishonest and incompetent government. The only hope of the PPP is to create enough fear in the society by playing on old ethnic concerns. The day that Guyanese can overcome racial sensibilities that will be the last day that the PPP could hope to be in government. The calculation is simple – they will try to call on an Indian majority to put them back in power. Jagdeo’s race baiting performance at Babu John was anything but presidential. His address was clearly designed to scare the audience into accepting their fate as being stuck with this useless inept administration forever. Mr. Jagdeo and his administration treats Guyanese like if they are a pack of fools. The man has been President for 12 years and is so ashamed of his own record that he fears to mention anything about it. He blames the PNC for all and sundry even though they have been out of power for more than 18 years. He also blames Brigadier David Granger for actions and incidents totally unrelated to his duties and or responsibilities. Imagine Mr. Jagdeo as an authority on issues which occurred 25 years ago, yet he knows nothing of Roger Khan whose criminal empire flourished under his very nose. He claims to know that Brigadier Granger stifled some Indian officers’ military careers. Now, Jagdeo has several boards with over 350 members, not even 10% are black. During Burnham’s time both blacks and Indians were Administrative and Factory managers on the estates. Today, under the enlightened Mr. Jagdeo, not a single black man is in any of those positions. The token blacks he keeps around him are silent and for a few dollars more will sit on their consciences. Guyanese are tired of this hypocrisy. We urge them to vote for change, vote Granger. Aubrey Retemyer

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Well, as is widely known, under the Peoples National Congress (PNC) long reign of state power-based on documented evidence of rigged national elections-allegations of “electoral padding” for national elections was the norm that made a mockery of electoral democracy.

It is, therefore, quite encouraging to learn, via GECOM’s Deputy Chief Elections Officer, Vishnu Persaud, that while the Commission has good reasons to say the current Preliminary List of Electors was “safe” (meaning, I assume, free of political skullduggery), it would await the promised report of specific problems referenced by the PPP’s General Secretary.




August 16, 2014

Hopefully, the election list and process will not have irregularities.

Last edited by Former Member

It is clear that the PPP is  on a propaganda offensive

February 3, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, An erroneous and lamentable article was published in the Guyana Chronicle of February 1, 2013 under the caption “Kumar charges Opposition with frustrating local government elections” and in which PPP/C`s MP, Neil Kumar accuses the Opposition of “frustrating the efforts of the Govt to discuss the local Govt Bills and, subsequently hold local Govt elections” (sic). This article arose from an interview held at Mr. Kumar`s office in Middle St and aside and apart from the many ridiculous and unfounded contentions of Mr. Kumar that it contains, there are basic factual inaccuracies. Among the latter are the following : (i) he states that local govt elections are supposed to be held every two years -the fact is that they are to be held every three years !, (ii) he further states that at the first meeting of the Special Select Committee (SSC) held in December 2012 that “the Opposition had demanded to be represented by five persons while the government had four representatives” -fact is that the composition of the SSC had earlier been determined by the Committee of Appointments and the purpose of the first meeting was to elect a Chairperson, (iii) he refers to discussions by the SSC on the “Elections Commission Bill” ! -no such Bill exists; the Bill that was discussed was the Local Govt Commission Bill 2012, Bill No. 13 of 2012 and (iv) perhaps most humorous was his belief and interpretation that the “ABC” diplomats who had recently issued a joint-Statement calling for the holding of local govt elections without delay, represented Argentina, Brazil and Chile ! A separate article appears in the Guyana Times also of 1st Feb., 2013 quoting Local Govt Minister, Ganga Persaud as saying that the last meeting of the SSC was adjourned by the Chairman, MP Basil Williams “following dispute over the minutes” ! It is clear from the above that the PPP is on a propaganda offensive (as well as an offensive one) to misrepresent and distort the truth and using media outlets that they control, as it relates to the work of the SSC charged with refining the four Bills now before it, passage of which are a pre-condition for the holding of local govt elections. Having been treated to the above mischievous misrepresentation of events the public ought to know the truth. The meeting had to be adjourned not only because the Minutes of the Fourth Meeting were poorly written and contained serious flaws which it did. The other reason for the adjournment had to do with what was clearly a coordinated effort by govt members to misrepresent decisions that were taken at the previous meeting. Specifically I refer to Clause 4.(1) and 4.(1),(b) which were concluded and resolved by majority position. These two clauses changed the composition of the proposed Local Govt Commission from six to seven members and for three such members to be appointed by the President, acting on the advice of Leader of the Opposition. The unresolved clause was 4.(1) (c) which deals with the appointment of the seventh member. The opposition members, though in majority, acquiesced to calls from the govt members to not make a decision/determination on our proposal for this member to be a nominee of a Trade Union in the local govt field (and we proposed two such unions) but to defer such decision for the next meeting. Lo and behold we were told by govt members at the meeting in question that it was agreed that the ENTIRE clause 4., i.e., 4.(1)(a),(b)&(c) would be discussed at the next meeting ! Faced with this blatant attempt at re-opening decisions previously taken, the Opposition members felt it to be a sufficiently important issue and principle to be definitively determined and only after accurate minutes were available, based on verbatim recording, before proceeding, lest future work of the SSC suffer similar fate.  Unless this kind of behavior is nipped in the bud this process would have no end. MP, Kumar‘s clumsy attempt to link the Opposition as being the cause of delays in the process is without foundation. At the very first meeting in December 2012 which was for the purpose of electing a Chairperson, I advised the meeting that Dr Ramayya who was unavoidably absent wanted me to convey his vote for Mr. Williams to be the Chair and that he hoped members would respect his wishes, even though absent, so as to not delay the work of the Committee. The govt members ignored his stated desire which only meant delaying the inevitable as once Dr Ramayya was present at the following meeting, the same result was had. Secondly at the third meeting of the SSC, Chairman Williams recommended that the Committee meet twice weekly which did not find favour with govt members. We believe that the public is well aware who is responsible for local govt elections not being held for many years and who it is that are denying them this right. It can only be the govt who have been in control of the process for the past twelve years. Ronald Bulkan



And let us not forget the rigged financial status of Guyana. Had the PPP not stolen more than 50% of the country's income, each person in Guyana would today be better off by at least U$10,000.


The PPP regime has clung on to power for nearly a quarter of a century. If there is any election rigging taking place, then it would be the ruling party that would be be capable of doing such thing. The opposition parties are not the ones who orders the ballot boxes with double bottoms, and the extra printed ballot papers.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

This forum still wait Mitwah's own thoughts on the alleged padding of Gecom's voting list.

Is like this. A certain PPP/Crony takes up a position in a foreign land to issue visas. He will issue more that 1,000 visas during the year. He collects an average of U$1,000 from each applicant. Councie, what is 1000X1000? That's how the ole boys are able to become wealthy and multi millionaires. Councie, you are wasting time posting propaganda for peanuts.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

This forum still wait Mitwah's own thoughts on the alleged padding of Gecom's voting list.

Like you kwambe, who always peddling the GINA LIES.

Bynoe, the man who was draping a flag on Blackie Coffin, is now his new Guru.



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