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Finance Minister’s wife to approve husband’s accounts in Auditor General’s Office – AFC

June 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under News


-    Acting Auditor General not qualified for substantive position The Alliance For Change (AFC) has noted with concern that the acting Auditor General has promoted the wife of the Minister of Finance, Gitanjali Singh, to Audit Director. The promotion, according to the AFC, has created a situation in which Dr. Ashni Singh, as Finance Minister, holds the responsibility for the preparation and certification of the financial statements of the country, which results in a conflict of interest as his wife is responsible for auditing those financial statements… At a press conference hosted by the Alliance For Change, Member of Parliament, Trevor Williams, who is also on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), noted that collectively four persons were promoted, including the wife of the Minister of Finance. “Ms. Gitanjali Singh, being the only qualified accountant among the senior management in the Audit Office, is integrally involved in the auditing of statements prepared by her husband and expressing an opinion on them. “This is a clear conflict of interest and a breach of the professional code of accountants. Both Dr. Singh and his wife are professionally qualified accountants and are members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana,” Williams noted. He added that the AFC cannot accept that Deodat Sharma is unaware of the provisions of the Audit Act and does not know that he cannot legally do what he is now trying to do with the support of the PPP/C. “The PPP/C is afraid that a proper functioning Audit Office would prevent the theft and corruption which now pervades this dear land.” Underscoring that the Auditor General is among the most important offices under the Constitution of any country, Williams said that the duty of the holder is the guardian of the public purse with the responsibility to see that every dollar collected goes into the Consolidated Fund and not one dollar comes out of it without parliamentary approval. He explained that whether substantively or as an acting appointment, the Auditor General is appointed by the President in accordance with the advice of the Public Service Commission. However, the current holder does not have a professional accounting qualification necessary for the position of Auditor General and has been acting in the position for more than seven years. Williams said that the Constitution gives responsibility for the oversight of the Auditor General to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) but not in the exercise of his duties. “But Presidential Advisor on Governance Ms. Gail Teixeira and Advisor of Empowerment Mr. Odinga Lumumba, two of the PPP/C’s members of the PAC, demonstrating amazing ignorance of the law are accusing the Opposition of ‘interfering in Audit Office internal affairs and stymieing the process of collaboration and trust,” Williams opined. “This is the new game being played by the PPP/C. If they do not get their way they accuse the other side of non-cooperation. It does not escape us that what the PPP/C might be trying to do is undermine the work of the PAC on the 2010 government accounts. They know that they no longer have majority control of the PAC which allowed for a limited examination of the past reports. They are afraid of the serious defects which a thorough review of the 2010 accounts and the audit report will reveal.” Adding that if corruption is to be controlled the Audit Office needs qualified, independent professionals backed by a sufficient number of support staff, Williams said it is time for the country to have a qualified and substantive Auditor General, and the AFC is calling on the Public Service Commission to take steps to advise the President on the matter. The PAC is a nine-person Committee made up of four members of the Government and five from the opposition (APNU-4 and AFC-1). The Committee is chaired by Carl Greenidge, a former Minister of Finance. In addition to the constitutional provisions, there is an Audit Act which contains the law governing the Audit Office. Section 14 (3) of this Act states that “The Auditor General’s appointment and discipline of all senior officers and senior employees shall be subject to the approval of the Public Accounts Committee”. In other words, the appointment which Mr. Sharma is seeking to make requires the approval of the Public Accounts Committee

Replies sorted oldest to newest



This smells of a political witch hunt lead by Donkey Cart economist, Carl Greenidge. He should go to jail for not auditing the books for years. He gave Guyana a basket state economy.

This monster Carl Greenidge should not even be allowed in parliament.


Originally Posted by Nehru:

Is Mrs Singh qualified and has the necessary experience . . .???

ummm . . . yesss.


But what THAT has to do with the gross assault on probity, common sense, common decency, and likely law underlined in this OBSCENE Conflict of Interest escapes me.


For a change, . . . THINK [a little] before you bray

Originally Posted by Nehru:

BULLSHIT!!! First, is Mrs Singh a long standing Employee of the Dept???? Is Mrs Singh qualified and has the necessary experience to justify the Promotion???

dude...I still refuse to believe you that stupid to not see the problem....

Originally Posted by yuji22:



This smells of a political witch hunt lead by Donkey Cart economist, Carl Greenidge. He should go to jail for not auditing the books for years. He gave Guyana a basket state economy.

This monster Carl Greenidge should not even be allowed in parliament.


AFC MP Trevor Williams


The ignorant little bigot 'Yuji22' apparently thinks all Black people 'look alike.'


Memo to the stupid . . . the man above is NOT Carl Greenidge.


Ray, What problem??? You need to learn about Professionalism and Ethics. You are saying that it is OK to deprive someone a promotion who is qualified for such. A REAL, PROFESSIONAL Accountant/ AUDITOR has no problem Auditing the Accounts of their children/parents. Professionalism is NOT something you seem to understand.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



This smells of a political witch hunt lead by Donkey Cart economist, Carl Greenidge. He should go to jail for not auditing the books for years. He gave Guyana a basket state economy.

This monster Carl Greenidge should not even be allowed in parliament.


AFC MP Trevor Williams


The ignorant little bigot 'Yuji22' apparently thinks all Black people 'look alike.'


Memo to the stupid . . . the man above is NOT Carl Greenidge.


I will not get personal. But i forgive your ignorance. If you had carefully read the article above, you would have seen that:


"The PAC is a nine-person Committee made up of four members of the Government and five from the opposition (APNU-4 and AFC-1). The Committee is chaired by Carl Greenidge, a former Minister of Finance"

Guyana has too many committees of people sitting on their asses and doing nothing....get the committee members to put together the workpapers for the audit and have Mrs. Singh review and signoff.  that way they will have first hand knowledge of all transactions....Watch how quick they resign when they have real work to do.
Originally Posted by alena06:
Guyana has too many committees of people sitting on their asses and doing nothing....get the committee members to put together the workpapers for the audit and have Mrs. Singh review and signoff.  that way they will have first hand knowledge of all transactions....Watch how quick they resign when they have real work to do.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



This smells of a political witch hunt lead by Donkey Cart economist, Carl Greenidge. He should go to jail for not auditing the books for years. He gave Guyana a basket state economy.

This monster Carl Greenidge should not even be allowed in parliament.


AFC MP Trevor Williams


The ignorant little bigot 'Yuji22' apparently thinks all Black people 'look alike.'


Memo to the stupid . . . the man above is NOT Carl Greenidge.


I will not get personal. But i forgive your ignorance. If you had carefully read the article above, you would have seen that:


"The PAC is a nine-person Committee made up of four members of the Government and five from the opposition (APNU-4 and AFC-1). The Committee is chaired by Carl Greenidge, a former Minister of Finance"

Idiot, I know EXACTLY what is in the article. You stupidly walked into the trap I set up.


Non sequitur  . . . meet red herring!!


Look it up

Originally Posted by Nehru:

BULLSHIT!!! First, is Mrs Singh a long standing Employee of the Dept???? Is Mrs Singh qualified and has the necessary experience to justify the Promotion???





YUh using words Bhai. Conflict of Interest HEHE Big Word Bhai. So conflict of interest should deprive this young lady a Promotion??? Easy lesson good fuh DUNCE. Now let Nehru tell yuh bout Konflik of interest. Mrs Singh can recluse herself from any Audit that involves her husban's office but MUST NOT deprive her of her promotion.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mrs Singh can recluse herself from any Audit that involves her husban's office but MUST NOT deprive her of her promotion.


D_G, you know many qualified persons are not named to positions due to real or perceived conflict of interest.  I don't say the lady has any hidden agenda, but any decision she is involved with that dove-tails with her husbands will draw unwanted scrutiny.


BTW, Ms. Gitanjali Singh is not the wife of Ashni Singh, but actually the wife of Sasanaraine Singh.  So her choice might be good from a controls standpoint.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mrs Singh can recluse herself from any Audit that involves her husban's office but MUST NOT deprive her of her promotion.


D_G, you know many qualified persons are not named to positions due to real or perceived conflict of interest.


I don't say the lady has any hidden agenda, but any decision she is involved with that dove-tails with her husbands will draw unwanted scrutiny.


BTW, Ms. Gitanjali Singh is not the wife of Ashni Singh, but actually the wife of Sasanaraine Singh.  So her choice might be good from a controls standpoint.

Baseman .. when the person's functions will be in constant conflict with issues, then it would be apt for the person to step aside from the position.


A person can completely step aside from a specific issue, while being head of the organisation.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mrs Singh can recluse herself from any Audit that involves her husban's office but MUST NOT deprive her of her promotion.


D_G, you know many qualified persons are not named to positions due to real or perceived conflict of interest.


I don't say the lady has any hidden agenda, but any decision she is involved with that dove-tails with her husbands will draw unwanted scrutiny.


BTW, Ms. Gitanjali Singh is not the wife of Ashni Singh, but actually the wife of Sasanaraine Singh.  So her choice might be good from a controls standpoint.

Baseman .. when the person's functions will be in constant conflict with issues, then it would be apt for the person to step aside from the position.


A person can completely step aside from a specific issue, while being head of the organisation.

D_G, I guess then, given her husband's position and the Function for which she will work, she will be re-named Ms Step-Aside Singh!

Originally Posted by baseman:

I don't say the lady has any hidden agenda, but any decision she is involved with that dove-tails with her husbands will draw unwanted scrutiny.


BTW, Ms. Gitanjali Singh is not the wife of Ashni Singh, but actually the wife of Sasanaraine Singh.  So her choice might be good from a controls standpoint.

Huh . . . ?!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mrs Singh can recluse herself from any Audit that involves her husban's office but MUST NOT deprive her of her promotion.


D_G, you know many qualified persons are not named to positions due to real or perceived conflict of interest.


I don't say the lady has any hidden agenda, but any decision she is involved with that dove-tails with her husbands will draw unwanted scrutiny.


BTW, Ms. Gitanjali Singh is not the wife of Ashni Singh, but actually the wife of Sasanaraine Singh.  So her choice might be good from a controls standpoint.

Baseman .. when the person's functions will be in constant conflict with issues, then it would be apt for the person to step aside from the position.


A person can completely step aside from a specific issue, while being head of the organisation.

D_G, I guess then, given her husband's position and the Function for which she will work, she will be re-named Ms Step-Aside Singh!

Baseman .. your guess is simply a guess without solid practical use.


There are many instances where people might be considered in a position of conflict-of-interest, which have been prudently resolved.


Personal case in point.


1. A controversial project would have caused a perceived personal conflict-of-interest because I would be involved with the review and provision of advice/recommendations on the specific proposal.


2. The proposal would be in in the area where I live and the locals would prefer that I represent the community on the proposal as distinct from my work setting.


3. I outlined the details of the issues and the matter was sent to the Attorney General's and Solicitor General's offices to render a decision.


4. The Attorney General's and Solicitor General's offices rendered careful decisions; with cited cases; that my actions on both sides would not be a conflict-of-interest.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Does Guyana have a Conflict of Interest ACT?


Is there also A Conflict of Interest Code for the Members of Parliament?

Yea, that's why Jagdeo had to "fire" Varshanie.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Does Guyana have a Conflict of Interest ACT?


Is there also A Conflict of Interest Code for the Members of Parliament?

Yea, that's why Jagdeo had to "fire" Varshanie.



So Ashni Singh is the Chairman of NICIL and in this capacity, he reports to the Minister of Finance who just happens to be Ashni Singh himself. Then after he cooks the books, his wife is the auditor who approves of his culinary skills.


What a bunch of shameless thieves.

Originally Posted by redux:


Finance Minister’s wife to approve husband’s accounts in Auditor General’s Office – AFC

June 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under News


-    Acting Auditor General not qualified for substantive position The Alliance For Change (AFC) has noted with concern that the acting Auditor General has promoted the wife of the Minister of Finance, Gitanjali Singh, to Audit Director. The promotion, according to the AFC, has created a situation in which Dr. Ashni Singh, as Finance Minister, holds the responsibility for the preparation and certification of the financial statements of the country, which results in a conflict of interest as his wife is responsible for auditing those financial statements… At a press conference hosted by the Alliance For Change, Member of Parliament, Trevor Williams, who is also on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), noted that collectively four persons were promoted, including the wife of the Minister of Finance. “Ms. Gitanjali Singh, being the only qualified accountant among the senior management in the Audit Office, is integrally involved in the auditing of statements prepared by her husband and expressing an opinion on them. “This is a clear conflict of interest and a breach of the professional code of accountants. Both Dr. Singh and his wife are professionally qualified accountants and are members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana,” Williams noted. He added that the AFC cannot accept that Deodat Sharma is unaware of the provisions of the Audit Act and does not know that he cannot legally do what he is now trying to do with the support of the PPP/C. “The PPP/C is afraid that a proper functioning Audit Office would prevent the theft and corruption which now pervades this dear land.” Underscoring that the Auditor General is among the most important offices under the Constitution of any country, Williams said that the duty of the holder is the guardian of the public purse with the responsibility to see that every dollar collected goes into the Consolidated Fund and not one dollar comes out of it without parliamentary approval. He explained that whether substantively or as an acting appointment, the Auditor General is appointed by the President in accordance with the advice of the Public Service Commission. However, the current holder does not have a professional accounting qualification necessary for the position of Auditor General and has been acting in the position for more than seven years. Williams said that the Constitution gives responsibility for the oversight of the Auditor General to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) but not in the exercise of his duties. “But Presidential Advisor on Governance Ms. Gail Teixeira and Advisor of Empowerment Mr. Odinga Lumumba, two of the PPP/C’s members of the PAC, demonstrating amazing ignorance of the law are accusing the Opposition of ‘interfering in Audit Office internal affairs and stymieing the process of collaboration and trust,” Williams opined. “This is the new game being played by the PPP/C. If they do not get their way they accuse the other side of non-cooperation. It does not escape us that what the PPP/C might be trying to do is undermine the work of the PAC on the 2010 government accounts. They know that they no longer have majority control of the PAC which allowed for a limited examination of the past reports. They are afraid of the serious defects which a thorough review of the 2010 accounts and the audit report will reveal.” Adding that if corruption is to be controlled the Audit Office needs qualified, independent professionals backed by a sufficient number of support staff, Williams said it is time for the country to have a qualified and substantive Auditor General, and the AFC is calling on the Public Service Commission to take steps to advise the President on the matter. The PAC is a nine-person Committee made up of four members of the Government and five from the opposition (APNU-4 and AFC-1). The Committee is chaired by Carl Greenidge, a former Minister of Finance. In addition to the constitutional provisions, there is an Audit Act which contains the law governing the Audit Office. Section 14 (3) of this Act states that “The Auditor General’s appointment and discipline of all senior officers and senior employees shall be subject to the approval of the Public Accounts Committee”. In other words, the appointment which Mr. Sharma is seeking to make requires the approval of the Public Accounts Committee

This is the quality of the tief man who will speak on MONDAY

Originally Posted by redux:


Finance Minister’s wife to approve husband’s accounts in Auditor General’s Office – AFC

June 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under News


-    Acting Auditor General not qualified for substantive position The Alliance For Change (AFC) has noted with concern that the acting Auditor General has promoted the wife of the Minister of Finance, Gitanjali Singh, to Audit Director. The promotion, according to the AFC, has created a situation in which Dr. Ashni Singh, as Finance Minister, holds the responsibility for the preparation and certification of the financial statements of the country, which results in a conflict of interest as his wife is responsible for auditing those financial statements… At a press conference hosted by the Alliance For Change, Member of Parliament, Trevor Williams, who is also on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), noted that collectively four persons were promoted, including the wife of the Minister of Finance. “Ms. Gitanjali Singh, being the only qualified accountant among the senior management in the Audit Office, is integrally involved in the auditing of statements prepared by her husband and expressing an opinion on them. “This is a clear conflict of interest and a breach of the professional code of accountants. Both Dr. Singh and his wife are professionally qualified accountants and are members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana,” Williams noted. He added that the AFC cannot accept that Deodat Sharma is unaware of the provisions of the Audit Act and does not know that he cannot legally do what he is now trying to do with the support of the PPP/C. “The PPP/C is afraid that a proper functioning Audit Office would prevent the theft and corruption which now pervades this dear land.” Underscoring that the Auditor General is among the most important offices under the Constitution of any country, Williams said that the duty of the holder is the guardian of the public purse with the responsibility to see that every dollar collected goes into the Consolidated Fund and not one dollar comes out of it without parliamentary approval. He explained that whether substantively or as an acting appointment, the Auditor General is appointed by the President in accordance with the advice of the Public Service Commission. However, the current holder does not have a professional accounting qualification necessary for the position of Auditor General and has been acting in the position for more than seven years. Williams said that the Constitution gives responsibility for the oversight of the Auditor General to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) but not in the exercise of his duties. “But Presidential Advisor on Governance Ms. Gail Teixeira and Advisor of Empowerment Mr. Odinga Lumumba, two of the PPP/C’s members of the PAC, demonstrating amazing ignorance of the law are accusing the Opposition of ‘interfering in Audit Office internal affairs and stymieing the process of collaboration and trust,” Williams opined. “This is the new game being played by the PPP/C. If they do not get their way they accuse the other side of non-cooperation. It does not escape us that what the PPP/C might be trying to do is undermine the work of the PAC on the 2010 government accounts. They know that they no longer have majority control of the PAC which allowed for a limited examination of the past reports. They are afraid of the serious defects which a thorough review of the 2010 accounts and the audit report will reveal.” Adding that if corruption is to be controlled the Audit Office needs qualified, independent professionals backed by a sufficient number of support staff, Williams said it is time for the country to have a qualified and substantive Auditor General, and the AFC is calling on the Public Service Commission to take steps to advise the President on the matter. The PAC is a nine-person Committee made up of four members of the Government and five from the opposition (APNU-4 and AFC-1). The Committee is chaired by Carl Greenidge, a former Minister of Finance. In addition to the constitutional provisions, there is an Audit Act which contains the law governing the Audit Office. Section 14 (3) of this Act states that “The Auditor General’s appointment and discipline of all senior officers and senior employees shall be subject to the approval of the Public Accounts Committee”. In other words, the appointment which Mr. Sharma is seeking to make requires the approval of the Public Accounts Committee

this a the man who will speak on his accounts, audited by his wifeee.

Originally Posted by redux:


Finance Minister’s wife to approve husband’s accounts in Auditor General’s Office – AFC

June 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under News


-    Acting Auditor General not qualified for substantive position The Alliance For Change (AFC) has noted with concern that the acting Auditor General has promoted the wife of the Minister of Finance, Gitanjali Singh, to Audit Director. The promotion, according to the AFC, has created a situation in which Dr. Ashni Singh, as Finance Minister, holds the responsibility for the preparation and certification of the financial statements of the country, which results in a conflict of interest as his wife is responsible for auditing those financial statements… At a press conference hosted by the Alliance For Change, Member of Parliament, Trevor Williams, who is also on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), noted that collectively four persons were promoted, including the wife of the Minister of Finance. “Ms. Gitanjali Singh, being the only qualified accountant among the senior management in the Audit Office, is integrally involved in the auditing of statements prepared by her husband and expressing an opinion on them. “This is a clear conflict of interest and a breach of the professional code of accountants. Both Dr. Singh and his wife are professionally qualified accountants and are members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana,” Williams noted. He added that the AFC cannot accept that Deodat Sharma is unaware of the provisions of the Audit Act and does not know that he cannot legally do what he is now trying to do with the support of the PPP/C. “The PPP/C is afraid that a proper functioning Audit Office would prevent the theft and corruption which now pervades this dear land.” Underscoring that the Auditor General is among the most important offices under the Constitution of any country, Williams said that the duty of the holder is the guardian of the public purse with the responsibility to see that every dollar collected goes into the Consolidated Fund and not one dollar comes out of it without parliamentary approval. He explained that whether substantively or as an acting appointment, the Auditor General is appointed by the President in accordance with the advice of the Public Service Commission. However, the current holder does not have a professional accounting qualification necessary for the position of Auditor General and has been acting in the position for more than seven years. Williams said that the Constitution gives responsibility for the oversight of the Auditor General to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) but not in the exercise of his duties. “But Presidential Advisor on Governance Ms. Gail Teixeira and Advisor of Empowerment Mr. Odinga Lumumba, two of the PPP/C’s members of the PAC, demonstrating amazing ignorance of the law are accusing the Opposition of ‘interfering in Audit Office internal affairs and stymieing the process of collaboration and trust,” Williams opined. “This is the new game being played by the PPP/C. If they do not get their way they accuse the other side of non-cooperation. It does not escape us that what the PPP/C might be trying to do is undermine the work of the PAC on the 2010 government accounts. They know that they no longer have majority control of the PAC which allowed for a limited examination of the past reports. They are afraid of the serious defects which a thorough review of the 2010 accounts and the audit report will reveal.” Adding that if corruption is to be controlled the Audit Office needs qualified, independent professionals backed by a sufficient number of support staff, Williams said it is time for the country to have a qualified and substantive Auditor General, and the AFC is calling on the Public Service Commission to take steps to advise the President on the matter. The PAC is a nine-person Committee made up of four members of the Government and five from the opposition (APNU-4 and AFC-1). The Committee is chaired by Carl Greenidge, a former Minister of Finance. In addition to the constitutional provisions, there is an Audit Act which contains the law governing the Audit Office. Section 14 (3) of this Act states that “The Auditor General’s appointment and discipline of all senior officers and senior employees shall be subject to the approval of the Public Accounts Committee”. In other words, the appointment which Mr. Sharma is seeking to make requires the approval of the Public Accounts Committee

who is the tief and who is the auditor?

Originally Posted by redux:


Finance Minister’s wife to approve husband’s accounts in Auditor General’s Office – AFC

June 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under News


-    Acting Auditor General not qualified for substantive position The Alliance For Change (AFC) has noted with concern that the acting Auditor General has promoted the wife of the Minister of Finance, Gitanjali Singh, to Audit Director. The promotion, according to the AFC, has created a situation in which Dr. Ashni Singh, as Finance Minister, holds the responsibility for the preparation and certification of the financial statements of the country, which results in a conflict of interest as his wife is responsible for auditing those financial statements… At a press conference hosted by the Alliance For Change, Member of Parliament, Trevor Williams, who is also on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), noted that collectively four persons were promoted, including the wife of the Minister of Finance. “Ms. Gitanjali Singh, being the only qualified accountant among the senior management in the Audit Office, is integrally involved in the auditing of statements prepared by her husband and expressing an opinion on them. “This is a clear conflict of interest and a breach of the professional code of accountants. Both Dr. Singh and his wife are professionally qualified accountants and are members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana,” Williams noted. He added that the AFC cannot accept that Deodat Sharma is unaware of the provisions of the Audit Act and does not know that he cannot legally do what he is now trying to do with the support of the PPP/C. “The PPP/C is afraid that a proper functioning Audit Office would prevent the theft and corruption which now pervades this dear land.” Underscoring that the Auditor General is among the most important offices under the Constitution of any country, Williams said that the duty of the holder is the guardian of the public purse with the responsibility to see that every dollar collected goes into the Consolidated Fund and not one dollar comes out of it without parliamentary approval. He explained that whether substantively or as an acting appointment, the Auditor General is appointed by the President in accordance with the advice of the Public Service Commission. However, the current holder does not have a professional accounting qualification necessary for the position of Auditor General and has been acting in the position for more than seven years. Williams said that the Constitution gives responsibility for the oversight of the Auditor General to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) but not in the exercise of his duties. “But Presidential Advisor on Governance Ms. Gail Teixeira and Advisor of Empowerment Mr. Odinga Lumumba, two of the PPP/C’s members of the PAC, demonstrating amazing ignorance of the law are accusing the Opposition of ‘interfering in Audit Office internal affairs and stymieing the process of collaboration and trust,” Williams opined. “This is the new game being played by the PPP/C. If they do not get their way they accuse the other side of non-cooperation. It does not escape us that what the PPP/C might be trying to do is undermine the work of the PAC on the 2010 government accounts. They know that they no longer have majority control of the PAC which allowed for a limited examination of the past reports. They are afraid of the serious defects which a thorough review of the 2010 accounts and the audit report will reveal.” Adding that if corruption is to be controlled the Audit Office needs qualified, independent professionals backed by a sufficient number of support staff, Williams said it is time for the country to have a qualified and substantive Auditor General, and the AFC is calling on the Public Service Commission to take steps to advise the President on the matter. The PAC is a nine-person Committee made up of four members of the Government and five from the opposition (APNU-4 and AFC-1). The Committee is chaired by Carl Greenidge, a former Minister of Finance. In addition to the constitutional provisions, there is an Audit Act which contains the law governing the Audit Office. Section 14 (3) of this Act states that “The Auditor General’s appointment and discipline of all senior officers and senior employees shall be subject to the approval of the Public Accounts Committee”. In other words, the appointment which Mr. Sharma is seeking to make requires the approval of the Public Accounts Committee



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