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No talks with APNU+AFC before GECOM declares winner based on national vote recount- Jagdeo

in Courts, Elections, News, Politics July 23, 2020 1 , Source - Demerara Waves -

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Thursday vowed not to cave in to demands by A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) and said the only way forward is for the coalition to abide by the declaration  of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) based on the national vote recount.

PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo told News-Talk Radio Guyana 103.1 FM / Demerara Waves Online News that there are no efforts by mediators to bring the two sides to the table.

His comments came one day after the David Granger-led coalition said it was willing to open talks with political parties and other stakeholders to peacefully resolve the electoral crisis, even as it insisted that it would not accept the results based on the recount.

Mr. Jagdeo said, in keeping with a 2020 elections campaign promise, his party would only talk about a new governance model after the Elections Commission declares the winner. He said the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-led coalition must learn to abide by the rules-based electoral system.

He cautioned APNU+AFC against being viewed as “the party that can bully people will always be the winner.”

The former Guyanese leader refused to disclose what would be the PPP’s next move if the coalition continues to “hang” on to power even after GECOM declares the results based on the recount.

Preferring to only say “that’s an entirely different matter”, the PPP General Secretary declined to say whether his party would call for  international help to remove the coalition. “Coups have a way of bringing down the force of the international community,” he said.

Jagdeo opted to refer to his prepared statement that States that says “the consequences for Granger and the APNU+AFC at that time will be as alluded to by Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro: “Democracy or Abyss?”.

The PPP General Secretary if the international community was prepared to condemn and levy sanctions against people who are trying to undermine democracy, even before the declaration, “just imagine the consequences the riggers will face if they refuse to leave office after the declaration – essentially staging a coup d’etat.

He warned that “such a move will be met by fierce resistance by the PPP and other forces fighting for democracy.”

Calling APNU+AFC’s position a “clear defiance of the international community, the Chief Justice, the Caribbean Court of Justice  and  GECOM that the recount figures must be used to declare the final results, Mr. Jagdeo he stressed that talking before a declaration would be a breach of its campaign pact.

“Talking to political parties will not be consistent with what we said in our manifesto. We have to have a legitimate government sworn in and that can only happen if the figures from the recount are used to generate the declaration,” he said.

Mr. Jagdeo said APNU could not unilaterally decide what figures should be used as based on them the coalition “has lost the election.”

The Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield has thrice presented reports with different numbers  that would allow APNU+AFC to be declared the winner.

The national vote recount numbers mirror closely the PPP’s Statements of Poll that show that party has won the elections by 15,000 votes.

APNU+AFC has refused to disclose its Statements of Poll, but has charged that the national vote recount has thrown up massive fraud and other irregularities that favour the PPP.

PNCR/APNU+AFC member Aubrey Norton has said the recount now has to be treated like an elections petition which has showed thousands of invalid votes including those in more than 40 ballot boxes that do not have supporting documents.

Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr. Karen Cummings this week told the Permanent Council of the Organisation of American States that the Caribbean Community-scrutinised recount only focused on 18 percent of the 2,339 ballot boxes and that could not be considered a representative sample.

Attorney General Basil Williams told the Permanent Council that the issue could only be settled by the court.

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Jagan mek the PNC rule for 28 years because of his pigheadedness. Dis baldheaded skont gweing down the same road. Like it is said, whom the gods wishes to destroy is made pagli first. 

Maybe all dis shite in Guyana is a plan of the gods to rid Guyanese of stupid leaders.

I want to see him remove Granger. Only if he Jagdeo leaves Guyana then maybe APNU will give up. I wonder how many martyrs will it take. 


The outcome of negotiations is heavily influenced by the power relationship between the parties. To understand the power relationship between the PPP and APNU one must ask who is requesting the negotiations. In this instance, there is no doubt that APNU realizes that they have an extremely weak hand made weaker by the rapidly closing legal paths and international condemnation.

APNU is now facing up to the reality that the only realistic alternative to a negotiated outcome is to demit office. The days of the Cold War where the domino theory enabled undemocratic governments are over. The threat to stay in office even after a declaration is APNU’s last play. However, it is a very weak hand. They may try it for a bit but know it will not be a sustainable position. The PPP have no incentive to negotiate, particularly as they are on the verge of being declared the winner. Besides the PPP leadership will lose credibility if they negotiate under duress and enter into a partnership with untrustworthy partners. Last but not least, the vast majority of the PPP supporters will never go for negotiations. The PPP are in an absolute position of strength.

@seignet posted:

Jagan mek the PNC rule for 28 years because of his pigheadedness. Dis baldheaded skont gweing down the same road. Like it is said, whom the gods wishes to destroy is made pagli first. 

Maybe all dis shite in Guyana is a plan of the gods to rid Guyanese of stupid leaders.

I want to see him remove Granger. Only if he Jagdeo leaves Guyana then maybe APNU will give up. I wonder how many martyrs will it take. 

Wonder why you are scared of Dr Jagdeo, have you ever met him? Most of the people in Guyana like him and if he had ran for president he would have won by a very large margin.

 He did a lot for the Black people , even more than Granger's government. as a matter of fact he has done a lot more for Guyana then the Coalition.

@Locutus posted:

The outcome of negotiations is heavily influenced by the power relationship between the parties. To understand the power relationship between the PPP and APNU one must ask who is requesting the negotiations. In this instance, there is no doubt that APNU realizes that they have an extremely weak hand made weaker by the rapidly closing legal paths and international condemnation.

APNU is now facing up to the reality that the only realistic alternative to a negotiated outcome is to demit office. The days of the Cold War where the domino theory enabled undemocratic governments are over. The threat to stay in office even after a declaration is APNU’s last play. However, it is a very weak hand. They may try it for a bit but know it will not be a sustainable position. The PPP have no incentive to negotiate, particularly as they are on the verge of being declared the winner. Besides the PPP leadership will lose credibility if they negotiate under duress and enter into a partnership with untrustworthy partners. Last but not least, the vast majority of the PPP supporters will never go for negotiations. The PPP are in an absolute position of strength.

Well said.

@Locutus posted:

The outcome of negotiations is heavily influenced by the power relationship between the parties. To understand the power relationship between the PPP and APNU one must ask who is requesting the negotiations. In this instance, there is no doubt that APNU realizes that they have an extremely weak hand made weaker by the rapidly closing legal paths and international condemnation.

APNU is now facing up to the reality that the only realistic alternative to a negotiated outcome is to demit office. The days of the Cold War where the domino theory enabled undemocratic governments are over. The threat to stay in office even after a declaration is APNU’s last play. However, it is a very weak hand. They may try it for a bit but know it will not be a sustainable position. The PPP have no incentive to negotiate, particularly as they are on the verge of being declared the winner. Besides the PPP leadership will lose credibility if they negotiate under duress and enter into a partnership with untrustworthy partners. Last but not least, the vast majority of the PPP supporters will never go for negotiations. The PPP are in an absolute position of strength.

Bro, it has nothing to do with all of that. Afro-Guyanese hold dear to their heart the time of slavery. Even though this generation has not endured, it is remembered history. They have been slowly loosing their inheritance of the land, its governance and their citizenship. They are made to bend under the PPP. They simply putting a crowbar in their backs suh not to bend.

Eventually, they will have to compromise by themselves. If Jagdeo leaves it happens at a faster pace. Is not dislike taht I have forJagdeo, it is what he respresents. He holding back the progress of the country and diminishes leadership in the PPP and the country at large.

@seignet posted:

Bro, it has nothing to do with all of that. Afro-Guyanese hold dear to their heart the time of slavery. Even though this generation has not endured, it is remembered history. They have been slowly loosing their inheritance of the land, its governance and their citizenship. They are made to bend under the PPP. They simply putting a crowbar in their backs suh not to bend.

Eventually, they will have to compromise by themselves. If Jagdeo leaves it happens at a faster pace. Is not dislike taht I have forJagdeo, it is what he respresents. He holding back the progress of the country and diminishes leadership in the PPP and the country at large.

You don't know what you are talking about. You should get your facts straight.  The blacks had 33 years to better themselves and what did they do?  They celebrated slavery and were more concerning about Africa than Guyana.  Burnham was sending money to Africa to fight Apartheid and at the same time, they were treating the Indians the same way.  

Indians had to go to the National service in order to qualify for jobs. They were forced to join the  PNC and were treated as second class citizens. 

On the other hand, Jagdeo fed, housed, and clothed them.

Again, get your facts straight.

@seignet posted:

Bro, it has nothing to do with all of that. Afro-Guyanese hold dear to their heart the time of slavery. Even though this generation has not endured, it is remembered history. They have been slowly loosing their inheritance of the land, its governance and their citizenship. They are made to bend under the PPP. They simply putting a crowbar in their backs suh not to bend.

Eventually, they will have to compromise by themselves. If Jagdeo leaves it happens at a faster pace. Is not dislike taht I have forJagdeo, it is what he respresents. He holding back the progress of the country and diminishes leadership in the PPP and the country at large.

Please clarify what you mean by losing "their inheritance of the land, its governance and their citizenship". Are Afro-Guyanese having their land taken away or being denied land ownership, are they being unfairly denied the opportunity to govern and are certain rights of citizenship being taken away? Was this being done from 1968-1992? Was it also being done over the past 5 years. 

It is disingenuous to pin this all on Jagdeo. After all were we on a path of rapid progress before he arrived on the scene? In fact to pin the economic and social inequities on one party much less one individual is counter productive. There are certainly deeper structural issues to be fixed but trying to deny the free will of the people to choose their government is probably not the best way to start fixing those issues.

Also, if you are really interested in exploring the inequities of land ownership in Guyana you may want to explore the members of the upper economic class that are backing APNU.


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