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AFC fails to attract crowds on Essequibo Coast

Written by
Wednesday, 05 October 2011 01:47

THE Alliance For Change (AFC) failed to attract large crowds at the two public meetings it held on the Essequibo Coast over last weekend.
Reports said the meeting at Anna Regina Car Park was poorly attended as Essequibians openly rejected its policies. Even as its Presidential Candidate, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan spoke, only a few people stood up in the large open area. Many said they were not interested in what he was saying and walked away.
At Charity, on Sunday afternoon, the attendance was worse as no one seemed to take interest and there was no gathering.
The AFC then took its campaign to RCA TV Channel 7, where they hoped to get an audience. However, one person who was viewing the programme said Ramjattan appeared annoyed and continued attacking the Government.
The person said he switched off his television and went to bed, noting that the AFC has a weak and poor presence on Essequibo Coast.

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Originally posted by The Judge:
AFC fails to attract crowds on Essequibo Coast

Written by
Wednesday, 05 October 2011 01:47

THE Alliance For Change (AFC) failed to attract large crowds at the two public meetings it held on the Essequibo Coast over last weekend.
Reports said the meeting at Anna Regina Car Park was poorly attended as Essequibians openly rejected its policies. Even as its Presidential Candidate, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan spoke, only a few people stood up in the large open area. Many said they were not interested in what he was saying and walked away.
At Charity, on Sunday afternoon, the attendance was worse as no one seemed to take interest and there was no gathering.
The AFC then took its campaign to RCA TV Channel 7, where they hoped to get an audience. However, one person who was viewing the programme said Ramjattan appeared annoyed and continued attacking the Government.
The person said he switched off his television and went to bed, noting that the AFC has a weak and poor presence on Essequibo Coast.

Ramjattan's venomous outpourings will lead to the demise of his Party
ah Nehru it is just awesome to watch when the guns are turned on us how we find convenient excuses to deflect and obfuscate.

This is great this is why in berbice we are voting AFC now. Whim, AFC, Bath AFC, Blairmont AFC, 47 AFC, 30 AFC, 5 AFC, Rosignol AFC, RH AFC, Corentyne AFC

New Amsterdam AFC.

albert, so tell us about the PPP meeting at Barrack and Fort Sts., Kingston last night. 15 persons turned up, including the speakers, their entourage, their groupies, and the sound and stage crew Big Grin. One person in Kingston remarked there were more police than there were attendees. Yes? No?

Here is the pic from DemWaves:

Story on DemWaves:

Tell the readers of GNI too about the secret meeting in Enterprise that Anil Nandlall and Dr Bheri Ramsarran organised to meet with the sugar-workers who booed and heckled them in the Enterprise meeting referred to in this thread. Please confirm that indeed not a single sugar-worker showed up. Thanks! wavey
better they issue no pics than try to herd 8000 people on the street in front of albion ground and then holler hey look see we had 28000 people see look here ovah heere.........

It doesn't seem like the AFC cares about how many people they get after all what do they have to lose.

The PPP cares because guess what albert you are gonna need a new job soon strongman
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Makes no difference.

AFC!!! is gaining grounds in the PPP/C strongholds.

AFC!!! Big Grin cheers flag

OK. So in non PPP strongholds voters stay home. The AFC gets 30% of the vote in PPP strongholds (they got 1% last time). They still lose.

Whats very apparent is that Region 4 doesnt plan to vote. 40% of the voters live there.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Makes no difference.

AFC!!! is gaining grounds in the PPP/C strongholds.

AFC!!! Big Grin cheers flag

OK. So in non PPP strongholds voters stay home. The AFC gets 30% of the vote in PPP strongholds (they got 1% last time). They still lose.

Whats very apparent is that Region 4 doesnt plan to vote. 40% of the voters live there.

Your Divination is nonsense. Your PNC is dead.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Makes no difference.

AFC!!! is gaining grounds in the PPP/C strongholds.

AFC!!! Big Grin cheers flag

OK. So in non PPP strongholds voters stay home. The AFC gets 30% of the vote in PPP strongholds (they got 1% last time). They still lose.

Whats very apparent is that Region 4 doesnt plan to vote. 40% of the voters live there.

Your Divination is nonsense. Your PNC is dead.

Why dont you deal with the issue and stop engaging in your usual racist PPP nonsense that any black man you dont like is a PNC? You have left the PPP but still keep your dirty racist habbits I see.

GR is showing poor attendance at PPP meetings to show how weak their support is. The ONE meeting AFC had in Gtwn the attendance was also quite poor, so then we will conclude the AFC is not any more popular in Gtwn than is the PPP. After all criteria used judge one party must be used for the other.

So I repeat if the AFC grows support in Indo areas to 30% of the total and very few vote in the biggest non PPP area, Gtwn, than the AFC loses.

Deal with this issue and keep your PPP racism away.

Of course I note your obsession with PPP strongholds and not what non Indian voters are doing or what they are thinking, or absorbing the fact that its clear that they dont plan to vote for PPP, PNC, or AFC.

Is it that as a PPP racist you think that only Indo voters exist...or is it that non Indians dont matter to you. Well it turns out that maybe 55% of the registered voters are African, mixed or Amerindian, with a few others thrown in. They generally dislike the PPP (blacks/mixed) or are not too enthusiastic (Amerindians).

One would think that this, plus the dormancy of the PNC would lead the AFC to campaign heavily in these districts. Picking up votes should be easy if the AFC works at it which its not doing (hence the poor turnouts). But I see Ramjattan proving to his Gtwn colleagues that he too can get votes in his hometown is more important than actually winning.

So all the cheering is about supposed inroads that the AFC is making in region 6, in the meantime a strong PPP stronghold, region 3, doesnt seem to have seen the AFC. Suggesting to me that its not PPP strongholds that Ramjattan wants to prove he can get, but its to salvage himself from the embarrassment of 2006 when Trotman and company picked up all the votes in PNC strongholds and he was rejected even in his hometown.
Caribj face it you are out of touch with reality with what is going on here in Guyana.

You refuse to acknowledge that the AFC has been making incredible gains on the PPP and the PNC, something which we have not seen in 20 years.

Even I had the decency to admit this, you are being no different than these people who also continue to put their heads in the sand. You are being just as blind and not recognizing that the AFC is gaining steam and they have tremendous momentum rolling into these elections.

The PPP and the PNC are still fighting about who will be their PM candidates.

Come on man stop being just another blind chap, you are better than that. If I can admit we were failing you can change also.

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