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[] – Guyana’s Security Minister and General Secretary of the governing People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee has defended President Donald Ramotar’s use of the privately owned executive jet service whose Guyanese owner was recently arrested in Puerto Rico with an undeclared sum of US$620,000 hidden in the plane.


When asked about his concern that the President travelled using the service whose owner is now being investigated for money laundering, Rohee says he sees no transgression on the part of the President or the government.

“What is wrong with the President chartering the flight? There is nothing illegal about it, they paid for it, it was in the open and the plane was in the view of everybody,” Rohee said; observing that there are some sections of the media that are trying to make an issue of it.

Rohee believes efforts to make a connection between the President use of the service, which he has admitted to, and the find is being done to cause the President and the government embarrassment.

A clearly upset Rohee urged the media to desist from besmirching the character of persons and says that calls for media censorship should be given consideration from those within.


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