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Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

everything stinks...

Looks like you're very, very, disappointed that the one terrorist involved in a bombing on US soil and killing some and injuring many, died and the other is now in custody.

i don't care if they are captured dead or alive. But I do not like cover ups. I saw the TV report when the naked man was put into a police patrol, now nobody is mentioning that fact anymore. That bothers me. They might claim he is dead when they may be hiding him alive for whatever dirty reason.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

everything stinks...

Looks like you're very, very, disappointed that the one terrorist involved in a bombing on US soil and killing some and injuring many, died and the other is now in custody.

i don't care if they are captured dead or alive. But I do not like cover ups. I saw the TV report when the naked man was put into a police patrol, now nobody is mentioning that fact anymore. That bothers me. They might claim he is dead when they may be hiding him alive for whatever dirty reason.

He was wounded when they arrested him jackass

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

everything stinks...

Looks like you're very, very, disappointed that the one terrorist involved in a bombing on US soil and killing some and injuring many, died and the other is now in custody.

i don't care if they are captured dead or alive. But I do not like cover ups. I saw the TV report when the naked man was put into a police patrol, now nobody is mentioning that fact anymore. That bothers me. They might claim he is dead when they may be hiding him alive for whatever dirty reason.

He was wounded when they arrested him jackass

he was walking!

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

everything stinks...

Looks like you're very, very, disappointed that the one terrorist involved in a bombing on US soil and killing some and injuring many, died and the other is now in custody.

i don't care if they are captured dead or alive. But I do not like cover ups. I saw the TV report when the naked man was put into a police patrol, now nobody is mentioning that fact anymore. That bothers me. They might claim he is dead when they may be hiding him alive for whatever dirty reason.

He was wounded when they arrested him jackass

he was walking!

And losing blood from being mortally wounded fool. 


See here if you think he's still alive. You can round up your hero Alex Jones and the two of you can go and rescue him.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

everything stinks...

Looks like you're very, very, disappointed that the one terrorist involved in a bombing on US soil and killing some and injuring many, died and the other is now in custody.

i don't care if they are captured dead or alive. But I do not like cover ups. I saw the TV report when the naked man was put into a police patrol, now nobody is mentioning that fact anymore. That bothers me. They might claim he is dead when they may be hiding him alive for whatever dirty reason.

He was wounded when they arrested him jackass

he was walking!

And losing blood from being mortally wounded fool. 


See here if you think he's still alive. You can round up your hero Alex Jones and the two of you can go and rescue him.

Maybe the US was training him to carry out attacks against Putin but he decided to bomb the US instead.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

everything stinks...

Looks like you're very, very, disappointed that the one terrorist involved in a bombing on US soil and killing some and injuring many, died and the other is now in custody.

i don't care if they are captured dead or alive. But I do not like cover ups. I saw the TV report when the naked man was put into a police patrol, now nobody is mentioning that fact anymore. That bothers me. They might claim he is dead when they may be hiding him alive for whatever dirty reason.

He was wounded when they arrested him jackass

he was walking!

And losing blood from being mortally wounded fool. 


See here if you think he's still alive. You can round up your hero Alex Jones and the two of you can go and rescue him.

Maybe the US was training him to carry out attacks against Putin but he decided to bomb the US instead.

Maybe you're smoking something extra strong tonight. 


Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were refugees from brutal Chechen conflict

With their baseball hats and sauntering gaits, they appeared to friends and neighbors like ordinary American boys. But the Boston bombings suspects were refugees from another world — the blood, rubble and dirty wars of the Russian Caucasus.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was a southpaw heavyweight boxer who represented New England in the National Golden Gloves and talked about competing on behalf of the United States. His tangle-haired, 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar, was a skateboarder who listened to rap and seemed easygoing to other kids in his Cambridge, Mass., neighborhood.


More on this story:

What we know about Tamerlan and Dzhohkar Tsarnaev

What we know about Tamerlan and Dzhohkar Tsarnaev

The brothers suspected of being the Boston Marathon bombers lived in Kyrgyzstan (and possibly elsewhere) before emigrating to the United States in the early to mid-2000s.


Investigation into the Boston bombings

Investigation into the Boston bombings

MAP | Explore the sequence and locations of the unfolding events in the Boston area.


Second Boston bombing suspect taken into custody

Second Boston bombing suspect taken into custody

Police arrested the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings here Friday evening, officials said.


In Boston area, shutdown is surreal

In Boston area, shutdown is surreal

Bewildered Bostonians hunker down behind locked doors during manhunt for marathon bombing suspect.


Details emerge on brothers suspected in bombing at Boston Marathon

Details emerge on brothers suspected in bombing at Boston Marathon

Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who grew up in U.S., were refugees from brutal conflict in Caucasus.

Tamerlan is now dead, killed in a shootout with police. Police said Friday night they had taken Dzhokhar into custody after he wascornered in a boat stored in a backyard in Watertown, Mass., following a massive manhunt . Hidden behind the lives they had been leading in Massachusetts is a biography containing old resentments that appear to have mutated into radical Islamic violence.

The brothers who are alleged to have planted bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday reached the United States in 2002 after their ethnic Chechen family fled the Caucasus. They had been living in the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan and were prevented from resettling in war-racked Chechnya.

In speaking about his boxing career in 2009, Tamerlan told a photographer that in the absence of an independent Chechnya he would rather compete for the United States than for Russia, a hint that past troubles were not forgotten. He appeared increasingly drawn to radical Islam. On a YouTube channel, he recently shared videos of lectures from a radical Islamic cleric; in one, voices can be heard singing in Arabic as bombs explode.

“My son, Tamerlan, got involved in religious politics five years ago,” his mother, Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, told Russia Today television in an interview from Dagestan, the Russian republic bordering Chechnya where she and her husband live. “He started following his own religious aspects. He never, never told me he would be on the side of jihad.”

FBI officials confirmed Friday that they questioned Tamerlan in 2011 at the request of the Russian government about possible connections to Chechen extremists. He was interviewed by the FBI in Boston, and the investigation found “no derogatory information.”

His younger brother, who was widely known as “Jahar,” may have followed in his footsteps. “He talked about his brother in good ways,” said Pamala Rolon, who was the residential adviser in the dorm where Dzhokhar lived at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. “I could tell he looked up to his brother.”

While terrorists from the Caucasus have struck in Moscow and other parts of Russia, the conflict in the region has never led to attacks in other countries. One possible explanation for the Boston bombing, said Aslan Doukaev, an expert on the Caucasus who works for Radio Liberty in Prague, is that the brothers were motivated by radical jihadism, not Chechen separatism.

As the war in Chechnya wound down after Russian forces withdrew — they left formally in 2009 — violence has spilled into neighboring republics such as Dagestan, where the Tsarnaev family once found shelter and where the brothers’ parents now live. That conflict is increasingly marked by radical Islamic terrorism in an often vicious cycle of attack and reprisal between insurgents and Russian security forces. Tamerlan visited Dagestan last year, according to an official with knowledge of his travels.



Claims images of sons at blast site a 'set up'

Published: 4 hours ago

The mother of two brothers believed to be responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing insists her sons are innocent and were “set up,” according to a telephone interview with RT-TV, also known as Russia Today.

RT reports it had the accused Boston Marathon bombers’ mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, on the telephone from Makhachkala in Russia’s Republic of Dagestan in the North Caucasus region.

“What I can say is I am really sure, I am like 100-percent sure that this is a set-up,” the woman said. “My two sons are really innocent, and I know that neither of them never, never have talked about whatever they’re saying about now, and what I want to say is â€Ķ my youngest one was raised actually â€Ķ from 8 years, he was raised in America, and my oldest son, he is like really, really proper raised in our house, never, nobody talked about terrorism.”

The suspects in the bombing on April 15 that reportedly killed three people and wounded 183 others are 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who remains at large, and his brother, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed after a police car chase. Their family originates from Russia’s North Caucasus, but settled in the United States more than a decade ago.

“My son, Tamerlan, really got involved in â€Ķ religious politics five years ago,” the woman continued. “So he started following his own [religion], and he never, never told me that he would be, like, on the side of jihad; and whatever they are talking, [whoever] is talking about, him being a loser, [they] are the losers.”

In fact, it was the suspects’ uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, who used the term “losers” in an interview in which he speculated his nephews may have been motivated by “hatred” because they were unable to “settle themselves” in America. He begged the young men to turn themselves in and later insisted he wasn’t talking about his nephews as the “losers,” but only “those who are able to make this atrocity.”


“My son would never do this. It is a set-up,” the woman continued in her interview with RT. “He was controlled by FBI for like, three, five years. They knew what my son was doing. They knew what actions and what sites on the Internet he was going. He used to come home, they used to come and talk to me. They used to tell me that, you know, that they are controlling his – they were telling me that he’s really a serious leader and they’re afraid of him. They said, they told me that whatever he is, whatever country decides, whatever is there, whatever information he’s getting, they are controlling him, so how could this happen? How could they – they were controlling every step of him, and they’re telling today that this is a terrorist act. Never, ever! This is not true. My two sons are innocent.”

See “Jihad in America: The Grand Deception,” which reveals the threat that is hidden in plain sight for Americans.

The RT reporter speaking with her asked how she might explain the violent chase the young men were involved in, firing at police and throwing explosives from their vehicle.

“I never believe into it, I never believe into it,” she said. “I know my sons never talk about those things. I am a mother, I raised them. They were highly intelligent. The FBI were scared of my oldest son; they always told me that he was a leader. They were afraid of him because they think that he’s a leader. He talks about Islam a lot, and that they told me what they were talking to my son, and they called me officially, and they told me that my son is an excellent boy and they have no problem with that. â€Ķ At the same time they were telling that he’s like a, he’s getting the information in a really, extremic [sp] site. So that’s why I think that it’s a set-up.”

The reporter pressed, asking her if she saw any chance her boys were hiding “a side” of themselves from her.

“It’s impossible,” she said. “Impossible for both of them to do such things, so I’m really, really, really telling that this is a set-up. My son would tell me; my son never would keep it in secret, so I would know. â€Ķ If there was anyone who would be knowing, it would be me. Mother. He would never hide it from me. He would tell me that, but never, never even a word.”

What message might she have for her son still on the loose, the reporter asked.

“I would say, save your life and tell them the truth, that you haven’t done anything, that this is a set-up,” she replied.


In a similar interview, the suspects’ father, speaking to Reuters TV and translated into English, declared the boys innocent as well.

“Somebody clearly framed them. I don’t know who exactly framed them, but they did. They framed them,” he said. “And they were so cowardly that they shot the boy dead. There are policemen like that.”

He continued, saying, “I can’t reach anyone (on the phone). I want to know about my children. I’m scared for my boy – that they will shoot him dead too somewhere. And then they’ll just say, ‘He had weapons.’ Where can kids get weapons, for God’s sake? They are picking them at a rubbish dump, those weapons?”


In an interview on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper,” Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said it is “offensive” that the suspected bombers’ parents would say the U.S. framed their sons.

King called their accusations “absolutely wrong and really offensive,” given the U.S. “gave (the sons) sanctuary, gave them asylum.”

“It’s bad enough what their sons did. But for their parents to attack the country, to me is wrong,” he said. “To be lashing out at the United States after what the United States did for them and the opportunities the United States gave to their sons is really going much, much too far and I just find it really wrong.”

Meanwhile, Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s in-laws released a statement condemning the suspected bombers’ actions, according to NBC News.

“In the aftermath of the Patriot’s Day horror, we know that we never knew Tamerlane Tsarnaev,” the statement said, using an alternate spelling of the older suspect’s first name.

They continued, “Our hearts are sickened by the knowledge of the horror he has inflicted.”

Another uncle to the suspects, Alviz Tsarni, said, “I don’t know how to say, I don’t feel anything. I’m just tired of everything.’”

Asked if he’s worried about his nephew, the remaining suspect, Tsarni asked, “What can happen to him? They will kill him. We know it, right? We don’t have to worry about this. What’s done is done.”

Tsarni added, “I’m very sorry for what happened,” he said. “From the first day, I was very sorry. I said, ‘Who can do like this stuff just for innocent people? Who? I don’t know what to say. Unbelievable. I don’t believe it now, even now.”

Tsarni said when he sees the evidence, “then I will know they did it.”

“I can’t believe it now, guys, believe me.”


The bombing suspects’ aunt said, “My first reaction was anger. How could this happen? How could this do this? For what? For the sake of what? What beliefs? What prompted them to this, this reaction?

“But then, I went through the material, whatever is in there. Quickly, quickly. My first call to FBI, ‘They could not have done this. Where is evidence? All you’re showing is just footage. Two guys are walking. I found it strange Tamerlan is walking in the front. Dzhokhar is in the back. Why wouldn’t they come together? you know? Together as brothers, as I used to know them.”

Asked if she is suspicious that the brothers really did bomb the Boston Marathon, she said, “No, I’m suspicious that this was staged! The picture was staged.”

When reporters asked the aunt who she believes is staging her nephews, she responded, “Whoever needs this. Whoever is looking for those who need to be blamed for these attacks. â€Ķ who is interested in this case? When you’re blowing up people and you want to bring attention to something for some purpose, you do that math.”

The aunt also insisted her nephews “are normal young men, athletic â€Ķ smart” and Tamerlan “seemingly didn’t find himself yet in America, because it’s not easy.”




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