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Non-passage of Anti- Money Laundering

Bill drives up exchange rates

Non-passage of Anti- Money Laundering Bill drives up exchange rates

0 comments, 24/01/2014, by , in latest news

[] – Guyana’s foreign exchange rate has increased as a result of the non – passage of the Anti – Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, which resulted in Guyana being blacklisted.

This is according to Chairman of Banks DIH, Clifford Reis, during his remarks at the Company’s Annual General Meeting on Tuesday (January 21) at the Georgetown Club.

According to Reis, new and innovative models are required in the financial and banking sectors to combat the negative effects of the 2008 economic crisis.

“The Anti-Money Laundering and the Countering Financing Terrorism Bill, this enactment is certainly not restricted to the confines of the banking system in Guyana, but has far-reaching implications and consequences for everyone globally regarding non-compliance,” the Banks DIH chairman said.

He explained, “Deposits at the commercial banks increased by 11.1 per cent to $335.5 billion; private sector deposits which grew by 7.5 per cent to $268.4 billion accounted for 88.0 per cent of total banking sector deposits.”

Total loans and advances jumped by 14.8 per cent to $174.9 billion at September 30, 2013 with credit to the private sector increasing by 13.2 per cent to $115.0 billion.

At this point in time, legislators are yet to reach consensus on the Bill. Guyana faces further sanctions from the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) in February and May if the legislation is not passed in the National Assembly by that time.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Then all Mr. Reis has to do is insist on the PPP that the set up the procurement commission and call the local government elections and we are going to get everything - anti-money laundering, anti-kwame, anti-Jug-deo-hoe and everything.

Originally Posted by asj:

If you are thinking of buying US$ then you will have to pay an exchange rate of G$210.00 for US$1.00

This is good news when one from the US is visiting Guyana.
More money to spend. Would not be buying US dollars.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

But yet ASJ, the PPP will not yeild to the majority on the procurement commission?


They do not care about Guyana.

I think that the 'man in the street' is clammoring for a peaceful revolution, but with all the guns on the street (police is finding just a few) and the PPP/C is formulation new gun laws, I wonder how more gloomy can Guyana get.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

If you are thinking of buying US$ then you will have to pay an exchange rate of G$210.00 for US$1.00

This is good news when one from the US is visiting Guyana.
More money to spend. Would not be buying US dollars.

this man is claiming he is a professor,how can a educated man be so stupid,it scary they is more Indian people like him out there.when evil people think like this no wonder guyana is a backward country

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

If you are thinking of buying US$ then you will have to pay an exchange rate of G$210.00 for US$1.00

This is good news when one from the US is visiting Guyana.
More money to spend. Would not be buying US dollars.

This is not good news. The oil ships will start to stay away. Essential goods would become short and this could lead to riots. Guyana is not safe place.


Dem boys seh… Check out why de exchange rate going up

January 21, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

De bad news is that dem two people who been pun de plane that crash dead; de good news is that de family get closure because dem ain’t got to worry. Perhaps de time now come fuh check out and probably get rid of dem single engine plane. De view is that dem can glide. This one didn’t glide.

But dem same plane can serve a good purpose. Dem boys wonder if all de people who bring misery to Guyana can’t get pun a couple of dem plane and tek a trip. Dem plane must also get engine problem.

Things reach de stage wheh Donald getting vex wid dem. De other day he let loose some cuss word at a couple of dem crooks. Dem boys seh it is about time Donald show people that he got power and that he prepare to use it.

Donald sit down and examine de books and find out that de currency devaluing because all of dem who thief and skim off money trying to change to US dollars. That happen back in 1992 when Papa Cheddi come to office. People run to buy US dollars and de price go up.

This time because de world focusing on money laundering all of dem trying to buy US dollar. Fuh years dem didn’t have to buy US suh de money stay round 200 to one. Now it reach 213 to one and is not that people stop sending money to Guyana. Now everything in Guyana gun get expensive and de government gun seh that de people only pressing de government.

De truth is that is de same people who seh that dem like de government who cause de problem. Dem don’t care if de money go up and dem is de same people who must get pun de plane and disappear.

Brazzy still trying to sheet out de $8 million of sand that disappear. He also know bout nuff other money. Dem boys seh that de man ain’t got shame. He collect nuff money fuh NICIL but when is time to pay in de money, de government can’t find $6 billion. And Brazzy still wukking.

Talk half and think about de reason.

Originally Posted by JB:

We do business. Exchange rate was sliding before the anti money laundering bill.

For some months the buying rate was hovering around 200 to 202, today it is at 203 - 205 whilst at the Commercial Bank they buy at 200 and sells at 210.

As is for now there is a scarcity of the US$, gold is not fetching a fantastic price anymore, less owners of dredges is operating , drugs dollars is dwindliing but slowly, Family remittances at the starting of the year, has been less. The Government is using up their reserve, for oil supplies,

Things might seem all rosy right now, but two months from now when the 'bite' starts to take effect....then?


The business community will be starved for US$ so imports will be curtailed to an extent, the rate might hit another two to four and the Commercial Bank might very well be selling at 212 - 213. Since the prices of lots of imported stuff is based on US$, means higher the US$ the more expensive those prices for commodity will become, causing a domino effect.

For Skelly, yes our family from the US will get more for the dollars, but they will end up spending more. As their dollars will buy far less than they used to pay.




Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by JB:

We do business. Exchange rate was sliding before the anti money laundering bill.

For some months the buying rate was hovering around 200 to 202, today it is at 203 - 205 whilst at the Commercial Bank they buy at 200 and sells at 210.

As is for now there is a scarcity of the US$, gold is not fetching a fantastic price anymore, less owners of dredges is operating , drugs dollars is dwindliing but slowly, Family remittances at the starting of the year, has been less. The Government is using up their reserve, for oil supplies,

Things might seem all rosy right now, but two months from now when the 'bite' starts to take effect....then?


The business community will be starved for US$ so imports will be curtailed to an extent, the rate might hit another two to four and the Commercial Bank might very well be selling at 212 - 213. Since the prices of lots of imported stuff is based on US$, means higher the US$ the more expensive those prices for commodity will become, causing a domino effect.

For Skelly, yes our family from the US will get more for the dollars, but they will end up spending more. As their dollars will buy far less than they used to pay.




I hope that in addition to demanding local government reforms and elections they tie the NICIL crooked enterprise to this also. What the hell is the necessity for anti laundering rules when the government is using NICIL to launder  the states assets to its friends and family


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