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None of Anil Nandlall’s  claims are sensible or factual

November 4, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, On November 2, 2015, the Guyana Times newspaper published an article titled “Extravagant Govt spending outrageous – Nandlall.” This article is replete with false information. It stated, inter alia, that: (1)  Former Attorney General Mr. Anil Nandlal has expressed disgust that “The Guyana Government has hired New York law firm ‘Rozario and Associates’ to represent Guyanese-Americans on a commemoration committee which was established for the purpose of planning” the 50th independence anniversary celebration in New York City from June 4th through June 12th, 2016.”  (2)  Mr. Nandlall claimed that the government is “finding money to spend on a grand inauguration ceremony and now they are spending millions locally on this independence commemoration activity. And coupled with that, we now learn that they retained the services of a law firm to plan commemoration services in North America.” None of Mr. Nandlall’s claims are sensible or factual.  Mr. Rovin Rozario is a young, well respected Guyanese attorney in New York City. He is a member of Guyana’s 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York), and a co-chair of a subcommittee. He is not only volunteering his legal services to the committee, but has made a substantial monetary donation to the committee. The 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York) has attracted the attention, commitment and enthusiasm of an enumerable amount of talented Guyanese, all of whom are volunteers. Consequently, the committee has not retained, nor seen the need to retain, any professional services company. Mr. Nandlall is a former Attorney General and should therefore know that making unverified and intentionally false claims; particularly about another member of the legal fraternity, singularly to misinform, create political mischief and reputational damage, is not only unscrupulous but unethical and reprehensible. Mr. Rozario’s willingness to volunteer his professional services to his country should be commended and encouraged.  We urge Mr. Nandilall to engage in factual commentary regarding the activities of the 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York), and to embrace our young people who step forward to volunteer in the best interest Guyana. Nevlon Duguid Director of Communications 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York)

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Lady BiBi your nephew, Mr. Nandlall is a former Attorney General and should therefore know that making unverified and intentionally false claims; particularly about another member of the legal fraternity, singularly to misinform, create political mischief and reputational damage, is not only unscrupulous but unethical and reprehensible.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, they have to say that, don't they.  They are setting to skim-off the backs of hard working Guyanese.

Or run off to Jamaica to buy sperm with the taxpayers money.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, they have to say that, don't they.  They are setting to skim-off the backs of hard working Guyanese.

Or run off to Jamaica to buy sperm with the taxpayers money.

Mits .......Lamumba say that was unnecessary.....

Anil should have avoided the Imported Rasta Sperm.....

and try some Local PPP House Of Israel Sperm....

which he could have get free and plenty like genip.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, they have to say that, don't they.  They are setting to skim-off the backs of hard working Guyanese.

The 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York) has attracted the attention, commitment and enthusiasm of an enumerable amount of talented Guyanese, all of whom are volunteers. Consequently, the committee has not retained, nor seen the need to retain, any professional services company. Mr. Nandlall is a former Attorney General and should therefore know that making unverified and intentionally false claims; particularly about another member of the legal fraternity, singularly to misinform, create political mischief and reputational damage, is not only unscrupulous but unethical and reprehensible.


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