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Nehru posted:
antabanta posted:
antabanta posted:

When those of you who are naturalized citizens of the US or Canada or England travel outside of your adopted country of residence, do you identify yourselves as Indian or proudly as American, Canadian, and British? Be honest now.

No answer? Does this claim of Indianness depart outside of Guyana's borders?

One has to identify one self from the Country of origin/Passport. It has nothing to do with race, Grow a bloody brain so you can stop asking STUPID questions!!

So your passport has you as being from India..correct?

Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

Congoman, .

I know that you think that you insult me.

Now should I remind you that the cousins that you left in India use toilets as places to items while they defecate in the moonlight?  I mean that is part of your culture if you claim to be so "Indian" as in fact there are cultural reasons why so many Indians engage in this.

You should remind yourself that the cousins you left in "Congo" are stll eating humans. India is the cradle of civilisation. I am proud of my culture. Do you not still crave human meat?

Come on Mits you are better than this. Carib has never to my knowledge said he is African nor has he ever indicated he speaks any of the African dialects nor participate in any African functions.

Zed posted:

...............Where is it stated that being East Indian and being Guyanese are mutually exclusive? I think that exists in your mind. Regarding your definition of clannishness, You make up your own definition by pointing to supposed behaviours and then use that to say that East Indians are clannish. This is not only structurally unsound, but also infantile. need to visit Guyana and see the interaction of people of different ethnic groups. Your views are myopic and dangerous. 

Unfortunately, many East Indians do not feel that they are viewed as Guyanese.

 Zed you seem confused here.

First you say being East Indian and being Guyanese are mutally exclusive..... is only in carib's mind.

You then mention that anyone saying East Indians as being clannish...... is structually unsound and infantile.

You then add that there is interaction between people of different ethnic groups, anyone saying any different you say... their views are myopic and dangerous. Now here is where things go South.

You then say "Unfortunately, many East Indians do not feel they are viewed as Guyanese."

So if what you said before is all true, why would this group of people feel this way? 

Is it possible this group view themselves as not being Guyanese and by doing so hold on to their heritage and say they are Indian, even to the point when a person of East Indian heritage say they are not Indian but Guyanese they are ridiculed which is then viewed by others as being clannish?

cain posted:
Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

Congoman, .

I know that you think that you insult me.

Now should I remind you that the cousins that you left in India use toilets as places to items while they defecate in the moonlight?  I mean that is part of your culture if you claim to be so "Indian" as in fact there are cultural reasons why so many Indians engage in this.

You should remind yourself that the cousins you left in "Congo" are stll eating humans. India is the cradle of civilisation. I am proud of my culture. Do you not still crave human meat?

Come on Mits you are better than this. Carib has never to my knowledge said he is African nor has he ever indicated he speaks any of the African dialects nor participate in any African functions.

That's my point. He has lost his African culture and language; he most likely has an English name; dresses like the white man. He treats people of Indian decent with scorn. I am not finished with him yet.

cain posted:
Nehru posted:
antabanta posted:
antabanta posted:

When those of you who are naturalized citizens of the US or Canada or England travel outside of your adopted country of residence, do you identify yourselves as Indian or proudly as American, Canadian, and British? Be honest now.

No answer? Does this claim of Indianness depart outside of Guyana's borders?

One has to identify one self from the Country of origin/Passport. It has nothing to do with race, Grow a bloody brain so you can stop asking STUPID questions!!

So your passport has you as being from India..correct?

We do not need a passport to prove that we are Indians. We are descendants of Bhaaratam. It's our ancestry that matters. The words India or Indian is derived from Greek.

Extract from Wikipedia:

There are over 1.3 million people of Indian origin or ancestry in Canada, the majority of which live in Greater Toronto and Vancouver, with growing communities in Alberta and Quebec. Nearly 4% of the total Canadian population is of Indian ancestry, a figure higher than both the United States and Britain. According to Statistics Canada, Indo-Canadians are one of the fastest growing visible minority groups in Canada, making up the second largest non-European ethnic group in the country after Chinese Canadians. The Indo-Canadian community can trace its history in Canada back 120 years to 1897 when a contingent of Sikh soldiers visited the western coast of Canada, primarily British Columbia which at the time was very sparsely populated and the Canadian government wanted to settle in order to prevent a takeover of the territory by the United States.

Non-resident Indian and person of Indian origin

A Non-Resident Indian (NRI) is a citizen of India who holds an Indian passport and has temporarily emigrated to another country for six months or more for employment, residence, education or any other purpose. A Person of Indian Origin (PIO) is a person of Indian origin or ancestry who is not a citizen of India, but is a citizen of another country. A PIO might have been a citizen of India and subsequently taken the citizenship of another country, or have ancestors born in India or other states.

cain posted:

Come on Mits you are better than this. Carib has never to my knowledge said he is African nor has he ever indicated he speaks any of the African dialects nor participate in any African functions.

Shut yuh backside, carib refers to himself as a black man in a racial context.  We indo guyanese see indian as a racial and cultural identity not a nationality. Look how even a dimwit like you refer to yourself as putagee even though you have no portuguese passport nor ever will as they don't want the likes you in their country. 

cain posted:
Zed posted:

...............Where is it stated that being East Indian and being Guyanese are mutually exclusive? I think that exists in your mind. Regarding your definition of clannishness, You make up your own definition by pointing to supposed behaviours and then use that to say that East Indians are clannish. This is not only structurally unsound, but also infantile. need to visit Guyana and see the interaction of people of different ethnic groups. Your views are myopic and dangerous. 

Unfortunately, many East Indians do not feel that they are viewed as Guyanese.

 Zed you seem confused here.

First you say being East Indian and being Guyanese are mutally exclusive..... is only in carib's mind.

You then mention that anyone saying East Indians as being clannish...... is structually unsound and infantile.

You then add that there is interaction between people of different ethnic groups, anyone saying any different you say... their views are myopic and dangerous. Now here is where things go South.

You then say "Unfortunately, many East Indians do not feel they are viewed as Guyanese."

So if what you said before is all true, why would this group of people feel this way? 

Is it possible this group view themselves as not being Guyanese and by doing so hold on to their heritage and say they are Indian, even to the point when a person of East Indian heritage say they are not Indian but Guyanese they are ridiculed which is then viewed by others as being clannish?

Cain. In kindness, please reread what I have posted. Even your first sentence does not reflect accurately what I wrote.


Cain, tell  me why some East Indians might not view tgemselves as Guyanese. Might it not be because of what the treatment they have received at times in our history? A  good area of exploration. 


Cain, many East Indians, when they say they are Indian mean that they are East Indian. This is not a scientific study, but just an anecdotal survey. that is why there was such a backlash to Moses when he said that he is not Indian. Many took this to mean that he was denying that he is East Indian.

now, I have to go. Visiting my sister who is married to a Portuguese (I wonder why they are never referred to as white)so we can eat some garlic pork, pepper pot and duck curry and aloo roti. Now, this is important!


All, any man wants, is to have a sexy woman to cuddle up at nights, respectful children, caring neighbours, meaning employment, to sleep restfully whenever he chooses and to know the laws of the land guarantee his civil rights. Deny such necessities, all people will seek refuge in race, creed and tribe.

Guyana could be a shining example in race relations. The Devil has the country. 

The indifference of the citizens makes them identify with race on all issues even the very basic ones.

seignet posted:

All, any man wants, is to have a sexy woman to cuddle up at nights, respectful children, caring neighbours, meaning employment, to sleep restfully whenever he chooses and to know the laws of the land guarantee his civil rights. Deny such necessities, all people will seek refuge in race, creed and tribe.

Guyana could be a shining example in race relations. The Devil has the country. 

The indifference of the citizens makes them identify with race on all issues even the very basic ones.

Are you calling Guyanese niggroes "devil"?

seignet posted:


The indifference of the citizens makes them identify with race on all issues even the very basic ones.

The reason why Guyanese identify strongly along ethnic lines reflects their insecurity.  You have one race who thinks that they can exclude others and be concerned with their own, and then you have another who reacts against that.

So two groups live in distrust.  The rest of the population remains in horror as some of the most incompetent and corrupt governments in the Caribbean have ruled Guyana since independence.

And the record is there. In the 60s Guyana was one of the most developed British colonies with infant mortality rates LOWER than most.  This despite our damp and flood prone environment which should have resulted in worse health outcomes.

Guyana is now LAST in the English speaking Caribbean using any measure of socio economic progress.  This position didn't change in the 23 years of PPP rule, and indications are that this isn't going to change under the current batch of clowns either.

Zed posted:

Cain, tell  me why some East Indians might not view tgemselves as Guyanese. Might it not be because of what the treatment they have received at times in our history? A  good area of exploration. 

And why don't blacks similarly not want to call themselves "Guyanese" even as the treatment that they had to undergo during the colonial era and in the various periods of PPP rule was no better than what Indians incurred during the colonial rule and during periods of PNC rule?

Amazingly blacks see themselves first and foremost as "Guyanese" viewing their ethnicity as Afro Guyanese as a subset of this. They have an open notion of their ethnicity and their culture and one need only see how they have traditionally viewed douglas when compared to how Indians view them. If a dougla wants to be "black" nothing stops him. A dougla will almost never be seen as an Indian.

During the Burnham era more than a few Indo Guyanese living in the USA used to lie and tell people that they were Trinidadians. During the worst of the Jagdeo era Afro Guyanese remained staunch Guyanese even though they despised the PPP.

There is a different level of attachment that Indo Guyanese and Guyanese of African and mixed ancestries have to Guyana.  To deny this is to lie.

The only group which can use their treatment as an excuse are Amerindians, who stuck in the interior, and ignored and despised by coastlanders, have no reason to like the rest of us.

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

.. that is why there was such a backlash to Moses when he said that he is not Indian. Many took this to mean that he was denying that he is East Indian.


This behavior in fact revealed much about Indo Guyanese ethnic identity and the fact that many don't see Guyana is anything other than where they were born, and maybe where they live, own assets and derive an income.

Moses specifically said that he was a "Guyanese" and not an "Indian".  He then expanded the point by acknowledging his pride in his East Indian ancestry and also pointing out that a Pakistani views himself as such and not as an Indian.

Now I can see an uneducated person misunderstanding him, especially one who is schooled to think that he should live in an Indian bubble and exclude all who aren't.  But it was the EDUCATED Indians like Jagdeo who exploited this.  And then expanded this into Amerindian areas by also aiming to terrify them about how a loss by the PPP would mean marauding blacks setting out to kill them.  He of course knowing that the PPP can no longer win just by the East Indian  vote.

People can twist as much as they wish but that reaction to Moses' comments did much to illustrate why exactly Afro Guyanese and those of mixed ancestry cannot trust Indians, especially those with PPP affiliations (95% of them). 

That the PPP felt very comfortable mounting a blatantly racist and anti black campaign and they weren't reigned in speaks volumes about Guyana.  The PPP is yet to apologize for that infamous Chronicle editorial where Afro Guyanese were portrayed as a violent and criminal group who have never made any positive contribution to Guyana. 


Mitwah posted:

That's my point. He has lost his African culture and language; he most likely has an English name; dresses like the white man. He treats people of Indian decent with scorn. I am not finished with him yet.

Hmmm. Now aside from the name I think that this describes most Indo Guyanese.  They dress no differently from the blacks, speak a form of English WHICH WAS DERIVED IN Africa, and they treat blacks with scorn to the point of disowning THEIR OWN KIDS should they decide to marry one of them.

You are now a full card carrying member of the Indo KKK.  The white supremacists will be happy to hear your comments about black cannibalism.

Drugb posted:

Shut yuh backside, carib refers to himself as a black man in a racial context.  

Carib says that Guyana is a multi cultural society. Druggie and the rest scream that blacks have no culture.  They then continue to describe us as a violent, criminal and lazy group who have made no contribution to Guyana.  Mitwah joins them by calling us cannibals.

Now who is more disrespectful?

Continue to pretend that you are fluent in Hindi script and can live in your ancestral village in India.  Continue to think that you can live in a multi cultural nation and damn 50% of the population (Afro and mixed Guyanese) as having no culture.  Continue to also think that you can behave in this manner as the Indian population dwindles and the mixed population expands.

The PPP lost because the mixed population cast their lot with APNU/AFC.  They are welcome to continue to be ethnically exclusive (clannish).

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:

Non-resident Indian and person of Indian origin

A Non-Resident Indian (NRI) is a citizen of India who holds an Indian passport and has temporarily emigrated to another country for six months or more for employment, residence, education or any other purpose. A Person of Indian Origin (PIO) is a person of Indian origin or ancestry who is not a citizen of India, but is a citizen of another country. A PIO might have been a citizen of India and subsequently taken the citizenship of another country, or have ancestors born in India or other states.

Don't worry Mitwah, no Indian passport for you. That ship literally sailed too long ago.

Now wail at Moses for daring to say that he is a Guyanese and not an Indian.  He knows that he doesn't have an Indian passport.

Zed posted:
. No one goes around shouting that Afro Guyanese were partially responsible for the Burnham years. .


You must really be deaf as in fact the very justification by the PPP for excluding blacks was because of Burnham. Even ordinary black professionals seeking employment were told "is not Burnham time now".

The fact remains is that Indo Guyanese are ethnically exclusive in their behavior and that disturbs other Guyanese and drives them into their own ethnic panic as they fear that if an Indian dominates anything this will lead to their exclusion, or as many said when the PPP lost in 2015 (thank god its the end of the slow holocaust).

This wasn't only about Jagdeo and the PPP.  This was about how the Indo dominated private companies treated non Indians.

You can deny this as you will but this indeed is a fact.  I saw with my own eyes on a visit to Guyana where two minibuses stop. An EMPTY one with a black driver and a conductor stopped first and then a FULL minibus with an Indian driver and conductor (and many black passengers).  The Indians decided to squeeze into the full bus and ignore the empty one and one can only assume that the reasons were racial.

Similarly airport taxi drivers indicate that Indians will pass them by at the airport looking for an Indian taxi driver and only come back to them when they cannot find any. A black passenger will jump in the first decent taxi that they see, regardless of the ethnicity of the driver.

This is why the vast majority of Guyanese of African and mixed ancestry are terrified of Indian dominated leadership.


And let us look at different reactions. David Hinds, Andaiye, Eusi Kwayana, Walter Rodney and others have spoken out against racism by Afro Guyanese towards Indo Guyanese.  They remain well regarded by most Afro Guyanese, and are even seen as heroes by some.

Let us see the reaction to these comments by Sugrim. Did he single out Indo Guyanese. No he made a false equivalency between Indo and Afro Guyanese, even though he knows full well that Afro Guyanese identity is very embedded in being Guyanese and that Afro Guyanese have a creole culture, which by definition absorbs influences from all sources, and doesn't have barriers to entry.

Yet its the Indians here who lambaste Sugrim. Very few endorse his views and the few who do and then attacked as joining blacks to kill off Indians.

You will deliberately ignore the difference in reaction but the evidence is clear.

In fact one can even look at those who accuse me of having "lost" my culture and then cite my inability and lack of interest in speaking an African language. The irony of course is that almost none of them are fluent speakers of any Indian language. NONE of them use this as their first language, and many of them in fact speak Creolese which is a dialect of English with AFRICAN origins.

So ironically Afro Guyanese are more likely to speak in a form which has African influences and it is the Indo Guyanese who speaks an African form of English. Yet will scream that their culture is "pure" and that of the Afro Guyanese being non existent.

One day people will understand that which ever of the myriad cultures that exist in Guyana, including various combinations of these cultures is what makes them GUYANESE. So to lambaste some one who says that he is a Guyanese (by nationality) and not Indian (because he is Guyanese by nationality) is in fact indications of clannishness.

And note that it isn't just Sugrim who is treated like this, but so is any Indian who is honest enough to describe Indian attitudes to non Indians, or the degree to which Indians prioritize their ethnicity over their nationality and exclude those who fall outside of this grouping.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

Carib like white man too much. 

Carib is die hard racist. He is critical of the current GOG only because of the Indians that are included. He would very much like to deculturelize us. He can't, unless he has our permission.


Hindu Guyanese need to strengthen all  their communities before it is broken down to western pop culture like what is happening in India. Accept douglas as your brothers and sisters in Hinduism or the Hari Krishnas. Every community must have a conversion process in place to convert Afro Guyanese and Guyanese Amerindians to the faith. This year Prashad will give 100 dollars to the Hari Krishnas. Not because Prashad is a big follower of Hinduism. But because the Hari Krishnas are helping to keep alive the culture of our Indo- Aryan and Dravidian ancestors. Which must never die on the face of this earth.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Another low blow by the Carib. I don't have anything against it. But I just cannot see myself being married to a full white woman.

Why is it a low blow.  You married a woman from the same culture that you lambaste. Do you constantly tell her that she loves white people?

I bet you dare not do that.

Mitwah posted:

Carib is die hard racist. 

So says the man who calls Africans cannibals and uses "Congoman" as an insult. 

I hope that some one from either of the two Congos has a serious conversation with you about the fact that you think that their diet consists of human flesh.

In fact I challenge you to go to either one of their UN Missions and tell them that you use the word "Congoman" as an insult and insist that the national dish is cooked human.

Prashad posted:

Hindu Guyanese need to strengthen all  their communities before it is broken down to western pop culture like what is happening in India. 

That horse galloped out of the stable long ago.  Why don't you go to many of the clubs in RH and see how "purely non western" Guyanese Hindus are.

Are your kids Hindus?

Prashad posted:

Prashad is very respectful.

Yes respectfully afraid to tell his wife that she loves whiteman and comes from a pirate culture.  Your boldness only exists when you can type racist nonsense in the secrecy of your room.

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

Carib is die hard racist. 

So says the man who calls Africans cannibals and uses "Congoman" as an insult. 

I hope that some one from either of the two Congos has a serious conversation with you about the fact that you think that their diet consists of human flesh.

In fact I challenge you to go to either one of their UN Missions and tell them that you use the word "Congoman" as an insult and insist that the national dish is cooked human.

Calling you a Jackass would be an insult to that breed of animal. I did not call Africans Cannibals. Prove it.

I called you a cannibal. You never denied that you are not a Congoman. You admitted that you lust for human meat.

You are a racist and I have no respect for you. 


Prashad posted:

Another low blow by the Carib. I don't have anything against it. But I just cannot see myself being married to a full white woman.

Why? Are white women dry goods sales persons?

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:

Calling you a Jackass would be an insult to that breed of animal. I did not call Africans Cannibals. Prove it.


You based my socalled cannibalism on my African heritage and you also used "Congoman" as an insult. I don't happened to be insulted and in fact the fact thet you think that it is an insult says a whole lot about you.

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:
. You are from the tribe that prefers human flesh over other meat. Mr. Congo man,

There you go.

Thanks for acknowledging your heritage. You have never denied that you have a craving for human meat. Think  before you come on here to put down Indians. If you think that I am being very disrespectful to you, then you are absolutely right, Mr. Congo man.

Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:
. You are from the tribe that prefers human flesh over other meat. Mr. Congo man,

There you go.

Thanks for acknowledging your heritage. You have never denied that you have a craving for human meat. Think  before you come on here to put down Indians. If you think that I am being very disrespectful to you, then you are absolutely right, Mr. Congo man.

Why don't you resort to posting picture of donkey feces as you used to? Seriously that is indicative of your level of discourse.

But continue to display your disdain for Congolese, thinking that you insult me.  Or to connecting it to cannibalism.  Interesting that you resort to this stereotype often used by racists against Africans.

BTW the only person who you are disrespecting is yourself by confirming what an ignorant bigot you are.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:
. You are from the tribe that prefers human flesh over other meat. Mr. Congo man,

There you go.

Thanks for acknowledging your heritage. You have never denied that you have a craving for human meat. Think  before you come on here to put down Indians. If you think that I am being very disrespectful to you, then you are absolutely right, Mr. Congo man.

Why don't you resort to posting picture of donkey feces as you used to? Seriously that is indicative of your level of discourse.

But continue to display your disdain for Congolese, thinking that you insult me.  Or to connecting it to cannibalism.  Interesting that you resort to this stereotype often used by racists against Africans.

BTW the only person who you are disrespecting is yourself by confirming what an ignorant bigot you are.

I said that I have no respect for you. You are nothing more than an ignorant congenital racist prick. I connect you to cannibalism. You seem to lack comprehension. Are you now an African?

Mitwah posted:

I said that I have no respect for you. 

Who cares what you think.   You don't have respect for you so why should I respect you.  Now run along and play with the KKK.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

I said that I have no respect for you. 

Who cares what you think.   You don't have respect for you so why should I respect you.  Now run along and play with the KKK.

You behave like a dog chasing his  tail or the one that barks at a parked car. You scare yourself when you see your reflection. You keep going around in circles, flying off at a tangent, creating your own groundless arguments. You lack self respect and behave like a high school drop out.You rely on assumptions that are ultimately false. You seem to struggle between your racist mind and your basic instinct.

Run along now and play with yourself. yippieyippie

Nehru posted:
antabanta posted:
antabanta posted:

When those of you who are naturalized citizens of the US or Canada or England travel outside of your adopted country of residence, do you identify yourselves as Indian or proudly as American, Canadian, and British? Be honest now.

No answer? Does this claim of Indianness depart outside of Guyana's borders?

One has to identify one self from the Country of origin/Passport. It has nothing to do with race, Grow a bloody brain so you can stop asking STUPID questions!!

I'm not talking about immigration. Sorry, should've realized you'd need a clear explanation. Well... perhaps you don't travel much. This question isn't for you.

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

You behave like a dog chasing his 

This from the man who got banned because he repeatedly posted picture of feces on GNI.

Canib, that 's not true. The only worthless piece of feces here, is you.


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