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Former Member

China suggests sanctions relief for N. Korea after US summit

“The Chinese position echoes comments made by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who called for a lifting of sanctions during a May visit to Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital.

. . . In the past, China has been accused of skirting sanctions to prop up the North Korean government — an accusation it vigorously denies. Geng said Tuesday that China has been following the U.N. sanctions resolutions “comprehensively, accurately and strictly.”

. . . But Trump suggested that China has already been relaxing trade controls.

“Over the last two months the border is more open than it was when we first started,” Trump told reporters in Singapore.”


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mr. Kim gets out of jail for a sorta verifiable freeze

the US maintains sanctions that become meaningless once China/Russia/S. Korea loosen up

China’s North Korea leverage becomes a key piece in the Finlandization of S. Korea and it’s hegemonic confrontation with the US in the South China Sea

chess vs (Trump) checkers

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

Mr. Kim gets out of jail for a sorta verifiable freeze

the US maintains sanctions that become meaningless once China/Russia/S. Korea loosen up

China’s North Korea leverage becomes a key piece in the Finlandization of S. Korea and it’s hegemonic confrontation with the US in the South China Sea

chess vs (Trump) checkers

Dumby, the people went from a nothing burger to a nuke state with means of delivery all the way to the US.  Clearly all the sanctions and what ever was done over the decades did not work.  Trump has to deal with a different NK than any other president. 

I believe there is a simmering inner conflict in NK and this young leader wants a way out.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

Mr. Kim gets out of jail for a sorta verifiable freeze

the US maintains sanctions that become meaningless once China/Russia/S. Korea loosen up

China’s North Korea leverage becomes a key piece in the Finlandization of S. Korea and it’s hegemonic confrontation with the US in the South China Sea

chess vs (Trump) checkers

Dumby, the people went from a nothing burger to a nuke state with means of delivery all the way to the US.  Clearly all the sanctions and what ever was done over the decades did not work.  Trump has to deal with a different NK than any other president. 

thanks Captain Obvious . . . what's your point?


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