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Japan says North Korea poses a "grave and urgent" threat

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WWWIII has been predicted a long time ago. If it doesn't happen today, it may happen in the near future. With that said, NK is a menace to world peace that will destabilize the region and affect the entire world. The U.S. can win North Korea with conventional weapons many times over, but with Nukes, nobody wins. The number of nukes the world has can end civilization, or put us back in the stone age. 

Prashad posted:

Trump should sit down with young kim and work things out. It could be good to have north Korea as a friend.

Trump, asked by reporters after Church service in Washington if he'd attack N. Korea, he says: 'We'll see' (moments ago)


Prince posted:
Prashad posted:

Trump should sit down with young kim and work things out. It could be good to have north Korea as a friend.

Trump, asked by reporters after Church service in Washington if he'd attack N. Korea, he says: 'We'll see' (moments ago)


You know Trump, he talks like that.  He also learn fat talk don't matter.  He said fire and fury, and they gave us a hydrogen bomb.  Well so much for fat talk.  He needs to listen to Bannon on this.  Bannon is right on!


They have to talk, there is no good military solutions. Trump wants China to do his dirty work, he starts a fire and ask China to extinguish the flame. Kelly needs to put an end to Trump Tweeting. NK is seeking world"s attention, they need aid. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies CLOSER.

kp posted:

They have to talk, there is no good military solutions. Trump wants China to do his dirty work, he starts a fire and ask China to extinguish the flame. Kelly needs to put an end to Trump Tweeting. NK is seeking world"s attention, they need aid. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies CLOSER.

NK is seeking an end to embargos, access to world institutions, developmental aid, etc.  They want just what Iran got.  And there is no turning back  NK is here to stay, a nuke power and we cannot ignore.

The next they will do in another ICBM, orbit the earth and they will bring it down well away from home proving they can reach anyone, anytime!  Those NKs are a smart and strategic thinking bunch!


Young kim don't have anything that can worry America . He is just bluffing. But it is a stupid bluff because it now puts Trump in a position where people are demanding military action be taken against North Korea.  All he had to do was to say that he would destroy important parts of South Korea with conventional weapons if America tries to remove his regime.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Young kim don't have anything that can worry America . He is just bluffing. But it is a stupid bluff because it now puts Trump in a position where people are demanding military action be take against North Korea.  All he had to do was to say that he would destroy important parts of South Korea with conventional weapons if America tries to remove his regime.

I would not want to call the bluff of someone why successfully launched an effective ICBM and just exploded a miniaturized 120 KT nuke warhead!

The NKs give us their middle finger whenever they have something else up their sleeves!  I see a true ICBM launch coming, full earth orbit!

There is a partnership with Iran, Iran has tested the missiles while NK exploded theirs on tests, decoy.  Now NK is testing the Nukes, you bet Iran has access to it all if need be.

Iran transfers $3 bil a year to NK for "technical assistance" through the Bank of China!  That's not for naught!!


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