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August 24,2016


As he prepares to seek re-election as Vice-Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Minister of Public Health Dr George Norton is asking members to see past his mistakes in addressing the controversial Sussex Street drug bond contract, while saying he acted on information given by his staff.

And while he admits that he “was being a little reckless, on my part, for not verifying in a more detailed form, the accuracy of information fed,” on the contract, resulting in him making misleading statements in the National Assembly, Norton stressed that he never received any kickbacks from the deal and he is not friends with the contractor, Larry Singh.

“As a minister I depend on my staff to give me certain information…the PNC persons would understand that while I might have provided incorrect information, it was information that was given to me,” Norton told Stabroek News.“It hurt me, really hurt me to hear people say I must have received kickbacks and these sort of things because it is nothing of the sort. I never got any kickback…I am not friends with Larry Singh,” he stressed.

In the wake of controversy over the deal for the rental of the Lot 29 Sussex Street, Charlestown bond, with Linden Holdings Inc. to store pharmaceuticals at some $12.5M per month, President David Granger appointed a Cabinet Sub-Committee to do a review.

It has since recommended that government should try to negotiate a reduction of the agreed monthly rental fee and that if there is a refusal by Linden Holdings Inc, government should give a year’s notice of a termination of the lease and build its own facilities in the intervening period.

Although government has admitted that Norton misled the National Assembly during questioning about the bond on August 8, 2016, the report says he was apparently misled by officials of his ministry when he provided the information.

The sub-committee, which comprised Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Minister of State Joseph Harmon and Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman, also addressed the necessity of leasing the bond and noted government needed to find alternative space at the earliest possible opportunity and Norton was acting in accordance with a Cabinet directive when he tasked the health ministry’s staff to find and secure a suitable bond at the earliest possible time.

The Public Health Ministry had previously been utilizing a New GPC storage warehouse at Ruimveldt rent-free, while that company had been the primary sole-source supplier of drugs and pharmaceuticals to the ministry. However, the sub-committee report notes that the ministry this year instituted a new procurement model that remove the single sourcing arrangement and introduced an open tendering process, following which New GPC is said to have requested payment for use of the Ruimveldt warehouse.

Norton, the report says, advised Cabinet that the continued use of the warehouse was undesirable because the sum being sought was excessive and that in the open bidding process there could be allegations of conflict of interest by other suppliers about the use of the New GPC warehouse.


 Yesterday, Norton explained why the facility was sought through sole sourcing, while arguing that it was to save time.

“Why not an open procurement process? That process, I am learning now—and I have been into politics all my life but I have never been into what is competitive bidding and procurement procedures—it takes a long time for you to get that bidding document out, for you to put to go to tender, for the evaluation committee to evaluate, then to tender board and then to Cabinet and things like that…it takes a long time,” he said.

“Let me tell you this, one of the difficulty we run into with the procurement of our medication is the length of time,” he added.

When it was pointed out that procuring drugs and procuring a building would see a difference in processing time, Norton said that he believes that this very argument is why he was “being slaughtered” and he accepted that maybe more scrutiny could have been done.

“What you are saying there is the big argument and there is where I am being slaughtered and I accept that part of it,” he said.

“If I made a mistake, even though I might not have been able to change the status quo, that is where I said I might have been reckless. I got slaughtered for that there is no doubt about it,” he added.

‘Lesson learned, experience gained’

 But Norton says he has learned from this experience and believes that it has him so cautious now that his attitude seems to border on paranoia.

“It isn’t easy. I am now questioning everything. I am now paranoid about these vouchers. I call up about these medivacs asking ‘how much are we paying? If this conference was really held, why are you ordering lunch?’ These are the kinds of things. It ain’t easy. It was kind of reckless on my part coming into it not knowing and I took a good beating for it,” he posited.

It is because he feels that the experience has helped his growth as a politician and more so a minister of an agency, that he is asking delegates at Friday’s PNCR congress to vote for him again.

“George Norton has been a true soldier to the cause of the PNC, in the frontline of the battle, in the trenches and warzone to get rid of the PPP and all those who benefitted though corruption with their being in power and they [the delegates] can look forward to more positive changes,” the party Vice-Chairman asserted.

“To create a level playing field for all to share in the good life of Guyana and not only a selected few, as what took place, I promise to work with the same level of zeal and enthusiasm, particularly in the indigenous and hinterland communities where my forte lies in my political advocacy. Besides, over the years working with all the leaders of the PNC, I have developed a track record and vast experience that the PNC would be very fortunate to have at their disposal,” he added.

He informed that he is also preparing to hold true to his promise to the National Assembly to submit documents pertaining to the bond contract. “I promised the Parliament that I would make the contract available and I will,” Norton further said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Norton said that although he has been in politics all his life he had no idea what it takes to conduct public bidding so poor him had to go with closed door bidding. Now it makes him cry that people are suspecting him of wrong doing.

Nehru posted:



GHADHA was always useful to mankind,Mother Mary rode one.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Nehru posted:



GHADAHAS was always useful to mankind,Mother Mary rode one.

Django bai, soon marnin you ah only talk rass and set youssef up fuh somebady put licks pun you. Bai lemme keep me mouth shet before me get suspended again. Me no dis admin like me bad bad.


skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:



GHADAHAS was always useful to mankind,Mother Mary rode one.

Django bai, soon marnin you ah only talk rass and set youssef up fuh somebady put licks pun you. Bai lemme keep me mouth shet before me get suspended again. Me no dis admin like me bad bad.


Nah bhai me nah got thinskin,how the fishing going ??

Wha you friken the admin say what you waan fuh seh providing you keeping it civil,

You noticed the prezi got raakhi tie pun he hand.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:



GHADAHAS was always useful to mankind,Mother Mary rode one.

Django bai, soon marnin you ah only talk rass and set youssef up fuh somebady put licks pun you. Bai lemme keep me mouth shet before me get suspended again. Me no dis admin like me bad bad.


Nah bhai me nah got thinskin,how the fishing going ??

Too warm to go fishing. Getting ready for hunting. Fishing will start again sometime in September. So will do both.


Norton is being honest and forthright, and he hasn't sought to hide and obfuscate. However, he's also accusing himself of not being smarter for having been a politician for all those years. That sometimes is a problem with both parties when in opposition - their shadow Ministers need to stay on top of governing processes while in the opposition. In 1992 the PPP had Cheddi Jagan to shepherd them through the early years of the governing process. Granger is, well, not a seasoned politician or Statesman. And it shows, as this governing Coalition lacks assertiveness and a vision for moving the nation forward. it all starts with the politics that fuel the economy.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:



GHADHA was always useful to mankind,Mother Mary rode one.

Is that why you allowing Granger and Moses to ride you as a Donkey???

Last edited by Nehru
Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:



GHADHA was always useful to mankind,Mother Mary rode one.

Is that why you allowing Granger and Moses to ride you as a Donkey???

Banna i am my own boss i take no orders from no one,I am always the rider.

skeldon_man posted:

Too warm to go fishing. Getting ready for hunting. Fishing will start again sometime in September. So will do both.

Bai, whah is de Hindu teaching regarding hunting. 

Nehru posted:

As I stated many times GNI PNC supporters are Brain Dead @#$% Heads!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the excuses being given by this government is too silly to even laugh at. The same government that claimed they had all the answers not so long ago. This government is the Sarah Palin of Guyana.

ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Too warm to go fishing. Getting ready for hunting. Fishing will start again sometime in September. So will do both.

Bai, whah is de Hindu teaching regarding hunting. 

Ksaz, With all due respect. Religion was created by rich people to keep the poor unfortunate in servitude. They instilled the fear of god upon the poor so they can exploit their ignorance. My parents were Arya Samaj. Never forced us to attend the mandir. I never attended Mandir growing up. Besides, which pandit, priest, mullah, etc. will tell me how to live my life? I am married to a church going christian who frequently asks me to accompany her to church. My answer is that when I think that I am an EVIL person, I will go ask god for forgiveness, does not mean I will have to go to church to ask for forgiveness. I know more about Christianity than I do Hinduism. I enjoy the outdoors, so I do bird hunting and fishing. I do not eat beef, pork, lamb or venison(no mammals), not because I was born a Hindu.


Norton calls drug bond controversy learning experience - denies receiving kickbacks, says Larry Singh not a friend.


As he prepares to seek re-election as Vice-Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Minister of Public Health Dr George Norton is asking members to see past his mistakes in addressing the controversial Sussex Street drug bond contract, while saying he acted on information given by his staff.

August 24,2016, Source

Perhaps, Granger and his ministers are still in kindergarten.

ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

As I stated many times GNI PNC supporters are Brain Dead @#$% Heads!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the excuses being given by this government is too silly to even laugh at. The same government that claimed they had all the answers not so long ago. This government is the Sarah Palin of Guyana.

Ksazma, it is standard PNC level of operation. They cant help but being bottom of the Barrel IDIOTS and their GNI supporters are corresponding elements!!!!!!!!

ksazma posted:

Norton said that although he has been in politics all his life he had no idea what it takes to conduct public bidding so poor him had to go with closed door bidding. Now it makes him cry that people are suspecting him of wrong doing.

He ought to receive good scolding from one of the Amerindian sages

Billy Ram Balgobin
Kari posted:

Norton is being honest and forthright, and he hasn't sought to hide and obfuscate. However, he's also accusing himself of not being smarter for having been a politician for all those years. That sometimes is a problem with both parties when in opposition - their shadow Ministers need to stay on top of governing processes while in the opposition. In 1992 the PPP had Cheddi Jagan to shepherd them through the early years of the governing process. Granger is, well, not a seasoned politician or Statesman. And it shows, as this governing Coalition lacks assertiveness and a vision for moving the nation forward. it all starts with the politics that fuel the economy.

What they have Moses doing in the gov't.?? Isn't he a seasoned politician who is supposed to see these things???

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Kari posted:

Norton is being honest and forthright, and he hasn't sought to hide and obfuscate. However, he's also accusing himself of not being smarter for having been a politician for all those years. That sometimes is a problem with both parties when in opposition - their shadow Ministers need to stay on top of governing processes while in the opposition. In 1992 the PPP had Cheddi Jagan to shepherd them through the early years of the governing process. Granger is, well, not a seasoned politician or Statesman. And it shows, as this governing Coalition lacks assertiveness and a vision for moving the nation forward. it all starts with the politics that fuel the economy.

What they have Moses doing in the gov't.?? Isn't he a seasoned politician who is supposed to see these things???

Bhai, I am surprise you dont now the classic ass kissing, soup drinking response!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Kari posted:

Norton is being honest and forthright, and he hasn't sought to hide and obfuscate. However, he's also accusing himself of not being smarter for having been a politician for all those years. That sometimes is a problem with both parties when in opposition - their shadow Ministers need to stay on top of governing processes while in the opposition. In 1992 the PPP had Cheddi Jagan to shepherd them through the early years of the governing process. Granger is, well, not a seasoned politician or Statesman. And it shows, as this governing Coalition lacks assertiveness and a vision for moving the nation forward. it all starts with the politics that fuel the economy.

What they have Moses doing in the gov't.?? Isn't he a seasoned politician who is supposed to see these things???

Bhai, I am surprise you dont now the classic ass kissing, soup drinking response!!!!!

Pavi, I often wondered....when you say nee nee nee makharam, were you choking on something? 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Kari posted:

Norton is being honest and forthright, and he hasn't sought to hide and obfuscate. However, he's also accusing himself of not being smarter for having been a politician for all those years. That sometimes is a problem with both parties when in opposition - their shadow Ministers need to stay on top of governing processes while in the opposition. In 1992 the PPP had Cheddi Jagan to shepherd them through the early years of the governing process. Granger is, well, not a seasoned politician or Statesman. And it shows, as this governing Coalition lacks assertiveness and a vision for moving the nation forward. it all starts with the politics that fuel the economy.

What they have Moses doing in the gov't.?? Isn't he a seasoned politician who is supposed to see these things???

Perhaps, only to fill their pockets yearly with huge salary increases.

Kari posted:
Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Kari posted:

Norton is being honest and forthright, and he hasn't sought to hide and obfuscate. However, he's also accusing himself of not being smarter for having been a politician for all those years. That sometimes is a problem with both parties when in opposition - their shadow Ministers need to stay on top of governing processes while in the opposition. In 1992 the PPP had Cheddi Jagan to shepherd them through the early years of the governing process. Granger is, well, not a seasoned politician or Statesman. And it shows, as this governing Coalition lacks assertiveness and a vision for moving the nation forward. it all starts with the politics that fuel the economy.

What they have Moses doing in the gov't.?? Isn't he a seasoned politician who is supposed to see these things???

Bhai, I am surprise you dont now the classic ass kissing, soup drinking response!!!!!

Pavi, I often wondered....when you say nee nee nee makharam, were you choking on something? 

Ask the Neemakaram Crabdaag why he was hollering like dat, were you next to him??/

KishanB posted:

Nagamootu seh if PPP can tief, what wrong if PNC tief?

Bai Kish,

You mek me hand fall. All you were beating up your chests and calming that you would eradicate corruption.

Moses proudly wears the corruption crown. Looks good on him.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

August 24,2016


As he prepares to seek re-election as Vice-Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Minister of Public Health Dr George Norton is asking members to see past his mistakes in addressing the controversial Sussex Street drug bond contract, while saying he acted on information given by his staff.

And while he admits that he “was being a little reckless, on my part, for not verifying in a more detailed form, the accuracy of information fed,” on the contract, resulting in him making misleading statements in the National Assembly, Norton stressed that he never received any kickbacks from the deal and he is not friends with the contractor, Larry Singh.

“As a minister I depend on my staff to give me certain information…the PNC persons would understand that while I might have provided incorrect information, it was information that was given to me,” Norton told Stabroek News.“It hurt me, really hurt me to hear people say I must have received kickbacks and these sort of things because it is nothing of the sort. I never got any kickback…I am not friends with Larry Singh,” he stressed.

In the wake of controversy over the deal for the rental of the Lot 29 Sussex Street, Charlestown bond, with Linden Holdings Inc. to store pharmaceuticals at some $12.5M per month, President David Granger appointed a Cabinet Sub-Committee to do a review.

It has since recommended that government should try to negotiate a reduction of the agreed monthly rental fee and that if there is a refusal by Linden Holdings Inc, government should give a year’s notice of a termination of the lease and build its own facilities in the intervening period.

Although government has admitted that Norton misled the National Assembly during questioning about the bond on August 8, 2016, the report says he was apparently misled by officials of his ministry when he provided the information.

The sub-committee, which comprised Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Minister of State Joseph Harmon and Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman, also addressed the necessity of leasing the bond and noted government needed to find alternative space at the earliest possible opportunity and Norton was acting in accordance with a Cabinet directive when he tasked the health ministry’s staff to find and secure a suitable bond at the earliest possible time.

The Public Health Ministry had previously been utilizing a New GPC storage warehouse at Ruimveldt rent-free, while that company had been the primary sole-source supplier of drugs and pharmaceuticals to the ministry. However, the sub-committee report notes that the ministry this year instituted a new procurement model that remove the single sourcing arrangement and introduced an open tendering process, following which New GPC is said to have requested payment for use of the Ruimveldt warehouse.

Norton, the report says, advised Cabinet that the continued use of the warehouse was undesirable because the sum being sought was excessive and that in the open bidding process there could be allegations of conflict of interest by other suppliers about the use of the New GPC warehouse.


 Yesterday, Norton explained why the facility was sought through sole sourcing, while arguing that it was to save time.

“Why not an open procurement process? That process, I am learning now—and I have been into politics all my life but I have never been into what is competitive bidding and procurement procedures—it takes a long time for you to get that bidding document out, for you to put to go to tender, for the evaluation committee to evaluate, then to tender board and then to Cabinet and things like that…it takes a long time,” he said.

“Let me tell you this, one of the difficulty we run into with the procurement of our medication is the length of time,” he added.

When it was pointed out that procuring drugs and procuring a building would see a difference in processing time, Norton said that he believes that this very argument is why he was “being slaughtered” and he accepted that maybe more scrutiny could have been done.

“What you are saying there is the big argument and there is where I am being slaughtered and I accept that part of it,” he said.

“If I made a mistake, even though I might not have been able to change the status quo, that is where I said I might have been reckless. I got slaughtered for that there is no doubt about it,” he added.

‘Lesson learned, experience gained’

 But Norton says he has learned from this experience and believes that it has him so cautious now that his attitude seems to border on paranoia.

“It isn’t easy. I am now questioning everything. I am now paranoid about these vouchers. I call up about these medivacs asking ‘how much are we paying? If this conference was really held, why are you ordering lunch?’ These are the kinds of things. It ain’t easy. It was kind of reckless on my part coming into it not knowing and I took a good beating for it,” he posited.

It is because he feels that the experience has helped his growth as a politician and more so a minister of an agency, that he is asking delegates at Friday’s PNCR congress to vote for him again.

“George Norton has been a true soldier to the cause of the PNC, in the frontline of the battle, in the trenches and warzone to get rid of the PPP and all those who benefitted though corruption with their being in power and they [the delegates] can look forward to more positive changes,” the party Vice-Chairman asserted.

“To create a level playing field for all to share in the good life of Guyana and not only a selected few, as what took place, I promise to work with the same level of zeal and enthusiasm, particularly in the indigenous and hinterland communities where my forte lies in my political advocacy. Besides, over the years working with all the leaders of the PNC, I have developed a track record and vast experience that the PNC would be very fortunate to have at their disposal,” he added.

He informed that he is also preparing to hold true to his promise to the National Assembly to submit documents pertaining to the bond contract. “I promised the Parliament that I would make the contract available and I will,” Norton further said.

$15 million a year in wages and perks to learn from the taxpayers of Guyana.  Not a bad blue magic scheme.



yuji22 posted:
KishanB posted:

Nagamootu seh if PPP can tief, what wrong if PNC tief?

Bai Kish,

You mek me hand fall. All you were beating up your chests and calming that you would eradicate corruption.

Moses proudly wears the corruption crown. Looks good on him.

Here's a quiz Yuji. From zero (in 1997) to over US$100 million (2011) - which Guyanese? In the creole dictionary you would see his smiling face under "Corruption".


A year ago I said these parties, AFC/APNU, had their doors wide opened for corrupt people to enter and some of you chose not to believe.  I warned AFC supporters that this thing about 'change" promised by the AFC would boomerang and they still did not believe me.  I told them that the level of corruption in the PPP government was unacceptable but expect more from the alternative and they did not believe me.  I told them that the PNC will become the dominant partner in any coalition arrangement and the did not believe me.  A year has gone by and I hope they have the balls to face the reality of today's Guyana and accept the truth.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

A year ago I said these parties, AFC/APNU, had their doors wide opened for corrupt people to enter and some of you chose not to believe.  I warned AFC supporters that this thing about 'change" promised by the AFC would boomerang and they still did not believe me.  I told them that the level of corruption in the PPP government was unacceptable but expect more from the alternative and they did not believe me.  I told them that the PNC will become the dominant partner in any coalition arrangement and the did not believe me.  A year has gone by and I hope they have the balls to face the reality of today's Guyana and accept the truth.

They are all in hiding. 

Kari posted:
Georgie posted:

But on a more serious NOTE - Minista NUTTEN, is a liar.

Lying to protect his bosses?

Look at these two shameless batty and po!!  Daubing councie all over one anada.

Pointblank posted:

At least when they make a mistake they correct it under the PPP well everyone knows the deal would ah bin sealed.

You are so shameless, you conjure up every stupid excuse to cover your shyte.  And they say you are some civic leader in Queens, shame on you, shame on them.  But then again, it a small posse on this board and alyuh stick together like feather on shit!!  Your flock probably have no clue what you truly represent!


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