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Former Member

Norwegian company picked to review Amaila Falls Hydro-power proposal


Guyana and Norway have picked a Norwegian company to review the financial model of the proposed Amaila Falls Hydro-power station which has been the subject of long-running political bickering between the government and the opposition.

“A decision was recently made to utilize Norway’s largest consultancy firm ‘Norconsult’ for this review. With over 50 years of international experience in power generation and energy supply engineering, the Ministry of Finance and Cabinet considered it the best option for an objective re-assessment,”  government said in a statement issued through its Information Agency (GINA).

This decision follows up on one taken by the countries in Paris, France, in December 2015 to conduct a review of the project’s current financial model, which the government believes could shackle many generations of Guyanese to debt. Guyana’s Finance Minister, Winston Jordan has said that going ahead with the current financial model inherited from the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration would be “criminal.”

The selection of Norconsult, the Guyana government said, followed a shared assessment of consultant companies to conduct a financial model review of the topical Amaila Falls Project, which has been the subject of much debate in both countries.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has maintained that the existing financial mode, including the cost of construction and rate at which power would be sold by the Guyana Power and Light and re-sold to consumers, would save Guyana billions of dollars annually in fossil fuel sales.

While in opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) had strenuously objected to the project, resulting in investors pulling out from the almost US$1 billion project because of a lack of political consensus.

MeanwhileGuyana and Norway are preparing for a visit in 2016, April by a Norwegian delegation comprising members from the Ministry of Climate and Environment and Norway’s Development Agency (NORAD).

The visit is expected to deepen the partnership and collaboration to complete outstanding deliverables of the MoU that the new government inherited. The Guyana team is actively preparing for this eagerly anticipated visit and all stakeholders will be engaged throughout this process.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:


It might very well be under the current construct.  The viability depends largely on the availability of the hydro-power year round.  Of course cost is a major factor also.  It would be interesting to see what goes into this "financial model."

baseman posted:
VVP posted:
Nehru posted:


It might very well be under the current construct.  The viability depends largely on the availability of the hydro-power year round.  Of course cost is a major factor also.  It would be interesting to see what goes into this "financial model."

Wow, what interesting insights!!  One would never have guess this!!

Guyana is the first country to undertake a Hydro project, so we breaking new ground!!

I always thought the PNC/AFC boys were a class-act onto themselves!!

What a dumb response!  Do you just have to say something even it is meaningless?

VVP posted:
baseman posted:
VVP posted:
Nehru posted:


It might very well be under the current construct.  The viability depends largely on the availability of the hydro-power year round.  Of course cost is a major factor also.  It would be interesting to see what goes into this "financial model."

Wow, what interesting insights!!  One would never have guess this!!

Guyana is the first country to undertake a Hydro project, so we breaking new ground!!

I always thought the PNC/AFC boys were a class-act onto themselves!!

What a dumb response!  Do you just have to say something even it is meaningless?

He and Ganga cannot help themselves. The have the same knee jerk response to everything not proposed by the PPP.

Stormborn posted:
VVP posted:
baseman posted:
VVP posted:
Nehru posted:


It might very well be under the current construct.  The viability depends largely on the availability of the hydro-power year round.  Of course cost is a major factor also.  It would be interesting to see what goes into this "financial model."

Wow, what interesting insights!!  One would never have guess this!!

Guyana is the first country to undertake a Hydro project, so we breaking new ground!!

I always thought the PNC/AFC boys were a class-act onto themselves!!

What a dumb response!  Do you just have to say something even it is meaningless?

He and Ganga cannot help themselves. The have the same knee jerk response to everything not proposed by the PPP.

The dude throws a lot of jargon on this site and people believe he knows what he is talking about.  It is easy to spot him.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.


Nehru posted:

VVP, Stormy want Govt to tell Store owners what to sell.


Is he related to the Castro brothers???

I did not say that she should tell stores what to sell. I said they needed to require of them a commitment to source their perishables, ie meats, fish and vegetables from the local community. That is a reasonable ask. Lacking that you end up with big box stores canabilizing local outlets and contributing nothing to the local economy

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.


You would think Mr. Hydroseed would have known that the potential for Hydro-power at Amaila was known way back before the PPP  took up the project.  If the hydro power is not not available 30% of the year as some claim this project would never be financially viable under the current construct.

Nehru posted:


It was not a waste of money the ppp give it to flip he is one of they siblings 

Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.

There are numerous hydroelectric development built in Canada, Europe, Africa and other parts of the world where the main-stem of the system is supplemented by flows from other streams ... similar to the Amaila proposal.

As noted on relevant discussion on this subject on GNI, I was the Executive Coordinator for the development of hydroelectric power projects in Canada ... one of which has identical features like the Amaila proposal.

Similarly, I provided advice/services to other projects identical to the Amaila proposal in other countries.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.

There are numerous hydroelectric development built in Canada, Europe, Africa and other parts of the world where the main-stem of the system is supplemented by flows from other streams ... similar to the Amaila proposal.

As noted on relevant discussion on this subject on GNI, I was the Executive Coordinator for the development of hydroelectric power projects in Canada ... one of which has identical features like the Amaila proposal.

Similarly, I provided advice/services to other projects identical to the Amaila proposal in other countries.

And I think u only know about bollywood 

Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.

There are numerous hydroelectric development built in Canada, Europe, Africa and other parts of the world where the main-stem of the system is supplemented by flows from other streams ... similar to the Amaila proposal.

As noted on relevant discussion on this subject on GNI, I was the Executive Coordinator for the development of hydroelectric power projects in Canada ... one of which has identical features like the Amaila proposal.

Similarly, I provided advice/services to other projects identical to the Amaila proposal in other countries.

Then do us a favor, give us the volume of the reservoir, and the rate of replenishment to supply 165Megawatt of electricity consistently as was stated. I do not see that data anywhere.

baseman posted:
VVP posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.


You would think Mr. Hydroseed would have known that the potential for Hydro-power at Amaila was known way back before the PPP  took up the project.  If the hydro power is not not available 30% of the year as some claim this project would never be financially viable under the current construct.

You have to say that, don't you!!  The Norwegians were backing a white elephant and Mr VVP, poster on the obscure GNI blog could have "enlightened" them.

I think HE Granger and the PNC need your talents/skills!!

Now, I wish Mr Amral would put a video feature so we have lil "stand-up-comedy"!!

The Norwegians did not have a hands on approach to this. They relied on the PPP. Now they do and if they think it will be viable and they are the experts in this area we will soon know. I am sure it would not be the two billion dollars debt the PPP were getting us into with a commitment to generate 19 percent on the dollar investment returns to Sithe for 20 years. We would have had the highest electricity rates in the world!

Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.

There are numerous hydroelectric development built in Canada, Europe, Africa and other parts of the world where the main-stem of the system is supplemented by flows from other streams ... similar to the Amaila proposal.

As noted on relevant discussion on this subject on GNI, I was the Executive Coordinator for the development of hydroelectric power projects in Canada ... one of which has identical features like the Amaila proposal.

Similarly, I provided advice/services to other projects identical to the Amaila proposal in other countries.

Then do us a favor, give us the volume of the reservoir, and the rate of replenishment to supply 165Megawatt of electricity consistently as was stated. I do not see that data anywhere.

All of the information are in the reports.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.

There are numerous hydroelectric development built in Canada, Europe, Africa and other parts of the world where the main-stem of the system is supplemented by flows from other streams ... similar to the Amaila proposal.

As noted on relevant discussion on this subject on GNI, I was the Executive Coordinator for the development of hydroelectric power projects in Canada ... one of which has identical features like the Amaila proposal.

Similarly, I provided advice/services to other projects identical to the Amaila proposal in other countries.

Yeah and I was the President of the USA.  Oops I do not hid behind an alias.

baseman posted:
VVP posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.


You would think Mr. Hydroseed would have known that the potential for Hydro-power at Amaila was known way back before the PPP  took up the project.  If the hydro power is not not available 30% of the year as some claim this project would never be financially viable under the current construct.

You have to say that, don't you!!  The Norwegians were backing a white elephant and Mr VVP, poster on the obscure GNI blog could have "enlightened" them.

I think HE Granger and the PNC need your talents/skills!!

Now, I wish Mr Amral would put a video feature so we have lil "stand-up-comedy"!!

Jargon again.  You do not know $hit what you are saying.  The Norwegians interest is zero pollution energy they did not do a feasibility study of the project, that's why they are going this route now.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.

There are numerous hydroelectric development built in Canada, Europe, Africa and other parts of the world where the main-stem of the system is supplemented by flows from other streams ... similar to the Amaila proposal.

As noted on relevant discussion on this subject on GNI, I was the Executive Coordinator for the development of hydroelectric power projects in Canada ... one of which has identical features like the Amaila proposal.

Similarly, I provided advice/services to other projects identical to the Amaila proposal in other countries.

Then do us a favor, give us the volume of the reservoir, and the rate of replenishment to supply 165Megawatt of electricity consistently as was stated. I do not see that data anywhere.

All of the information are in the reports.

Those reports have always been a mystery.

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
VVP posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.


You would think Mr. Hydroseed would have known that the potential for Hydro-power at Amaila was known way back before the PPP  took up the project.  If the hydro power is not not available 30% of the year as some claim this project would never be financially viable under the current construct.

You have to say that, don't you!!  The Norwegians were backing a white elephant and Mr VVP, poster on the obscure GNI blog could have "enlightened" them.

I think HE Granger and the PNC need your talents/skills!!

Now, I wish Mr Amral would put a video feature so we have lil "stand-up-comedy"!!

The Norwegians did not have a hands on approach to this. They relied on the PPP. Now they do and if they think it will be viable and they are the experts in this area we will soon know. I am sure it would not be the two billion dollars debt the PPP were getting us into with a commitment to generate 19 percent on the dollar investment returns to Sithe for 20 years. We would have had the highest electricity rates in the world!

Exactly.  These asses have too much time on their hand to write $hit here.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
VVP posted:

You would think Mr. Hydroseed would have known that the potential for Hydro-power at Amaila was known way back before the PPP  took up the project.  If the hydro power is not not available 30% of the year as some claim this project would never be financially viable under the current construct.

You have to say that, don't you!!  The Norwegians were backing a white elephant and Mr VVP, poster on the obscure GNI blog could have "enlightened" them.

I think HE Granger and the PNC need your talents/skills!!

Now, I wish Mr Amral would put a video feature so we have lil "stand-up-comedy"!!

The Norwegians did not have a hands on approach to this. They relied on the PPP. Now they do and if they think it will be viable and they are the experts in this area we will soon know. I am sure it would not be the two billion dollars debt the PPP were getting us into with a commitment to generate 19 percent on the dollar investment returns to Sithe for 20 years. We would have had the highest electricity rates in the world!

So you say they buying a pig in a bag!!  Damn those Norwegians.  Pity they met the hordes of Guyanese "brighties" so late, they would have really helped themselves with all the wealth of dormant, latent but wasted knowledge floating around Guyana and its diaspora community!!  Does Granger knows what's out there?

I tell you, we really good!!

They were not buying anything. They are the largest contributor of hydrocarbon and so need to demonstrate they were acting to mediate climate change. They were placating their own private guilt in damaging the planet. They cared little for us and the few millions they donate with strings everywhere was PR for them in the arena of environmental protection. Get it, they had no hands on approach to this project. They are expert builders of everything gargantuan and this is an evening playing  at a pastry shop to them.

VVP posted:
Nehru posted:

VVP, Come on now dont make up story, 2 Billion dollars????????

I did not quote any $.  I think the last estimate was around US$900 million.

OK Bhai I got it.  And the 900 million sounds familiar.

Nehru posted:

VVP, Come on now dont make up story, 2 Billion dollars????????

It started at 600 million...increased to 1 billion  given the reality of these projects it would definitely be a 100 percent mark up. The deal (19 percent on the dollar) facilitated cost over runs. Note the road was targeted to be 15 million but ended up costing an additional 30! And it is a dry weather dirt road.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

VVP, Is Stormy your rep or Al YUh working on this together???

I have always been a lone ranger. I do not need assistance to humiliate PPP supplicants. You do that all on your own. I simply highlight it.


Turkey's Ilisu hydropower plant currently being built, will generate 1200 MW and the construction cost is $1.7 billion at a cost of $1.416 million per MW.


Sudan's Merowe hydropower plant was recently built at a total cost of Euro 1.2 billion and it generates 1250 MW. Euro 1.2 billion X 1.30 = $1.56 billion. Cost per megawatt = $1.248 million per MW.


Ethiopia's Gilgel Gibe III is under construction and is estimated to cost Euro 1.55 billion = $2.015 billion. It will generate 1870 MW at a cost of $1.078 million per MW.



Ethiopia's Gilgel Gibe II hydropower plant was recently built at a total cost of Euro 373 million = $484 million. It generates 420 MW at a cost of $1.150 million per MW.


The Kishanganga Hydroelectric Plant is being built in India at a total cost of $687 million and will generate 330 MW for a cost = $2.081 million per MW.


Pakistan has announced that it will be building a 147MW Hydro Electric Plant at a cost of US$362M. This would mean that the cost per mega watt would be US$2.4M





Amaila Falls hydropower plant will cost $840 million and generate 165 MW for a cost of $5.089 million per MW.


In the most corrupt countries in the world they can build hydroelectric plants at less than half of what it's costing in Guyana. We should have let the Brazilians build their 3000 MW plant in Guyana, costing us nothing and we get 200 MW supplied from them with no massive outlay of funds from Guyana. But the PPP were not getting any kickbacks from the Brazilians so they weren't interested in this deal.



Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Interesting approach by the PNC/AFC to pursue the development proposed by the PPP/C.

It was proposed by LFSB before them. The matter is the cost in executing the project and not they hyper expensive proposals of the PPP.

The hydrology needs to be resurveyed as well as the proposed financials  The picture of a dry creek bed was a stark reminder that viability was in question as the reservoir may not provide sustained water source.

Sithe also holds the right to build. Jagdeo give that to Motilal who sold it to them for 15 million on top of the 15 he got for attempting to build a road. They will want in or demand twice that to re purchase such rights.

There are numerous hydroelectric development built in Canada, Europe, Africa and other parts of the world where the main-stem of the system is supplemented by flows from other streams ... similar to the Amaila proposal.

As noted on relevant discussion on this subject on GNI, I was the Executive Coordinator for the development of hydroelectric power projects in Canada ... one of which has identical features like the Amaila proposal.

Similarly, I provided advice/services to other projects identical to the Amaila proposal in other countries.

Then do us a favor, give us the volume of the reservoir, and the rate of replenishment to supply 165Megawatt of electricity consistently as was stated. I do not see that data anywhere.

All of the information are in the reports.

You're always hallucinating that you were a hydro engineer and you can never provide any small details about hydro plants. You're a fraud. 


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