Our Savior
Jesus chose to die for our sin so that we can live forever in His presence.
In today’s reading, Isaiah prophesied that a Savior would come to atone for the sins of mankind (v. 5). But the long-awaited Messiah didn’t match people’s expectations about Him.
The Jews imagined a strong ruler who would lead their nation with worldly power, but Jesus was a servant who spent time with outcasts and the lowly. They hoped for a man who would end Israel’s persecution; He died a criminal’s death and warned His followers that they would not be accepted by the world. Jesus didn’t fit what the Jewish people wanted—yet He was so much more than they understood.
One day we all will come before God to be judged. Sin’s penalty is death, an agonizing eternal existence apart from Him. Yet Jesus bore our sin so that whoever trusts in Him can look forward to eternal life (John 3:16). He chose to take our punishment, voluntarily dying so we could live forever in His presence. Jesus was “the way” God could satisfy His justice and love His people (John 14:6).
Salvation is a free gift. It requires nothing on our part except acceptance and surrender. Have you accepted Christ’s death on the cross as the atonement for your sin? The Redeemer’s death leads to life. He doesn’t guarantee an easy road, but He promises to stay with you always.