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Not enough done to address situation of developing countries President Ramotar - at UN General Assembly on State of the World Economy debate


Georgetown, GINA, May 17, 2012

Source - GINA


President Donald Ramotar delivering his statement to the High Level Thematic Debate,UN, May 17, 2012.


President Donald Ramotar today addressed the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on behalf of the Caribbean Community on the occasion of the UN high-level Thematic Debate on the State of the World Economy during which he highlighted the global concern about the persistent adverse state of the world economy and the UN’s obligation to ensure that the response to these challenges is inclusive, effective and sustained.

President Ramotar urged the international community to craft effective solutions, not only to the larger issues at the heart of the global downturn, but solutions that also respond to the peculiar development challenges of the small vulnerable states of CARICOM, states which he noted are often lost in multilateral considerations for urgent action.

Work, he said, began three years ago, with the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development, to stimulate the recovery of the world economy which today is still fragile with bleak medium-term prospects. 

CARICOM’s call

The President stated that, “while the international community is prepared to explore new approaches, policies and initiatives considered taboo or morally hazardous in the past, for the developed countries who now find themselves in difficulties - with huge debt overhang and servicing, huge fiscal deficits and high levels of unemployment”, he said they are not prepared to move with the same broadmindedness on initiatives that the Caribbean regards as vital for a sustainable medium-term strategy.

As such, he said, “CARICOM calls for special consideration of debt relief measures for small heavily indebted middle income countries. We also call for a more structured and inclusive inter-governmental collaboration on international tax matters.”

The Guyanese Head of State asserted that, “We must be ready to take the bold steps necessary to ensure that the challenges we face do not result in development remaining the province of a few and an aspiration for many.


CARICOM calls for a clear agenda of concerted efforts and greater attention to addressing the circumstances of small vulnerable states. The UN has an important role to ensure that all concerns are taken into account and in the fashioning of the global response.”


Noting that it is premature to talk of recovery, President Ramotar said any sign of renewed growth is still extremely uneven. He observed that while several major contributors to global output are unable to implement adequately the measures needed to stimulate a lasting recovery, “The challenges in the Eurozone, faltering growth in the US economy, and a slowdown in growth in major emerging economies are indicative of the fundamental problems that still exist at the global level.”

Explaining that while the cause of the global financial and economic crises has not been adequately addressed, developing countries have borne and continue to bear a high cost for the crises not of their own making.  “The current debate can therefore only be a prelude to more deliberate and concerted action by the UN in follow-up to previous undertakings,” he said.

The financial and economic crises in conjunction with other challenges will slow the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Guyanese President noted, and pointed to increased poverty and hunger, and the fact that poverty eradication gains have been eroded. “The rise again in food prices, unless contained, could further aggravate the poverty challenge and have a devastating impact on poorer economies,” he declared.

 President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh, and Ambassador George Talbot, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) earlier today at the UN General Assembly High Level Thematic Debate on the State of the World Economy

Developing countries

Regarding international trade, President Ramotar stated that developing countries are already wrestling with harmful trading arrangements, and the consequences of an inconclusive Doha Development Round.

He posited that unfavourable effects have included cuts to social programmes, reductions in the flow of foreign direct investment (FDI), on international trade volumes and the level of indebtedness of developing countries. “These factors and others have had knock-on effects on the availability of domestic and international financing for development, not to mention multiple socio-economic implications,” President Ramotar said.

“CARICOM reality reflects a number of these pathologies: slow growth; high unemployment, particularly among youths; high levels of indebtedness and limited policy space for transformative action; depressed tourism receipts; and external threats to legitimate engagement by some of our Member States in the financial services sector.”

 Middle income status, viewed through the prism of GDP per capita, he stated, has become an albatross, belying the real challenges faced by the Caribbean countries and constraining access to much needed resources. Crime and violence are the worst manifestations of the challenges faced, he said.

 Ramotar noted that while the G-20 action may have helped to forestall a deepening of the crisis and to mitigate some of its worst effects, ‘CARICOM believes that the pace and range of actions taken by the international community have not been commensurate with the severity and urgency of the crisis’.

“The current global reforms are not as ambitious as desired. Even the reforms being contemplated do not take account of the growing influence of the developing world as a whole - developing countries will drive 80% of the global demand - much less address the concerns of the small countries,” President Ramotar stated.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ramo rite rass, Abie waan good example dem nah do enuff.  If dem bin do wah dem shud, abie bin don wid laptap and abie bin don wid Prado 2 an maybe Prado 50 bin don deh pon don.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Ramo rite rass, Abie waan good example dem nah do enuff.  If dem bin do wah dem shud, abie bin don wid laptap and abie bin don wid Prado 2 an maybe Prado 50 bin don deh pon don.

Tell me Sledge, of all the ppl I been reading on this BB, I always want to meet up with D2 and Baseman. But now bro or sis I add u to the list. R u in Guyana, because my next trip I will certainly make contact. Yuh hilarious-dem composition of words must take u some time. 


Giveaways to crooks only fatten crooks not develop nations. If these oligarch reform their ways what is given to them now will return value in increments many times over what it is .


Too much is going to graft and making a fatted calf class. Check the PPP and their once church mouse status who are now become the upper echelon caste flagrantly living lives of scandalous wealth while our people remain 70% in the poor house.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Ramo rite rass, Abie waan good example dem nah do enuff.  If dem bin do wah dem shud, abie bin don wid laptap and abie bin don wid Prado 2 an maybe Prado 50 bin don deh pon don.

Tell me Sledge, of all the ppl I been reading on this BB, I always want to meet up with D2 and Baseman. But now bro or sis I add u to the list. R u in Guyana, because my next trip I will certainly make contact. Yuh hilarious-dem composition of words must take u some time. 

going to your favorite spots Milan and Naples, then france and spain....we can hang out.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Ramo rite rass, Abie waan good example dem nah do enuff.  If dem bin do wah dem shud, abie bin don wid laptap and abie bin don wid Prado 2 an maybe Prado 50 bin don deh pon don.

Tell me Sledge, of all the ppl I been reading on this BB, I always want to meet up with D2 and Baseman. But now bro or sis I add u to the list. R u in Guyana, because my next trip I will certainly make contact. Yuh hilarious-dem composition of words must take u some time. 

Yea bai, no prablim.  Mi nah waan geh too exack cazz dem PPP bais a wach abie pon diss bord an mi gafa tek care mi lil business.  Mi main quarta roun Bel Air and wan lil hide out ah lusignan phase 2.  Mi nah tell yuh moo dan datt.  Wenn yuh come, contack mi, mi goa try if mi deh in di contry.


Mi sarry dem word gi yuh lil haard time, mi doz try mi bess fuh gi good english, mi hope yuh andastaan.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Ramo rite rass, Abie waan good example dem nah do enuff.  If dem bin do wah dem shud, abie bin don wid laptap and abie bin don wid Prado 2 an maybe Prado 50 bin don deh pon don.

Tell me Sledge, of all the ppl I been reading on this BB, I always want to meet up with D2 and Baseman. But now bro or sis I add u to the list. R u in Guyana, because my next trip I will certainly make contact. Yuh hilarious-dem composition of words must take u some time. 

going to your favorite spots Milan and Naples, then france and spain....we can hang out.

Great places. I had a great time in my youthful days. Especially the evenings. Women are the greatest creation, regardless of race or colour -red heads, blondes or brunettes. 


Can't tag along. Doan spend all ur time looking at old buildings.


I plan to visit Venice once again. I am waiting for a Julio Iglesias concert at the Piazza. Julio makes those who celebrate the sexual love of women aware of the beauty in their creation. King Solomon had a thousand of them at his command. Lovely creatures and I adore them. Now I gaze out at the pasture.


Julio Iglesias brings back memories -especially the lyrics of his recording "Hey".






Developing countries have to help themselves first. Yuh have to mek sure investors, regardless of political background, get equal treatment. Yuh gat to mek sure yuh have local govt elections. Yuh gat to mek sure yuh solve murders and guarantee people property rights. Yuh have to bring credibility to the police and mek sure yuh don't get another drugs commissioner. Cover ups only make govt lose credibility. Yuh gat to mek sure all public agencies report financial statements each year. Yuh gat fuh mek sure de MOF wife nah have a senior post at auditor general office. Yuh gat to mek sure yuh dont have one radio station. Yuh must mek sure there is freedom in the press and oppositin must have equal access to state media. Yuh gat to mek sure sub-optimal academics like Prem don't run tings at the one and only university - yuh cyant serve two masters (academics and propaganda). Yuh gat to encourage creativity and maths and so on. Yuh gat to mek sure yuh solve de flooding crisis and don't see it as an occasion to put on long boots and give hand outs. Alyuh continue...

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Developing countries faces unfair competition on the world market, third world countries have to compete with subsidized commodities on developed countries.



True ting bai...just like how Brazil and Thailand (developing countries) challenge the EU preferencial prices to ACP (also developing countries). Aluh did not see it coming since 1995 nah? Aluh mek de sugah factory instead?

Originally Posted by sachin_05:

Is it the developing countries "unfair competion" causing the people of berbice to pay $11.00US to cross the Berbice bridge?

I have to cross there tomorrow. That is a lot for the average Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The first world countries continues to deny preferential prices for commodities from the third world.

Burnham/PNC administration and the Guyanese people never feel ripped off to this day for  the cost of crossing the better build Demerara Harbour bridge which is still under $1US. Maybe you should ask the PNC how to get they access the " 1st world preferencial prices"...


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