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Nehru posted:

The Orange Orangutan just crossed all lines by RECKLESSLY accusing the GREATEST PRESIDENT this Planet ever had, Mr Barak Obama of wiretapping him. This SHAMELESS man is a DISGRACE to the Presidency and to Humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama is a bloody crook. Obama, Hillary, Pokahunta, and their financier are organizing women marches against Trump, but never any awareness of veterans who fought for this country. Trump always right when he said something about Obama. The democrats are like Granger in Guyana. They want power only and don't give a shit about anyone else. Time will catch up with them. The whole of RH will be republicans by the next presidential voting cycle. I will make that awareness to the RH folks that they have another choice besides the failed democrats. We have community leaders that fool them old folks with Obama/Hillary sweety.


I heard that rumours are spreading fear in the undocumented alien community. NYC used to be such a lively place especially Liberty Avenue. This Chap Trump prappa bad, he is dividing up Little Guyana.

During my last trip, I went to buy some coconuts and sugar cane juice and I met an undocumented alien and he was doing quite well financially. It would benefit the USA if these people become residents.

Guyanese aliens should be fast tracked to become American Citizens. America needs more Guyanese.

There should be a nationwide amnesty for undocumented aliens and get rid of this problem of illegal immigrants. They will become part of the mainstream system and taxpayers who will benefit the economic system. Win Win for All.

This period of fear will pass and everything will be back to normal by the summer.

I don't know what those people who supported Trump were thinking at that time . I don't remember if I did. Gil can remind me. They made the same mistake that AFC supporters made.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I heard that rumours are spreading fear in the undocumented alien community. NYC used to be such a lively place especially Liberty Avenue. This Chap Trump prappa bad, he is dividing up Little Guyana.

During my last trip, I went to buy some coconuts and sugar cane juice and I met an undocumented alien and he was doing quite well financially. It would benefit the USA if these people become residents.

Guyanese aliens should be fast tracked to become American Citizens. America needs more Guyanese.

There should be a nationwide amnesty for undocumented aliens and get rid of this problem of illegal immigrants. They will become part of the mainstream system and taxpayers who will benefit the economic system. Win Win for All.

This period of fear will pass and everything will be back to normal by the summer.

I don't know what those people who supported Trump were thinking at that time . I don't remember if I did. Gil can remind me. They made the same mistake that AFC supporters made.

To your credit, you came to your senses. The snake and all his other handles is completely devoid of any common sense.

Trump is a con man and more than enough people fell for his con job. Either that or Russia really had a more substantial role in the voting process. Anyone who speaks like "there will be so much winning you will beg us to stop winning so much" is purely a con man. Now the shittings hit him and he doesn't know what to do. When the media was sounding the alarm that his nominees were not getting their government ethics clearances. It was believed that they were counting on bypassing it on the pretense that there was no time for it. In fact, some did and the case with Flynn and most likely Sessions this week is what happens when people think they are smarting than the law. They will all come tumbling like dominos. All the way to Trump. 


Trump surprises alyuh all the time, yet yuh all fail to surrender, succumb and suckup. I think some alyuh goan die prematurely before the next election, the Trump effect will increase alyuh stress.

If Trump goes, alyuh rass run from America, QUICKLY. Yuh al won't have time to collect ur American richess. I leave yuh to take a guess wah gaon happen.

Stupidass people doan see the danger ahead, predicting demise for the President. Think how stupid yuh all going look when Trump still in the White House after his first 4 years

seignet posted:

Trump surprises alyuh all the time, yet yuh all fail to surrender, succumb and suckup. I think some alyuh goan die prematurely before the next election, the Trump effect will increase alyuh stress.

If Trump goes, alyuh rass run from America, QUICKLY. Yuh al won't have time to collect ur American richess. I leave yuh to take a guess wah gaon happen.

Stupidass people doan see the danger ahead, predicting demise for the President. Think how stupid yuh all going look when Trump still in the White House after his first 4 years

Only wimps surrender, succumb and suckup.


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