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Guyana rejects “subtle threat” from Venezuela

March 14, 2015 9:36 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

Guyana’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carolyn Rodrigues – Birkett.

[] – The Government of Guyana is rejecting what has been termed a “subtle threat” against Guyana’s territorial sovereignty by its neighbour to the west – Venezuela.

This comes after a communiquÉ from the Venezuelan Embassy was published in local print media on Thursday which said it is surprised by the false accusation that Venezuela seeks or has sought to stymie the development of Guyana when, on the contrary, reliable proof can be displayed throughout the government of President Hugo Chavez and President Nicolas Maduro, that both leaders have maintained their conviction equally.

The back and forth between the two government is part of an on-going territory dispute between the two countries. The issue recently returned to the fore after a US Company, ExxonMobil signalled its intentions to commence drilling the Stabroek Block off the Essequibo coast; a move that the Venezuelans strongly rejected but was proceeded with nevertheless.

“Guyana rejects the subtle threat issued in the sixth paragraph of the CommuniquÉ where it is stated that Venezuela “reserves the right to execute all actions in the diplomatic field and in accordance with international law, that might be necessary to defend and safeguard the sovereignty and independence [of Venezuela]” over Essequibo. The Government of the Republic of Guyana has had occasion to caution the Government of Venezuela that any such action will be in flagrant violation of the territorial integrity of Guyana, international law and will also constitute a material violation of the Geneva Agreement,” a statement from the Foreign Affairs Ministry noted.
According the statement, while it is a fact that the delimitation of the maritime boundary between Guyana and Venezuela remains an outstanding matter, it is pellucid that there are maritime spaces that can legitimately belong to only one of the two States. That is fully recognized under both customary and codified international law.

“Venezuela’s vain effort to link its spurious and illegal claim to Guyana’s Essequibo to matters related to the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of Guyana within the context of the Geneva Agreement of February 17, 1966 therefore has no legal basis. The fact is that the Geneva Agreement does not relate to a boundary or territorial dispute, but to a unilateral and unsubstantiated claim by Venezuela that the Arbitral Award of 1899 is null and void. Guyana completely rejects this effort to conflate two separate matters within the context of the Geneva Agreement,” the release stated.

It was also noted that as a sovereign State, empowered under international law to exercise sovereign rights over its continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, Guyana has full and unfettered authority to unilaterally explore – with or without partners – and exploit the living and non-living resources within its jurisdiction. “Any act or objection to the exercise of such jurisdiction is contrary to international law – both codified and customary international law.”

The Government is convinced and assured that the people of Guyana, and indeed international investors and public opinion, will not be swayed by the falsities and fabrications in the CommuniquÉ issued by the Venezuelan Government on March 13, 2015.

The statement called on the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to be respectful of the 1897 Treaty, the Arbitral Award of 1899, the 1905 demarcation of the boundary between Guyana and Venezuela pursuant to the Arbitral Award and other formally ratified documents between our two countries, the principles of general international law and the Charter of the United Nations in the conduct of its relations with the Republic of Guyana and its people.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The statement called on the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to be respectful of the 1897 Treaty, the Arbitral Award of 1899, the 1905 demarcation of the boundary between Guyana and Venezuela pursuant to the Arbitral Award and other formally ratified documents between our two countries, the principles of general international law and the Charter of the United Nations in the conduct of its relations with the Republic of Guyana and its people.



Guyana rejects “subtle threat” from Venezuela, March 14, 2015 9:36 am Category: latest news A+ / A-, []

Gist of the issues.


Not a drop of oil. If Guyana can tell the United States to haul their asses, they can tell Venezuela to go to hell and drill in your territorial waters. Drill baby, drill. Nehru is going to the moon.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not a drop of oil. If Guyana can tell the United States to haul their asses, they can tell Venezuela to go to hell and drill in your territorial waters. Drill baby, drill. Nehru is going to the moon.

To the MOON, To the Moon.  PPP taking me to the MOON.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not a drop of oil. If Guyana can tell the United States to haul their asses, they can tell Venezuela to go to hell and drill in your territorial waters. Drill baby, drill. Nehru is going to the moon.

From historical reports, it was shown that indeed there are large reserves of oil within Guyana's territory.


However, due to Venezuela generation of oil, progress was historically stagnant in this particular area.


Hence, Venezuela's continued insistence on the boundary issues.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Please don't by pass the moon and head to Mars. That's a one way trip.

YUh see wha dem do to Moses at corentyne???

The video you posted is not from the Corentyne and it is almost a year old.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Oh Rass wait dat happen to him in GT?? Rass imagine if he enters Albion now.

I'm sure that if the opposition were to bus in their supporters, Rummouthar would get the same treatment.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not a drop of oil. If Guyana can tell the United States to haul their asses, they can tell Venezuela to go to hell and drill in your territorial waters. Drill baby, drill. Nehru is going to the moon.

To the MOON, To the Moon.  PPP taking me to the MOON.

and all the way in a gutter in liberty ave

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Please don't by pass the moon and head to Mars. That's a one way trip.

YUh see wha dem do to Moses at corentyne???

That was not on the Corentyne. It was before parliament house and the complainers were PPP folks bussed in to 'buse the opposition

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Please don't by pass the moon and head to Mars. That's a one way trip.

YUh see wha dem do to Moses at corentyne???

The video you posted is not from the Corentyne and it is almost a year old.

Sorry I did not see your post.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not a drop of oil. If Guyana can tell the United States to haul their asses, they can tell Venezuela to go to hell and drill in your territorial waters. Drill baby, drill. Nehru is going to the moon.

From historical reports, it was shown that indeed there are large reserves of oil within Guyana's territory.


However, due to Venezuela generation of oil, progress was historically stagnant in this particular area.


Hence, Venezuela's continued insistence on the boundary issues.

We are of the same geological formation. There are no historical records indicating where the reserve lay or they would go to it precisely. Presently they are exploring within the formation to find the reservoir if it exists.


In any event, Ramotar would have no credibility appealing to western powers for help with Venezuela. The bolivarian republic do not give a damn. If there are indications of oil it is invasion time. Maybe Pryia will lift up her skirt and show them her fat backside and scare them off.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not a drop of oil. If Guyana can tell the United States to haul their asses, they can tell Venezuela to go to hell and drill in your territorial waters. Drill baby, drill. Nehru is going to the moon.

From historical reports, it was shown that indeed there are large reserves of oil within Guyana's territory.


However, due to Venezuela generation of oil, progress was historically stagnant in this particular area.


Hence, Venezuela's continued insistence on the boundary issues.

We are of the same geological formation. There are no historical records indicating where the reserve lay or they would go to it precisely. Presently they are exploring within the formation to find the reservoir if it exists.


In any event, Ramotar would have no credibility appealing to western powers for help with Venezuela. The bolivarian republic do not give a damn. If there are indications of oil it is invasion time. Maybe Pryia will lift up her skirt and show them her fat backside and scare them off.

You know that or just hoping for that???

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not a drop of oil. If Guyana can tell the United States to haul their asses, they can tell Venezuela to go to hell and drill in your territorial waters. Drill baby, drill. Nehru is going to the moon.

From historical reports, it was shown that indeed there are large reserves of oil within Guyana's territory.


However, due to Venezuela generation of oil, progress was historically stagnant in this particular area.


Hence, Venezuela's continued insistence on the boundary issues.

We are of the same geological formation. There are no historical records indicating where the reserve lay or they would go to it precisely. Presently they are exploring within the formation to find the reservoir if it exists.


In any event, Ramotar would have no credibility appealing to western powers for help with Venezuela. The bolivarian republic do not give a damn. If there are indications of oil it is invasion time. Maybe Pryia will lift up her skirt and show them her fat backside and scare them off.

1. It is your choice to find the information.


2. Perhaps, the essence of your presentation is with your infatuation of Priya Manickchand.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not a drop of oil. If Guyana can tell the United States to haul their asses, they can tell Venezuela to go to hell and drill in your territorial waters. Drill baby, drill. Nehru is going to the moon.

From historical reports, it was shown that indeed there are large reserves of oil within Guyana's territory.


However, due to Venezuela generation of oil, progress was historically stagnant in this particular area.


Hence, Venezuela's continued insistence on the boundary issues.

We are of the same geological formation. There are no historical records indicating where the reserve lay or they would go to it precisely. Presently they are exploring within the formation to find the reservoir if it exists.


In any event, Ramotar would have no credibility appealing to western powers for help with Venezuela. The bolivarian republic do not give a damn. If there are indications of oil it is invasion time. Maybe Pryia will lift up her skirt and show them her fat backside and scare them off.

1. It is your choice to find the information.


2. Perhaps, the essence of your presentation is with your infatuation of Priya Manickchand.

I do not give a damn about information you suggest exists more than if care if a  flufenfluffel lives under my bed. I have more odds finding the latter.


The stupid biddy disgusts me. She insults the very people we would have to appeal to  for aid to help us stand on the wall and defend ourselves.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I think Stormy gat the hots for Priya.

Just thinking of that big nose creature gives me the hives. Plus, I am properly vaccinated against indian girls. One is enough and she give me two daughters and still is hot as her Goan vindaloo. This morning I was with her as she ran a half Marathon in DC.  That overweight mule may be your template for the pretty. To me she is just another rotund potbelly over the hill filthy mouthed woman who imperils our state with her stupidity.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I think Stormy gat the hots for Priya.

Not one drop of rum, I mean oil for Maduro. Like the the old lady give you "stay home darling to drink"?  

Both the right and the left want the territory. If the right which is favored by the US takes office and we find oil we have a problem. The US will not care about US. They would only come in if the left invades.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Not a drop of oil. If Guyana can tell the United States to haul their asses, they can tell Venezuela to go to hell and drill in your territorial waters. Drill baby, drill. Nehru is going to the moon.

From historical reports, it was shown that indeed there are large reserves of oil within Guyana's territory.


However, due to Venezuela generation of oil, progress was historically stagnant in this particular area.


Hence, Venezuela's continued insistence on the boundary issues.

We are of the same geological formation. There are no historical records indicating where the reserve lay or they would go to it precisely. Presently they are exploring within the formation to find the reservoir if it exists.


In any event, Ramotar would have no credibility appealing to western powers for help with Venezuela. The bolivarian republic do not give a damn. If there are indications of oil it is invasion time. Maybe Pryia will lift up her skirt and show them her fat backside and scare them off.

1. It is your choice to find the information.


2. Perhaps, the essence of your presentation is with your infatuation of Priya Manickchand.

I do not give a damn about information you suggest exists more than if care if a  flufenfluffel lives under my bed. I have more odds finding the latter.


The stupid biddy disgusts me. She insults the very people we would have to appeal to  for aid to help us stand on the wall and defend ourselves.

Take your time to obtain the specific information.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I think Stormy gat the hots for Priya.

Just thinking of that big nose creature gives me the hives. Plus, I am properly vaccinated against indian girls. One is enough and she give me two daughters and still is hot as her Goan vindaloo. This morning I was with her as she ran a half Marathon in DC.  That overweight mule may be your template for the pretty. To me she is just another rotund potbelly over the hill filthy mouthed woman who imperils our state with her stupidity.

Miss Piggy.....


responses so far


Hon US Ambassador


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Mad_ro not stupid he find Guyana to distract his people from the fact that they can no longer use tiolet paper to clean their -hit from their --atty

We have to watch what we say on this topic on this site. Those Venezuelans monitor this site so don't make a bad situation worst.  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Not A Blade of Grass

By - The Tradewinds


D_G, pump up the volume.  Drill baby drill.


YOU FELLAS ARE SO FULLA SHIT IT AINT FUNNY, Not a blade of grass my rass.


Look at which countries are right this minute raping Guyana's interior.

Never mind a blade a grass dem guys takin the whole tree and the acres that come with it, so Pump up that volume DG, pump up that volume, leh we wine up to the atrocities committed by your beloved PPP.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
YOU FELLAS ARE SO FULLA SHIT IT AINT FUNNY, Not a blade of grass my rass.

Usual blabbering about your personal activities.

Am I the one posting that crap about "not a blade of grass" while my country is being given away to China and India?

That's blabbering about your personal activities...spreading BS.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
YOU FELLAS ARE SO FULLA SHIT IT AINT FUNNY, Not a blade of grass my rass.

Usual blabbering about your personal activities.

Am I the one posting that crap about "not a blade of grass" while my country is being given away to China and India?

That's blabbering about your personal activities...spreading BS.

You are the one blabbering about your personal activities, highlighted in blue.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
YOU FELLAS ARE SO FULLA SHIT IT AINT FUNNY, Not a blade of grass my rass.

Usual blabbering about your personal activities.

Am I the one posting that crap about "not a blade of grass" while my country is being given away to China and India?

That's blabbering about your personal activities...spreading BS.

You are the one blabbering about your personal activities, highlighted in blue.

I'm not the diaper wearing one.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
YOU FELLAS ARE SO FULLA SHIT IT AINT FUNNY, Not a blade of grass my rass.

Usual blabbering about your personal activities.

Am I the one posting that crap about "not a blade of grass" while my country is being given away to China and India?

That's blabbering about your personal activities...spreading BS.

You are the one blabbering about your personal activities, highlighted in blue.

Are you that stupid that you don't know when you are being insulted?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Cobra, gradually there will be an hydroelectric electric project, oil resources plus a few other developments, as the PPP/C progresses after winning the May 2015 elections.

D_G, I am very disappointed at some of our folks who turn anti-Guyanese to side with Venezuela on the oil exploration for political reasons. Even the opposition support the government against Venezuela. That's had been a united position since Burnham said not a blade of grass. I don't understand these parasites.


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