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Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Nah, you read it right but understood it wrong.  Had Indians been a minority, like in TT, Afros would not have to use threats, plunder, loot, burn, rape and kill as a means to gaining power.  I told you on another thread, understand TT and the race dynamics.  Indians, by nature, are not destructive and would have survived and done well.  However, in Guyana the issue is Afros cannot attain power free and fair and would do anything to accomplish this.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Nah, you read it right but understood it wrong.  Had Indians been a minority, like in TT, Afros would not have to use threats, plunder, loot, burn, rape and kill as a means to gaining power.  I told you on another thread, understand TT and the race dynamics.  Indians, by nature, are not destructive and would have survived and done well.  However, in Guyana the issue is Afros cannot attain power free and fair and would do anything to accomplish this.

you are a presumptuous old fool and, as with all fools, 'omniscience' is your stock in trade . . . claiming knowledge of the "nature" of Indian Guyanese as well as Black Guyanese is not a good starting point


there are many charlatans out there; the good ones are those not handicapped by visceral race hate . . . you are not a particularly good one

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Nah, you read it right but understood it wrong.  Had Indians been a minority, like in TT, Afros would not have to use threats, plunder, loot, burn, rape and kill as a means to gaining power.  I told you on another thread, understand TT and the race dynamics.  Indians, by nature, are not destructive and would have survived and done well.  However, in Guyana the issue is Afros cannot attain power free and fair and would do anything to accomplish this.

Bhai, You expect this BLOODY DUMB DUNCE to understand complex issues?????????????

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Nah, you read it right but understood it wrong.  Had Indians been a minority, like in TT, Afros would not have to use threats, plunder, loot, burn, rape and kill as a means to gaining power.  I told you on another thread, understand TT and the race dynamics.  Indians, by nature, are not destructive and would have survived and done well.  However, in Guyana the issue is Afros cannot attain power free and fair and would do anything to accomplish this.

you are a presumptuous old fool and, as with all fools, 'omniscience' is your stock in trade . . . claiming knowledge of the "nature" of Indian Guyanese as well as Black Guyanese is not a good starting point


there are many charlatans out there; the good ones are those not handicapped by visceral race hate . . . you are not a particularly good one

Hey man, human behavior are molded by history and experience.  I wrote a piece on another thread on why Guyana and TT are different, and that addresses your hypothesis.  The events of the 60's and the PNC quasi apartheid 1964-1992 era have had a permanent cathartic effect on the nation, and the Indian psyche.  This have yet to subside given the post-1992 attitude of Afros towards Indians.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Nah, you read it right but understood it wrong.  Had Indians been a minority, like in TT, Afros would not have to use threats, plunder, loot, burn, rape and kill as a means to gaining power.  I told you on another thread, understand TT and the race dynamics.  Indians, by nature, are not destructive and would have survived and done well.  However, in Guyana the issue is Afros cannot attain power free and fair and would do anything to accomplish this.

you are a presumptuous old fool and, as with all fools, 'omniscience' is your stock in trade . . . claiming knowledge of the "nature" of Indian Guyanese as well as Black Guyanese is not a good starting point


there are many charlatans out there; the good ones are those not handicapped by visceral race hate . . . you are not a particularly good one

Hey man, human behavior are molded by history and experience.  I wrote a piece on another thread on why Guyana and TT are different, and that addresses your hypothesis.  The events of the 60's and the PNC quasi apartheid 1964-1992 era have had a permanent cathartic effect on the nation, and the Indian psyche.  This have yet to subside given the post-1992 attitude of Afros towards Indians.

you're just not very good at something very very bad (race charlatanism) . . . learn to live with that

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Nah, you read it right but understood it wrong.  Had Indians been a minority, like in TT, Afros would not have to use threats, plunder, loot, burn, rape and kill as a means to gaining power.  I told you on another thread, understand TT and the race dynamics.  Indians, by nature, are not destructive and would have survived and done well.  However, in Guyana the issue is Afros cannot attain power free and fair and would do anything to accomplish this.

 Indians are humans and humans are by nature prone to despotism if not constrained by inventions of modernity ie democracy. Democracy is not about race based majority domination. It is about articulation of systems of inclusions that is alien to the PPP crooks who do not intend to foster democracy but like old communists need to micro manage even a simple bridge in a village.


It is not for Afro or Indos to attain power and hold power in Guyana. That is ass backward thinking by the chronically racist legacy and tribalism that informs our political thinking. That simply primes a racial powder keg that will inevitably explode one day. And it will not be on account of afro or Indio compulsion to violence but to base expressions of humans when reasonable men fail to take charge when the chance to do so avails itself.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Nah, you read it right but understood it wrong.  Had Indians been a minority, like in TT, Afros would not have to use threats, plunder, loot, burn, rape and kill as a means to gaining power.  I told you on another thread, understand TT and the race dynamics.  Indians, by nature, are not destructive and would have survived and done well.  However, in Guyana the issue is Afros cannot attain power free and fair and would do anything to accomplish this.

you are a presumptuous old fool and, as with all fools, 'omniscience' is your stock in trade . . . claiming knowledge of the "nature" of Indian Guyanese as well as Black Guyanese is not a good starting point


there are many charlatans out there; the good ones are those not handicapped by visceral race hate . . . you are not a particularly good one

Hey man, human behavior are molded by history and experience.  I wrote a piece on another thread on why Guyana and TT are different, and that addresses your hypothesis.  The events of the 60's and the PNC quasi apartheid 1964-1992 era have had a permanent cathartic effect on the nation, and the Indian psyche.  This have yet to subside given the post-1992 attitude of Afros towards Indians.

The PNC never practice apartheid and black people never culturally rejected integration cultural mixing. A cathartic moment is not one of Indian deciding to dominate power on the excuse someone else did it. It is simply repeating an ass backward strategy.


A catharsis is a cleansing  or a clearing moment from backward thinking.  That would mean the present government forwarding democracy from its transitional offering in '92. Instead they squatted on power like fat communist cows while converting the nation assets in a ceaseless stream into their pockets.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Nah, you read it right but understood it wrong.  Had Indians been a minority, like in TT, Afros would not have to use threats, plunder, loot, burn, rape and kill as a means to gaining power.  I told you on another thread, understand TT and the race dynamics.  Indians, by nature, are not destructive and would have survived and done well.  However, in Guyana the issue is Afros cannot attain power free and fair and would do anything to accomplish this.

you are a presumptuous old fool and, as with all fools, 'omniscience' is your stock in trade . . . claiming knowledge of the "nature" of Indian Guyanese as well as Black Guyanese is not a good starting point


there are many charlatans out there; the good ones are those not handicapped by visceral race hate . . . you are not a particularly good one

Hey man, human behavior are molded by history and experience.  I wrote a piece on another thread on why Guyana and TT are different, and that addresses your hypothesis.  The events of the 60's and the PNC quasi apartheid 1964-1992 era have had a permanent cathartic effect on the nation, and the Indian psyche.  This have yet to subside given the post-1992 attitude of Afros towards Indians.

The PNC never practice apartheid and black people never culturally rejected integration cultural mixing. A cathartic moment is not one of Indian deciding to dominate power on the excuse someone else did it. It is simply repeating an ass backward strategy.


A catharsis is a cleansing  or a clearing moment from backward thinking.  That would mean the present government forwarding democracy from its transitional offering in '92. Instead they squatted on power like fat communist cows while converting the nation assets in a ceaseless stream into their pockets.

Hog wash, BS.  What does the slaughter in Wismar an other places and the PNC racist policy have to do with lack of "Indian cultural integration".  You don't hold a gun to my head and tell me to act they way YOU want me to.


As I said, all alyuh can stay right where you are for the next century.  You all could go to hell.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Hog wash, BS.  What does the slaughter in Wismar an other places and the PNC racist policy have to do with lack of "Indian cultural integration".  You don't hold a gun to my head and tell me to act they way YOU want me to.


As I said, all alyuh can stay right where you are for the next century.  You all could go to hell.

I have mentioned many times on this forum that d2 is a white man pretending to be Guyanese, and an Amerindian to boot.  You have to forgive him, he doesn't know about the brutalizing of Indians during the PNC reign and after with mo fiah slow fiah. To these fools Agricola and Lusignana did not happen. The Indians have always been on the losing end when there are riots orchestrated by the afc/pnc.  The only saving grace was phantomizing that stemmed this practice of beating and killing Indians, however it continues again today unabated, they even targeting Chinese now. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Nah, you read it right but understood it wrong.  Had Indians been a minority, like in TT, Afros would not have to use threats, plunder, loot, burn, rape and kill as a means to gaining power.  I told you on another thread, understand TT and the race dynamics.  Indians, by nature, are not destructive and would have survived and done well.  However, in Guyana the issue is Afros cannot attain power free and fair and would do anything to accomplish this.

you are a presumptuous old fool and, as with all fools, 'omniscience' is your stock in trade . . . claiming knowledge of the "nature" of Indian Guyanese as well as Black Guyanese is not a good starting point


there are many charlatans out there; the good ones are those not handicapped by visceral race hate . . . you are not a particularly good one

Hey man, human behavior are molded by history and experience.  I wrote a piece on another thread on why Guyana and TT are different, and that addresses your hypothesis.  The events of the 60's and the PNC quasi apartheid 1964-1992 era have had a permanent cathartic effect on the nation, and the Indian psyche.  This have yet to subside given the post-1992 attitude of Afros towards Indians.

The PNC never practice apartheid and black people never culturally rejected integration cultural mixing. A cathartic moment is not one of Indian deciding to dominate power on the excuse someone else did it. It is simply repeating an ass backward strategy.


A catharsis is a cleansing  or a clearing moment from backward thinking.  That would mean the present government forwarding democracy from its transitional offering in '92. Instead they squatted on power like fat communist cows while converting the nation assets in a ceaseless stream into their pockets.

Hog wash, BS.  What does the slaughter in Wismar an other places and the PNC racist policy have to do with lack of "Indian cultural integration".  You don't hold a gun to my head and tell me to act they way YOU want me to.


As I said, all alyuh can stay right where you are for the next century.  You all could go to hell.

Baseman, tell dem PNC stooges where to go. It is time that Indians stand up and be counted.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Nah, you read it right but understood it wrong.  Had Indians been a minority, like in TT, Afros would not have to use threats, plunder, loot, burn, rape and kill as a means to gaining power.  I told you on another thread, understand TT and the race dynamics.  Indians, by nature, are not destructive and would have survived and done well.  However, in Guyana the issue is Afros cannot attain power free and fair and would do anything to accomplish this.

you are a presumptuous old fool and, as with all fools, 'omniscience' is your stock in trade . . . claiming knowledge of the "nature" of Indian Guyanese as well as Black Guyanese is not a good starting point


there are many charlatans out there; the good ones are those not handicapped by visceral race hate . . . you are not a particularly good one

Hey man, human behavior are molded by history and experience.  I wrote a piece on another thread on why Guyana and TT are different, and that addresses your hypothesis.  The events of the 60's and the PNC quasi apartheid 1964-1992 era have had a permanent cathartic effect on the nation, and the Indian psyche.  This have yet to subside given the post-1992 attitude of Afros towards Indians.

I wonder if all the political violence and assassinations in India qualify Indians to be a peaceful group.


I also wonder why you chose to forget that even people like Odeen Ishmael state quite clearly that in 1964 BOTH Indians and Africans were involved in violence, BOTH as perpetrators and as victims.  Indeed others record that the PYO, trained by Fidel Castro, were quite violent in their attacks against innocent African women and kids. 


Indeed I can recall when I lived at Vreeden Hoop that a black woman who was talking a short cut from the stelling to the then Best Hopsital was slaughtered in cold blood by PYO activists.  We had to leave Vreeden Hoop for Gtwn as a result of increasing Indo violence against blacks.


A sign of your racism is your inability to empathize with the many Africans who were killed, injured or who lost property, much as you would demand others empathize with Indians who suffered similarly.

Baseman T&T and Guyana have similar racial dynamics.  Indos are 40% in both, Afros 30% in Guyana and 38% in T&T.  Mixed around 20% in both.


Trinidadians have a national sense of self.  While that island has distinct cultural heritages and ethnicities there is a lot of overlap in how each group recognizes and participates in the culture of others.  You maybe aware of chutney parang soca which draws on Tdad's Indo, Afro, and Latin heritage.


Guyana is a tribal society.  Maybe their carnival has provided a venue where all Trinis, regardless of race, skin color or class can unify, even if it is for just two weeks.


Guyana we do not have any venue where every one participates.  Even with cricket more than a few  Indos arrive to cheer South Asian teams, sometimes even against the West Indies.  It was quite interesting in the 70s with Kanhai being a much respected WI cricketer, and Guyanese Indians showing up hoping his team lost.


BTW Trinidad is a more violent society than Guyana.  They have had TWO coup attempts, the first against Eric Williams and the second against ANR.


You need to own up to the fact that BOTH the PPP and the PNC, supported by Indos and Afros are responsible for this mess.  We have a major problem of ethnic insecurity where BOTH groups turn a blind eye to atrocities, corruption, nepotism, and incompetence done in their name by their ethnic party.

Originally Posted by baseman:
.  What does the slaughter in Wismar an other places and the PNC racist policy have to do with lack of "Indian cultural integration". 

And what of similar violence by the PYO in 1964.  What of that Wismar ferry, and do not tell me that hog wash that black people in Gtwn sent down explosives to Linden, when the many PNC supporters in Linden had way more access to these devices than any one else in Guyana due to their involvement in bauxite mining.

Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Really? But you can count the votes at the place of poll, can't you?  And when Hoyte wanted a forensic count you can rip up the ballot boxes open and do the recount and still find that you have lost it. But the best of all is that you can go to bed and sleep soundly knowing that the elections, however imperfect, is fair and free and that you can write baloney and it will be published by somebody in the media.

    And in your case you can mix politics with your sleazy sexual filth. And people will respond.

har har har

gar gar gar  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:

for them, 1992 was an end . . . all about power NOT Democracy

Really? But you can count the votes at the place of poll, can't you?  And when Hoyte wanted a forensic count you can rip up the ballot boxes open and do the recount and still find that you have lost it. But the best of all is that you can go to bed and sleep soundly knowing that the elections, however imperfect, is fair and free and that you can write baloney and it will be published by somebody in the media.

    And in your case you can mix politics with your sleazy sexual filth. And people will respond.

har har har

gar gar gar  

Elections, counting at the polls etc do not predicate democracy. Ours is not merely imperfect. Ours is the motivation for ethnic voting because it treats the state as a prize and the president as the elected king.


It was clearly not designed with democracy in mind. Even this little clause preventing after the fact coalition thus ensuring majority governments is unusual an in our case an anathema.


We have a patently undemocratic system and while the PPP seeks to preserve it for their ends the PNC does the same. The numbers mean the PPP can loose and we have a the flip side of the coin with the PNC in charge.


Again, the system does not encourage good honest government. In its best democracy is problematic and as it exist in our case it is downright wrong.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  What does the slaughter in Wismar an other places and the PNC racist policy have to do with lack of "Indian cultural integration". 

And what of similar violence by the PYO in 1964.  What of that Wismar ferry, and do not tell me that hog wash that black people in Gtwn sent down explosives to Linden, when the many PNC supporters in Linden had way more access to these devices than any one else in Guyana due to their involvement in bauxite mining.

Yes they did, if they had planned that, they would have also had protection in-place for the Indians of Wismar.  However, I would not rule of a CIA operation either.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Yes I agree.  Especially when an INDIAN (RK) paid blacks to kill another Indian (Sat).

Fineman was an agent of the PNC/AFC, you know this very well. 

YOU said that Sat Sawh was killed because he refused to issue permits to RK.  You hailed RK as a hero for "saving:" Guyana, which you also credit Jagdeo for using RK to do this.


So either Fineman did NOT kill Sat Sawh, or he did so on the directions of RK.  You cant have it both ways.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  What does the slaughter in Wismar an other places and the PNC racist policy have to do with lack of "Indian cultural integration". 

And what of similar violence by the PYO in 1964.  What of that Wismar ferry, and do not tell me that hog wash that black people in Gtwn sent down explosives to Linden, when the many PNC supporters in Linden had way more access to these devices than any one else in Guyana due to their involvement in bauxite mining.

Yes they did, if they had planned that, they would have also had protection in-place for the Indians of Wismar.  However, I would not rule of a CIA operation either.

Just as how the PNC was not able to protect Africans when Indians attacked them in revenge so the PYO did not protect Indians of Wismar.


In fact one can argue that they knew that there would have been a racial backlash against Indians in Wismar, which they would have used, and still use, to create the notion that only Indians were victimized in 1964.


Now you can blame blacks for the violence of 1962/63.  But it is a well known fact that Jagan unleashed a reign of terror in 1964 in an attempt to have the elections canceled as he feared that a PNC/UF coalition would unseat him using PR.


The most brutal years of violence was in 1964.  Africans attacked Indians and Indians attacked Africans and YOUR OWN ODEEN ISHMAEL says so, even with his obvious bias for the PPP.




Now we had the violence of 1999 and 2001/2 when street marches became assaults on innocent people, mainly Indians.


Two things.

1.  The street vendors closed up every time there was a march as criminals attacked their stalls...and you know that most of these vendors are BLACK.


2.  Many blacks, at great risk to themselves, ran to rescue Indians who were being attacked by black thugs.  Some even drove them home.


A racist like you prefers to paint all racial violence as being due to blacks, and that this is something that the majority of blacks endorsed.  Clearly not true...NOT EVEN THE DIE HARD PNC STREET VENDORS!


Originally Posted by caribny:

YOU said that Sat Sawh was killed because he refused to issue permits to RK.  You hailed RK as a hero for "saving:" Guyana, which you also credit Jagdeo for using RK to do this.


So either Fineman did NOT kill Sat Sawh, or he did so on the directions of RK.  You cant have it both ways.

Fineman was an agent of the afc/pnc who were in bed with RK, they both had a common interest in securing the forestry claim to bring in illicit drugs. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

YOU said that Sat Sawh was killed because he refused to issue permits to RK.  You hailed RK as a hero for "saving:" Guyana, which you also credit Jagdeo for using RK to do this.


So either Fineman did NOT kill Sat Sawh, or he did so on the directions of RK.  You cant have it both ways.

Fineman was an agent of the afc/pnc who were in bed with RK, they both had a common interest in securing the forestry claim to bring in illicit drugs. 

That's your spin on it. How about the truth next time.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  What does the slaughter in Wismar an other places and the PNC racist policy have to do with lack of "Indian cultural integration". 

And what of similar violence by the PYO in 1964.  What of that Wismar ferry, and do not tell me that hog wash that black people in Gtwn sent down explosives to Linden, when the many PNC supporters in Linden had way more access to these devices than any one else in Guyana due to their involvement in bauxite mining.

Yes they did, if they had planned that, they would have also had protection in-place for the Indians of Wismar.  However, I would not rule of a CIA operation either.

Just as how the PNC was not able to protect Africans when Indians attacked them in revenge so the PYO did not protect Indians of Wismar.


In fact one can argue that they knew that there would have been a racial backlash against Indians in Wismar, which they would have used, and still use, to create the notion that only Indians were victimized in 1964.


Now you can blame blacks for the violence of 1962/63.  But it is a well known fact that Jagan unleashed a reign of terror in 1964 in an attempt to have the elections canceled as he feared that a PNC/UF coalition would unseat him using PR.


The most brutal years of violence was in 1964.  Africans attacked Indians and Indians attacked Africans and YOUR OWN ODEEN ISHMAEL says so, even with his obvious bias for the PPP.




Now we had the violence of 1999 and 2001/2 when street marches became assaults on innocent people, mainly Indians.


Two things.

1.  The street vendors closed up every time there was a march as criminals attacked their stalls...and you know that most of these vendors are BLACK.


2.  Many blacks, at great risk to themselves, ran to rescue Indians who were being attacked by black thugs.  Some even drove them home.


A racist like you prefers to paint all racial violence as being due to blacks, and that this is something that the majority of blacks endorsed.  Clearly not true...NOT EVEN THE DIE HARD PNC STREET VENDORS!

And you know that's all smoke screen.  You known what your people did and why.  We will never reconcile our two positions but for me, PNC oppression must never return to Guyana and the PPP must remain there as long as that evil axis remains a real and present threat.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

YOU said that Sat Sawh was killed because he refused to issue permits to RK.  You hailed RK as a hero for "saving:" Guyana, which you also credit Jagdeo for using RK to do this.


So either Fineman did NOT kill Sat Sawh, or he did so on the directions of RK.  You cant have it both ways.

Fineman was an agent of the afc/pnc who were in bed with RK, they both had a common interest in securing the forestry claim to bring in illicit drugs. 

So tell us then why did Jagdeo use RK to attack phantoms who you will claim were afc/pnc agents.  It will appear as if it would have been RK ensuring that the PPP would be removed from office were you not peddling your stupidity as usual....this from a man who doesn't know that 10% of 43% is 4.3%..

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
.  What does the slaughter in Wismar an other places and the PNC racist policy have to do with lack of "Indian cultural integration". 

And what of similar violence by the PYO in 1964.  What of that Wismar ferry, and do not tell me that hog wash that black people in Gtwn sent down explosives to Linden, when the many PNC supporters in Linden had way more access to these devices than any one else in Guyana due to their involvement in bauxite mining.

Yes they did, if they had planned that, they would have also had protection in-place for the Indians of Wismar.  However, I would not rule of a CIA operation either.

Just as how the PNC was not able to protect Africans when Indians attacked them in revenge so the PYO did not protect Indians of Wismar.


In fact one can argue that they knew that there would have been a racial backlash against Indians in Wismar, which they would have used, and still use, to create the notion that only Indians were victimized in 1964.


Now you can blame blacks for the violence of 1962/63.  But it is a well known fact that Jagan unleashed a reign of terror in 1964 in an attempt to have the elections canceled as he feared that a PNC/UF coalition would unseat him using PR.


The most brutal years of violence was in 1964.  Africans attacked Indians and Indians attacked Africans and YOUR OWN ODEEN ISHMAEL says so, even with his obvious bias for the PPP.




Now we had the violence of 1999 and 2001/2 when street marches became assaults on innocent people, mainly Indians.


Two things.

1.  The street vendors closed up every time there was a march as criminals attacked their stalls...and you know that most of these vendors are BLACK.


2.  Many blacks, at great risk to themselves, ran to rescue Indians who were being attacked by black thugs.  Some even drove them home.


A racist like you prefers to paint all racial violence as being due to blacks, and that this is something that the majority of blacks endorsed.  Clearly not true...NOT EVEN THE DIE HARD PNC STREET VENDORS!

And you know that's all smoke screen.  You known what your people did and why.  We will never reconcile our two positions but for me, PNC oppression must never return to Guyana and the PPP must remain there as long as that evil axis remains a real and present threat.

Cant find a credible answer so you blast it a sa soke screen.  No wonder they say that Guyana is on the brink of major racial conflict if this is the behavior that we can expect from PPP supporters.


Note that I do not say Indians, because many Indians who are honest know that Indians played as much a role in our racial problems as blacks did.  Even if it is only a minority who think this way.

Originally Posted by caribny:

So tell us then why did Jagdeo use RK to attack phantoms who you will claim were afc/pnc agents.  It will appear as if it would have been RK ensuring that the PPP would be removed from office were you not peddling your stupidity as usual....this from a man who doesn't know that 10% of 43% is 4.3%..

RK acted as an agent of concerned citizens who polled their resources to pay the phantoms. He was the middle man. After his assignment was done he returned to the bosom of the afc/pnc. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So tell us then why did Jagdeo use RK to attack phantoms who you will claim were afc/pnc agents.  It will appear as if it would have been RK ensuring that the PPP would be removed from office were you not peddling your stupidity as usual....this from a man who doesn't know that 10% of 43% is 4.3%..

RK acted as an agent of concerned citizens who polled their resources to pay the phantoms. He was the middle man. After his assignment was done he returned to the bosom of the afc/pnc. 

ok DRUGGIE when you write this put a smilie face.


Or just admit that you suffer from severe mental retardation.


If RK was an AFC/PNC agent he would have joined with renegade ex soldiers and police men to stage a coup and rid Guyana of the PPP.  The rest of the world would have yawned because the PPP isn't too popular in most quarters.


The PPP feared a coup attempt and so paid criminals to fight against those who they feared were behind this coup.  It makes no sense for RK to betray those who he supported to give support to the enemy.


RK=PPP and you know it.  H e was one of Jagdeo's boys and the PNC let Guyanese know of this from the time when he was caught with advanced telecommunications equipment and was spying on PNC supporters.

Originally Posted by caribny:

ok DRUGGIE when you write this put a smilie face.


Or just admit that you suffer from severe mental retardation.


If RK was an AFC/PNC agent he would have joined with renegade ex soldiers and police men to stage a coup and rid Guyana of the PPP.  The rest of the world would have yawned because the PPP isn't too popular in most quarters.


The PPP feared a coup attempt and so paid criminals to fight against those who they feared were behind this coup.  It makes no sense for RK to betray those who he supported to give support to the enemy.


RK=PPP and you know it.  H e was one of Jagdeo's boys and the PNC let Guyanese know of this from the time when he was caught with advanced telecommunications equipment and was spying on PNC supporters.

He played both side of the fence, the afc/pnc because they were amenable to criminal activity and the pPP because they were amenable to the economy. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

ok DRUGGIE when you write this put a smilie face.


Or just admit that you suffer from severe mental retardation.


If RK was an AFC/PNC agent he would have joined with renegade ex soldiers and police men to stage a coup and rid Guyana of the PPP.  The rest of the world would have yawned because the PPP isn't too popular in most quarters.


The PPP feared a coup attempt and so paid criminals to fight against those who they feared were behind this coup.  It makes no sense for RK to betray those who he supported to give support to the enemy.


RK=PPP and you know it.  H e was one of Jagdeo's boys and the PNC let Guyanese know of this from the time when he was caught with advanced telecommunications equipment and was spying on PNC supporters.

He played both side of the fence, the afc/pnc because they were amenable to criminal activity and the pPP because they were amenable to the economy. 

I see that you believe this nonsense just as you think that 10% of 43% is 10%.


Druggie you are too illiterate to bother with, and I only do so as you give me constant amusement about how  stupid you are.


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