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Irfaan Ali upset about being fingered in ‘corruption’ article

December 13, 2011 | By | Filed Under News


…Prima Facie case established but matter never heard

Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali is accusing Kaieteur News and Alliance for Change (AFC), Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan, of carping on the $4B acquisition of land from the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) which was used for housing development. Ali made that accusation in response to a Kaieteur News December 11 article entitled ‘MPs to pursue jailing corrupt govt. officials’. He also objected to the use of his photograph which he claims boldly suggested that the transaction was questionable. Ramjattan in the article stated that during the political campaign prior to the November 28 General and Regional Elections, AFC had committed itself to having corrupt Government officials be held accountable.

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Why would a Minister object to his picture in the newspapers?  Is he a member of the mafia under-ground?


Whatever happen to the $4 billion transaction with Ali name all over it?


Why did Speaker Ralph Ramkarran allow this primae facia case of alledged corruption to die a natural death?


Where are these 15,000 new houselots since 2011 which Ali claimed he was spending the $4 billion on?


Did Irfaan Ali lied to the 9th Parlaiment in 2011 and 2010?


- questionable housing funds trigger opposition walk-out

Government yesterday passed $8 billion in supplementary provisions for last year, shortly after angry opposition MPs stormed out of the National Assembly over the failure of Housing Minister Irfaan Ali to adequately account for $4 billion sought for the housing sector.


Where is this 17,000 house lots?


$4 billion already spent but house lots gone in the Atlantic Ocean or what?



The $4 billion was being sought in addition to the $430 million which was originally allocated for housing development in the 2009 budget. Ali stressed that the money was being used to facilitate the government’s plan to provide 17,000 house lots to Guyanese in need, in the various regions of the country. PNCR-1G MP Winston Murray, however, called on him to issue a detailed project profile outlining how the money would be spent. Murray argued that the failure to do so subtracts from transparency and accountability in the National Assembly. He further pointed out that during the budget estimates a detailed profile was provided, showing how the $430 million would have been spent.

Originally Posted by cain:

Irfaan Ali upset about being fingered in ‘corruption’ article


What  happen yuj, you wish is u get fingered?

He prefers to be tickled by the Rev's assortment of vibrators. 


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