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After nearly a half a century I see not much has changed. Race based politics is the norm as it was in the past. Noting has really changed and as a people we have shown no maturity. We have the same model in operation. An β€œafro centric” party with a token of indos and on the other hand an β€œIndo centric” party with its token afros. Why are these parties even around? I tell you why because the people are too dumb to realize that it is they who have the real power.

I would have thought that by now a new paradigm would have emerged with new dynamic leadership that offers new options to the electorate where people would vote not on ethnicity but on ideas and vision for a common good of all Guyanese. Yet we find history repeating itself.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana will remain the same for another 50 years, when Indo and Afro parties keep calling people names like dugla,buck,coolie, blackman, etc...

No real change will take place until all races are treated equally, with respect and as Citizens of Guyana by a government and by all people.
For starters, the PNC[APNU] and the PPP with a track record of biased racist policies, must be replaced.
There are some changes. There is a larger percentage of independent voters. A larger percentage of East Indians will vote for the AFC this time. I am convinced of this. In particular the Christian Indians. I have been invited by several Christian congregations by former classmates and ex-students of mine. I am amazed by how people who voted PPP in 2006 will now make the change. After speaking in village an EI man came to me and introduced himself as the pastor of the church on the street and made a donation to AFC. He said he is encouraging his people to vote AFC. Another preacher invited me to speak to 23 of his teachers on Wed. This is what I can say: the results will be split three ways with no party getting the majority. That for me is progress and a seismic change in Guyana's politics. I told this to uncle Moses yesterday and he feels the same way.
Originally posted by FC:
After nearly a half a century I see not much has changed. Race based politics is the norm as it was in the past. Noting has really changed and as a people we have shown no maturity. We have the same model in operation. An β€œafro centric” party with a token of indos and on the other hand an β€œIndo centric” party with its token afros. Why are these parties even around? I tell you why because the people are too dumb to realize that it is they who have the real power.

I would have thought that by now a new paradigm would have emerged with new dynamic leadership that offers new options to the electorate where people would vote not on ethnicity but on ideas and vision for a common good of all Guyanese. Yet we find history repeating itself.

the Afros have made a tremendous effort to vote on the issues..
Originally posted by Tola:
Guyana will remain the same for another 50 years, when Indo and Afro parties keep calling people names like dugla,buck,coolie, blackman, etc...

No real change will take place until all races are treated equally, with respect and as Citizens of Guyana by a government and by all people.
For starters, the PNC[APNU] and the PPP with a track record of biased racist policies, must be replaced.

Amen. I totally agree with you on this. The only reason the PNC(APNU)is still around is because the PPP keep throwing them a lifeline to keep the status quo. Look the PPP could have effectively nullified the PNC if they were serious about inclusiveness. Tell me why is Romotar is the presidential candidate and not an afro. They are many capable blacks in the PPP why don't they take a bold step and go out on a limb. It is all about winning elections and preserving the leagacy of race based politics and tokenism.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
There are some changes. There is a larger percentage of independent voters. A larger percentage of East Indians will vote for the AFC this time. I am convinced of this. In particular the Christian Indians. I have been invited by several Christian congregations by former classmates and ex-students of mine. I am amazed by how people who voted PPP in 2006 will now make the change. After speaking in village an EI man came to me and introduced himself as the pastor of the church on the street and made a donation to AFC. He said he is encouraging his people to vote AFC. Another preacher invited me to speak to 23 of his teachers on Wed. This is what I can say: the results will be split three ways with no party getting the majority. That for me is progress and a seismic change in Guyana's politics. I told this to uncle Moses yesterday and he feels the same way.

It good hear that changes are a foot. What are young people saying to you. You know they are the future. Are you reaching out these young men and women?
nonsense, the PPP has propelled the country forward from the dark ages that the PNC had it in for so many decades. You are a day late and a dollar short. The ppp has shared milk and now the people are satiated. You can not expect them to go hook line and sinker for the crooks in the afc just for the sake of change when the country is o a forward course.
Originally posted by TI:
So you say if the PPP put up a black man, the PPP supporters wil run over to the PNC and vote for them? Big Grin Big Grin

You don't get it. It means that the PPP is serious about inclusiveness when a blackman can lead the PPP. It send the message that the presidential candidate does not have to be Indian in order to lead the PPP. As a matter of fact is says colour and ethnicity is not relevant.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
nonsense, the PPP has propelled the country forward from the dark ages that the PNC had it in for so many decades. You are a day late and a dollar short. The ppp has shared milk and now the people are satiated. You can not expect them to go hook line and sinker for the crooks in the afc just for the sake of change when the country is o a forward course.

You should remove your rose coloured glasses. We have seen the most horrific escalation of crime in our history. To date no has been held accountable for the slaughters in Agricola, Lusignan, Bartica, Sat Sawh etc. There has been no inquiry into and public report on the Buxton Taliban.

Besides the PNC record should not be used as the benchmark to measure progress. We should be forward thinking in our approach and look for ways to empower people and give them hope.
Originally posted by FC:

You should remove your rose coloured glasses. We have seen the most horrific escalation of crime in our history. To date no has been held accountable for the slaughters in Agricola, Lusignan, Bartica, Sat Sawh etc. There has been no inquiry into and public report on the Buxton Taliban.

Besides the PNC record should not be used as the benchmark to measure progress. We should be forward thinking in our approach and look for ways to empower people and give them hope.

The PPP has neutralized the bandits via phantomizing and, show respect and give jack he jacket. If you were honest you would acknowledge that Guyana is now a better place than a few years ago when your FF buddies were running around killing people and were subsequently phantomized. We all know that the criminal activity was linked to the opposition party who were pursuing the promise of slow fiah mo fiah and making the country ungovernable. Then stepped in the 2 seat party with links to overseas authors.......
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by TI:
When the PPP showcased Hinds, what do think was the reaction?

Why was HInds not given the Presidential post when it became available? Because he is a black man in an Indo party. How can we do DAT!

Do you follow up Guyanese politics? You should speak to our own Caribj who will aptly describe Hinds, Luncheon, Benn, etc.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The ppp has shared milk and now the people are satiated. .

yes they shared it to black CRIMINALS. Your racist nature tells you that this accounts for a significant % of the black population.

The man who said he likes PPP milk was a PNC thug who was wooed by the PPP. Many have followed since.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by FC:
They are many capable blacks in the PPP why don't .

Sorry. Tokens and charlatans like Lumumba...and not too much more. The PPP hates honest and competent blacks.

Nonsense, the blacks like yourself that complain are those who hate the PPP ever since power was wrestled away in 92. You fools can not get over the fact that democracy finally prevailed with the help of the white man. All Blacks are welcomed to the PPP, name me these honest Blacks that applied for PPP membership and were refused. hahahaahha
Originally posted by caribj:

yes they shared it to black CRIMINALS. Your racist nature tells you that this accounts for a significant % of the black population.

The man who said he likes PPP milk was a PNC thug who was wooed by the PPP. Many have followed since.

Are all the Blacks in the PPP cabinet and other political positions criminals? No, you will call them uncle toms because they care about Guyana and joined the party of progress. ahahahahha
Originally posted by BGurd_See:

Nonsense, the blacks like yourself that complain are those who hate the PPP

Over 90% of blacks hate the PPP. How do you think teh AFC and the PNC got 43% of the votes last time when only 32% of the voters self identofy as black?

Now if 90% of a population hates an entity its obvious that the entity has been quite bad to them.

I cant name you one honest black who applied because only crooks and tokens do. Who else would join such a black hating organization?
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Are all the Blacks in the PPP cabinet

What do the two Jennifers do aside from wining up on Jagdeo on campaign trails. back balling at that.

No one knows, especially the one in Finance?

Luncheon says he doesnt know why the PPP is racist to blacks. Poor Hinds. His own town rejects him.

The PPP likes black stooges and criminals.

When asked why almost all the top slots are filled by Indians Luncheon said " I dont know". Luncheon knows more about this than you do.
Originally posted by caribj:

Over 90% of blacks hate the PPP. How do you think teh AFC and the PNC got 43% of the votes last time when only 32% of the voters self identofy as black?

Now if 90% of a population hates an entity its obvious that the entity has been quite bad to them.

I cant name you one honest black who applied because only crooks and tokens do. Who else would join such a black hating organization?

You lie as usual without shame. 43% of people that voted does not represent 90% of blacks because many Blacks in 2006 stayed home as a protest against the PNC just so the PPP could win and continue progress. The accomplishments of the PPP in Black communities discredit your claim about the PPP being a Black hating party. This time around many Blacks will vote PPP and you will make up another story about rigging just as the AFC creeps are now doing.

AS you see I have made my point, you could not produce one honest Black that applied to the PPP for membership and was rejected. As they say, you have to be in it to win it, if these so called honest blacks stay on the sidelines and cry foul without joining the game then their claims are not credible. ahahhahaha
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by FC:

You should remove your rose coloured glasses. We have seen the most horrific escalation of crime in our history. To date no has been held accountable for the slaughters in Agricola, Lusignan, Bartica, Sat Sawh etc. There has been no inquiry into and public report on the Buxton Taliban.

Besides the PNC record should not be used as the benchmark to measure progress. We should be forward thinking in our approach and look for ways to empower people and give them hope.

The PPP has neutralized the bandits via phantomizing and, show respect and give jack he jacket. If you were honest you would acknowledge that Guyana is now a better place than a few years ago when your FF buddies were running around killing people and were subsequently phantomized. We all know that the criminal activity was linked to the opposition party who were pursuing the promise of slow fiah mo fiah and making the country ungovernable. Then stepped in the 2 seat party with links to overseas authors.......

Look, I will give Jack his Jacket. The PPP started out well and did exceptionally well in the early years given the monumental task of rebuilding the nation but they have lost their way. As time has gone on they have become corrupt and are guilty of nepotism, cronyism much the same as the people they replaced. Rule of law and due process has deteriorated. This is what happens when a govt is in place for too long they tend to take people for granted and use them as pawns. I really expected them to create a different kind of society but the reality is there is an inner circle that has benefitted. The masses has been left out in the cold but come election time they return to these poor people and use fear tactics to keep them in power. For these reason they need to be replaced.
On the other hand the APNU or whatever they are called deserved to be kicked to the curb as well. These are the same people that did β€œdiddly squat” for black people during their time in office. Blacks should reject them. They are racist to the core. Remember the Winston Murray incident. I cringed when I looked at their slate. These are the same people who ran the country into the ground and it is hard to imagine how they will be different from the past.

I urge the electorate to reject the PPP and APNU.
Ramotar acknowledged that there is blatant corruption in the gov't then turns around and blames it on the PNC. C'mon in 19 years the Champion couldn't conquer it who so stupid that they will believe him that it will be solved in the next five? Rum mouth tar needs to sober up and stop acting desperate.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
nonsense, the PPP has propelled the country forward from the dark ages that the PNC had it in for so many decades. You are a day late and a dollar short. The ppp has shared milk and now the people are satiated. You can not expect them to go hook line and sinker for the crooks in the afc just for the sake of change when the country is o a forward course.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by caribj:

You lie as usual without shame. 43% of people that voted does not represent 90% of blacks because many Blacks in 2006 stayed home as a protest against the PNC just so the PPP could win and continue progress. The accomplishments of the PPP in Black communities discredit your claim about the PPP being a Black hating party. This time around many Blacks will vote PPP and you will make up another story about rigging just as the AFC creeps are now doing.

AS you see I have made my point, you could not produce one honest Black that applied to the PPP for membership and was rejected. As they say, you have to be in it to win it, if these so called honest blacks stay on the sidelines and cry foul without joining the game then their claims are not credible. ahahhahaha

Druggie facts are that very few blacks voted PPP. Now you can opine as to why but apparently few consider the PPP worthy of their vote.

Voting is secret in Guyana so dont prattle about how they fear being punished for voting PPP.

The fact that the PPP getsd few votes signlas exactly what blacks think of them. You as a black hater can say what you want. It doesnt matter.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
, you could not produce one honest Black that applied to the PPP for membership and was rejected. ahahhahaha

Druggie are you implying that no honest blacks applied for PPP membership? You therefore make my point.

Now help Luncheon out. He says he doesnt know why there are no black overseas based ambassadors or why almost all of the top poistions are held by Indians. Now druggie if there are legions of honest and competent blacks in the PPP clearly one would expect many of these slots would have bene held by blacks.

So druggie.

1. either qualfied blacks ignore the PPP as they think its racist and therefore not deserving of them. OR

2. The PPP hates honest and competent blacks.

Either way the point is the PPP is black hating.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
, you could not produce one honest Black that applied to the PPP for membership and was rejected. ahahhahaha

Druggie are you implying that no honest blacks applied for PPP membership? You therefore make my point.

Now help Luncheon out. He says he doesnt know why there are no black overseas based ambassadors or why almost all of the top poistions are held by Indians. Now druggie if there are legions of honest and competent blacks in the PPP clearly one would expect many of these slots would have bene held by blacks.

So druggie.

1. either qualfied blacks ignore the PPP as they think its racist and therefore not deserving of them. OR

2. The PPP hates honest and competent blacks.

Either way the point is the PPP is black hating.
i did not went far in school and i could tell you that.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
, you could not produce one honest Black that applied to the PPP for membership and was rejected. ahahhahaha

Druggie are you implying that no honest blacks applied for PPP membership? You therefore make my point.

Now help Luncheon out. He says he doesnt know why there are no black overseas based ambassadors or why almost all of the top poistions are held by Indians. Now druggie if there are legions of honest and competent blacks in the PPP clearly one would expect many of these slots would have bene held by blacks.

So druggie.

1. either qualfied blacks ignore the PPP as they think its racist and therefore not deserving of them. OR

2. The PPP hates honest and competent blacks.

Either way the point is the PPP is black hating.

This is a typical example that you have Indians.

Blacks have made tremendous progress under the PPP.

Look what they did for LINDENERS.

The employed 70% of Governmnet employees.

The PPP has done more for blacks than Indians.
That is why guys like TK and Sase are pissed off.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
, you could not produce one honest Black that applied to the PPP for membership and was rejected. ahahhahaha

Druggie are you implying that no honest blacks applied for PPP membership? You therefore make my point.

Now help Luncheon out. He says he doesnt know why there are no black overseas based ambassadors or why almost all of the top poistions are held by Indians. Now druggie if there are legions of honest and competent blacks in the PPP clearly one would expect many of these slots would have bene held by blacks.

So druggie.

1. either qualfied blacks ignore the PPP as they think its racist and therefore not deserving of them. OR

2. The PPP hates honest and competent blacks.

Either way the point is the PPP is black hating.

This is a typical example that you have Indians.

Blacks have made tremendous progress under the PPP.

Look what they did for LINDENERS.

The employed 70% of Governmnet employees.

The PPP has done more for blacks than Indians.
That is why guys like TK and Sase are pissed off.
i see also that they enploy joe,bynoe and hinds,i wonder in what field of work
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
, you could not produce one honest Black that applied to the PPP for membership and was rejected. ahahhahaha

Druggie are you implying that no honest blacks applied for PPP membership? You therefore make my point.

Now help Luncheon out. He says he doesnt know why there are no black overseas based ambassadors or why almost all of the top poistions are held by Indians. Now druggie if there are legions of honest and competent blacks in the PPP clearly one would expect many of these slots would have bene held by blacks.

So druggie.

1. either qualfied blacks ignore the PPP as they think its racist and therefore not deserving of them. OR

2. The PPP hates honest and competent blacks.

Either way the point is the PPP is black hating.

This is a typical example that you have Indians.

Blacks have made tremendous progress under the PPP.

Look what they did for LINDENERS.

The employed 70% of Governmnet employees.

The PPP has done more for blacks than Indians.
That is why guys like TK and Sase are pissed off.

Are u talking about the sharing of crumbs? Tell us who have the real wealth?
Originally posted by FC:

Look, I will give Jack his Jacket. The PPP started out well and did exceptionally well in the early years given the monumental task of rebuilding the nation but they have lost their way. As time has gone on they have become corrupt and are guilty of nepotism, cronyism much the same as the people they replaced. Rule of law and due process has deteriorated. This is what happens when a govt is in place for too long they tend to take people for granted and use them as pawns. I really expected them to create a different kind of society but the reality is there is an inner circle that hs benefitted. The masses has been left out in the cold but come election time they return to these poor people and use fear tactics to keep them in ower. For these reason they need to be replaced.
On the other hand the APNU or whatever they are called deserved to be kicked to the curb as well. These are the same people that did β€œdiddly squat” for black people during their time in office. Blacks should reject them. They are racist to the core. Remember the Winston Murray incident. I cringed when I looked at their slate. These are the same people who ran the country into the ground and it is hard to imagine how they will be different from the past.

I urge the electorate to reject the PPP and APNU.

In fact you are incorrect about the timeline of when progress prevailed at its best in Guyana, it is actually over the past 7 years when Jagdeo and his accomplices in the underworld phantomized the criminals and progress prevailed. The earl iy years were about appeasing the beast called the PNC, the recent years under Jagdeo was about taming the beast via phantomirzing.
WE can all agree that the PPP have become arrogant and corrupt but they give back more than they steal, which is more than I can say about a potential AFC government.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by FC:

Look, I will give Jack his Jacket. The PPP started out well and did exceptionally well in the early years given the monumental task of rebuilding the nation but they have lost their way. As time has gone on they have become corrupt and are guilty of nepotism, cronyism much the same as the people they replaced. Rule of law and due process has deteriorated. This is what happens when a govt is in place for too long they tend to take people for granted and use them as pawns. I really expected them to create a different kind of society but the reality is there is an inner circle that hs benefitted. The masses has been left out in the cold but come election time they return to these poor people and use fear tactics to keep them in ower. For these reason they need to be replaced.
On the other hand the APNU or whatever they are called deserved to be kicked to the curb as well. These are the same people that did β€œdiddly squat” for black people during their time in office. Blacks should reject them. They are racist to the core. Remember the Winston Murray incident. I cringed when I looked at their slate. These are the same people who ran the country into the ground and it is hard to imagine how they will be different from the past.

I urge the electorate to reject the PPP and APNU.

In fact you are incorrect about the timeline of when progress prevailed at its best in Guyana, it is actually over the past 7 years when Jagdeo and his accomplices in the underworld phantomized the criminals and progress prevailed. The earl iy years were about appeasing the beast called the PNC, the recent years under Jagdeo was about taming the beast via phantomirzing.
WE can all agree that the PPP have become arrogant and corrupt but they give back more than they steal, which is more than I can say about a potential AFC government.

On what are you basing this conclusion? They have not been in office yet.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by FC:
On what are you basing this conclusion? They have not been in office yet.

Based on the crooked lawyers that comprise the leadership. These folks in their private practice have proven to be money grabbers and unscrupulous. Could you imagine what they would do once they have absolute power?
well thank god the ppp crime family is not lawyers,if they thiefing so much, just think of them as lawyers,your gold teeth will not be safe

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