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Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

While it is inspiring to see the living spirit in those kids, it is also sad as kids should not have to do all of that to get to school or anywhere else. There is also no adult on that boat and two of the kids seem very little. Nonetheless, their attitudes are admirable.

I think the current government was trying to launch a school boat program.  One of my relatives connected with granger was advising him to do some local contracting to get kids to and fro school.  He is looking into it!


The school boat program is already underway but unfortunately the need is so great that all of the children are not yet covered.

In some parts of the Pomeroon and other riverain communities, the only way to travel around is by boat.

Mitwah posted:

Vish,  like you didn't have boyhood days in Guyana. You think we had swimming pools and instructors. Dem big boys would catch us and throw us  in the canals and you rass learn fuh paddle swim just  like daag first.  You ever ride wild donkeys with black sage rope in the savannahs? You  are coming across like you didn't have playdays in Guyana.

Mits, sounds like you rass had a rough childhood. You should have stuck to playing cowboy and Indian and snowboarding like me. 

Nehru posted:

I learn to swim, climb coconut tree, thief mango, play cricket, soccer, Tennis, barefoot Races all by myself and I will NEVER forget those days!!!

No wonder you are a poor example of those activities ( maybe good mango and murghi choor!) needed proper guidance.

Last edited by Former Member
Riff posted:
D2 posted:

Guyanese politicians are truly bare faced. Here the PNC are plastering their colors on national assets!

they should not do that...really not good!

One of the reasons for the visceral resentment of these people. I detest the PPP giving amerind kids red shirts. But this crap about painting a school boat with party colors is a kick in the groin.

D2 posted:
Riff posted:
D2 posted:

Guyanese politicians are truly bare faced. Here the PNC are plastering their colors on national assets!

they should not do that...really not good!

One of the reasons for the visceral resentment of these people. I detest the PPP giving amerind kids red shirts. But this crap about painting a school boat with party colors is a kick in the groin.

Given a choice of Red Shirts vs no shirts and painted boats vs no boat at all, which would you suggest?

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

While it is inspiring to see the living spirit in those kids, it is also sad as kids should not have to do all of that to get to school or anywhere else. There is also no adult on that boat and two of the kids seem very little. Nonetheless, their attitudes are admirable.

I think the current government was trying to launch a school boat program.  One of my relatives connected with granger was advising him to do some local contracting to get kids to and fro school.  He is looking into it!


The school boat program is already underway but unfortunately the need is so great that all of the children are not yet covered.

In some parts of the Pomeroon and other riverain communities, the only way to travel around is by boat.

This is why one of my relatives suggested contracting with locals who had boats which meet safety criterion.

GTAngler posted:
D2 posted:
Riff posted:
D2 posted:

Guyanese politicians are truly bare faced. Here the PNC are plastering their colors on national assets!

they should not do that...really not good!

One of the reasons for the visceral resentment of these people. I detest the PPP giving amerind kids red shirts. But this crap about painting a school boat with party colors is a kick in the groin.

Given a choice of Red Shirts vs no shirts and painted boats vs no boat at all, which would you suggest?

I would not place anyone in that position. The option to choose between two wrongs is not a valid option.  Also, a sins, little or big are equally weighed when they accrue from the same villainy. 

Riff posted:
Cobra posted:

This video caught a lot of attention, but most importantly, the poster of the video on Facebook asking if anyone know the area where this took place in Guyana so they can provide help and safety vests for the kids.

Mark Bannister is very involved with helping the needy in Guyana....his cousin is 

Matthew Centrowitz

Good to know. Thanks.

Riff posted:
Cobra posted:

This video caught a lot of attention, but most importantly, the poster of the video on Facebook asking if anyone know the area where this took place in Guyana so they can provide help and safety vests for the kids.

Mark Bannister is very involved with helping the needy in Guyana....his cousin is 

Matthew Centrowitz

Matthew is his nephew, his sister's son.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

These children have a nice, fighting, innovative spirit.  You can tell what kind of adults they will turn out to be.  God knows we have enough lazy, unemployed people in the world.  Sitting around all day and waiting to spend the next charity dollar that comes their way.

  I had to peep in GNI before dozing off to get a good laugh.

VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:

Vish,  like you didn't have boyhood days in Guyana. You think we had swimming pools and instructors. Dem big boys would catch us and throw us  in the canals and you rass learn fuh paddle swim just  like daag first.  You ever ride wild donkeys with black sage rope in the savannahs? You  are coming across like you didn't have playdays in Guyana.

Mits, sounds like you rass had a rough childhood. You should have stuck to playing cowboy and Indian and snowboarding like me. 

Cowboy and Indian was called "bow bow" and snowboarding was like sliding down the mudflats. We use to dive and catch pakoos and push our hands in holes and catch buck crabs. You ever played " aati paati" ? Know how catch Kakabelly?


Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

While it is inspiring to see the living spirit in those kids, it is also sad as kids should not have to do all of that to get to school or anywhere else. There is also no adult on that boat and two of the kids seem very little. Nonetheless, their attitudes are admirable.

I think the current government was trying to launch a school boat program.  One of my relatives connected with granger was advising him to do some local contracting to get kids to and fro school.  He is looking into it!


The school boat program is already underway but unfortunately the need is so great that all of the children are not yet covered.

In some parts of the Pomeroon and other riverain communities, the only way to travel around is by boat.

This is why one of my relatives suggested contracting with locals who had boats which meet safety criterion.

No boat in GY meets the water safety criteria of durability and unsinkability and easily maintained. These can be made using a double hulled strategy of carbon fiber and marine aluminum primed with foam.  These are easy to build. I wanted to do it.

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:


I think the current government was trying to launch a school boat program.  One of my relatives connected with granger was advising him to do some local contracting to get kids to and fro school.  He is looking into it!


The school boat program is already underway but unfortunately the need is so great that all of the children are not yet covered.

In some parts of the Pomeroon and other riverain communities, the only way to travel around is by boat.

This is why one of my relatives suggested contracting with locals who had boats which meet safety criterion.

No boat in GY meets the water safety criteria of durability and unsinkability and easily maintained. These can be made using a double hulled strategy of carbon fiber and marine aluminum primed with foam.  These are easy to build. I wanted to do it.

Well D2, to expedite, they can go with the best available today and give, say two years to come in full compliance.  Deal with the reality, the immediate need!

Last edited by Former Member

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