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Tuesday, 14 August 2012 21:44


Khemraj Ramjattan has reached a level of low that has never existed on the face of this earth through a direct attack on the principles of founder of the PPP, the revered Dr. Cheddi Jagan.
There is no one who knew Dr. Jagan, even in a minor way, could ever believe that Dr. Jagan would ever condone violence; and even when he was consistently robbed of his rightful place as head of state in this country he held at bay, to their chagrin, his more militant supporters who wanted to wrest by force what they could not achieve by the subverted constitutional means because his ultimate purpose and his life-long dream was peace, progress and prosperity for all Guyanese, in particular, and all humankind in general.
Ramjattan was privileged to be part of the PPP hierarchal construct and never once since he was thrown out of that party, bearing in mind that it is not in his composition to hold back on any leverage he can find to attempt destruction of a political party on which he cut his teeth, has he held back on any opportunity to besmirch the characters of his former colleagues, or destroy the credibility of the PPP - a party that is grounded on the integrity, the vision, the humanity, the ethical values and the patriotism of its founding-father, lauded by his peers as the Mahatma of the Western Hemisphere, Dr. Cheddi Jagan.
Even on the election hustings he did not articulate the filth that he is currently spewing, to whit, as follows: "I used to be taught at Freedom House how Hitler burned the Riechstag and then threw the blame on the opposition. It could very well be that that is what is happening (in Linden). I know their (PPP) operations and their methodologies. It is my firm view, I can't prove it, but my firm opinion that there are state agents involved (in Linden) operating under the arrangements of some of the people in senior government offices that are creating these burnings. I cannot believe that Lindeners, ordinary parents and schoolchildren, are going to burn a school that 800 students go to. It has to be state agents doing that. The PPP thrives on these situations and the situation has the capacity to bring back their supporters into their wagon and they want that to happen.”
Is there no legal way to sanction the treasonous statements this man is uttering? Because he is accusing the government of destroying what they have gone to lengths to build – schools and a revitalisation of the education sector, so much so that top students are now coming from that township; community centres; an investment climate that was painfully long and arduous in its creation; the hard-to-come-by assets that were either stolen or destroyed in the literally and figuratively mad conflagration that engulfed that community for weeks; infrastructure that was either completely obliterated or so badly damaged that a complete decay would evolve sooner rather than later; a tourism sector that has been drastically set back.The loss of public and private properties that are incalculable.
Every impartial person in their right senses knows that it is Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo and their extremist political colleagues who started the pot boiling in Linden because of their political opportunism when, after Granger and Rupert Roopnarine had agreed to a menu of measures whereby Linden would be graduated into the national electricity tariff structure, ran to the people in Linden and fed them wrong information, then told them Granger had sold them out and that the government was out to punish them. Then Granger and Roopnarine, having sat in Parliament and listened to the Prime Minister explain the terms agreed  between the government and APNU, ran to Linden and tried to stymie the AFC’s attempt to wean their support away from their strong base by reneging on the good-faith agreement they had made with the government.
The rest is history. But now they are attempting to distort that history by blaming the government and the Joint Services for the destructive incidents that played out in the Linden township.
Rupert Roopnarine has lost all pretensions to honesty by claiming that government ‘agent provacateurs’ were responsible for the destruction of Linden. There have been agent provocateurs in this tragic and unfortunate series of incidents that will set Linden and the residents of Linden decades behind in its development; but they came directly from the joint opposition and their satellites in the private media and their affiliate NGOs, especially the WPA/APNU women’s arm, the Red Thread and the notorious Guyana Human Rights Association, which never has  sympathy for the victims of thieves an murderers, but show all concern for the rights of criminals, including those in the opposition collective.
Ramjattan is right. It is not the citizens of Linden who have destroyed the facilities that provide them with the opportunities for a better life, but the agents provocateurs planted in their midst who have been responsible for most of the criminal actions – and the world knows who planted those miscreants in Linden to start a revolution and what they term an “Arab spring”, much written about by a mad columnist, which they first tried in Buxton through the “Buxton Resistance.” This time around the Buxtonians told them in no uncertain terms that they want the progress they are currently achieving in their community, so they turned their attention to another community over which they have control, Linden. When will Guyanese learn that some of their leaders are using them, and destroying them and their children to attain power, while they and their own families live luxurious lifestyles in perfect safety?
And one wonders if Moses Nagamootoo, when he wandered in the wilderness at Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s side, and was himself a victim of the real destroyers of this nation, endorses what Ramjattan has accused the PPP of doing? Or if somewhere, in some remote nether region of his conscience, he will – for the sake of the two people who once loved and nurtured him- speak the truth for once, if only not to appear an ingrate - “Neemak-haram.” Ramjattan is already lost to conscience and reason.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I did not even read that crap above because once again the ghost of Cheddi is being summoned to cleanse the present PPP. Nothing comes  from any going to the witch of Endor to summon sainted elders as a shield against personal transgressions. The PPP will have to account and pay their dues on their own own. Cheddi is dead and gone and cannot help them in light of their present evil.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Yes, Ramjattan is a deal cutter!

He has to balance the dealers. He has the balance. Indeed that is the only task of the AFC least they try their usual tricks.


Well the working class that he put first sure don't seem to do much work for all the money they have accumulated since the PPP came to power. Pradoville don't look like a slum to me.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The subsidies has become unsustainable, therefore a gradual increase in electricity was inevitable for Linden.

 Why ask for subsides to the tune of a billion for GPL when it pads its bills to the tune of 40 percent because of line loss and theft? Why should the nation subsidize an dysfunctional system.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Dr.Jagan is right.  It is the poor people that the PPP was formed to help.  Would Dr. Jagan want the people of linden to pay more on their light bills.  No way.

The gradual increase in tariff is necessary. 


Just as Kruschev praised Stalin when alive, after the death of Stalin, he demonized him.


So, my comrades have no fear. The true CBJ would be revealed as the master destroyer of the lives of all Guyanese. The man made a pact with Stalin as well-a murderer. He delivered the lives of the past, present and future generations to the despots who occupy Freedom House.  

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 So what does this have to do with the deviants who hijacked his party and corrupted his dream?

A man only with words. He had nothing else to show his proteges in Freedom House. They spent their days lazily and recieved their stipends from contributions made to the PPP by the impoverished sugar workers. Hoping that someday the master communist of British Guiana would do better for them. HE LIED TO THEM.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Just as Kruschev praised Stalin when alive, after the death of Stalin, he demonized him.


So, my comrades have no fear. The true CBJ would be revealed as the master destroyer of the lives of all Guyanese. The man made a pact with Stalin as well-a murderer. He delivered the lives of the past, present and future generations to the despots who occupy Freedom House.  

CBJ made a pact with Stalin? How and when did this happen?  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

CBJ made a pact with Stalin? How and when did this happen?  

He definitely made a pact with the Soviet Union.  Which ever dictator oppressed the Communist bloc in the 60s-80s when Cheddi ran behind them wasnt all that great either.


Cheddi was led by his wife an evil communist.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ramjattan is a traitor. That picture says it all. Devil incarnate, dealing with PNC crooks.

Ramjattan is Guyanese. He does not recognize the Guyanese republic of the PPP. I don't either.


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