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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Capitol News report is unbalanced. It's one sided. You canont hear the other side of the issue from Whittaker nor Sooba. Biased media. 

Capitol News is a reflection of poor journalistic news reporting and an embarassment to other media. Jalil, it will serve you well to think for yourself rather than Capitol News thinking for you and conditioning you.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Capitol News report is unbalanced. It's one sided. You canont hear the other side of the issue from Whittaker nor Sooba. Biased media. 

Capitol News is a reflection of poor journalistic news reporting and an embarassment to other media. Jalil, it will serve you well to think for yourself rather than Capitol News thinking for you and conditioning you.

How can a less than a Pea brain be able to do that???

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Capitol News report is unbalanced. It's one sided. You canont hear the other side of the issue from Whittaker nor Sooba. Biased media. 

It gets balanced out with Guyana News. What you need to do is use both along with your intelligence to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Capitol News report is unbalanced. It's one sided. You canont hear the other side of the issue from Whittaker nor Sooba. Biased media. 

Capitol News is a reflection of poor journalistic news reporting and an embarassment to other media. Jalil, it will serve you well to think for yourself rather than Capitol News thinking for you and conditioning you.


Ok what will you say when Hammi

provide more Evidence of PPP stooge Sooba and Whittaker

illegally writing off taxes that was due to the City???


What will you tell us

when charges of corruption

are filed against these PPP thieves???



You think and Condition us

how to Deal with these

charges of thiefing & Corruption


If Nehru has the Brains

 and can read and understand

he will know

 I am not Painting Hammi

as a Hero or a Honest Person...


I have always placed Hammi

in the same category

as Black Thugs, Rapist & Killers

who were in the office of the President

under Jagdeo & Ramotar.....


and these Black Thugs, Rapist & Killers 

are still in Freedom House today.....


Can anyone of you who believe

Jagdeo & Ramotar is not as corrupt as Hammi.....


Tell me what is the Difference between Hamilton Green .....

and any one of the following from

Jagdeo & Ramotar list of Angels 

(1) Lamumba

(2) Kwame

(3)Joe Hamilton

(4) Bynoe

(5) Witticker

(6) Edgehill


(8) Nascimento.


Please tell us how these PPP Heroes

are Different from Hamilton Green?



If today Hamilton Green

is accusing the PPP of Corruption & Thiefing....


Who can Defend

Ramotar??? ..... &    Jagdeo????


Lamumba???? ... or Kwame???



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