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I always questioned why TK and couple others on this BB used to say after the elections  that no one will be jailed.  After all Ramjattan said that the guilty will be jailed to break the cycle of corruption.  However, no body every provided a written explanation as to why they think no one will be jailed.


I think no body will be jailed because it is politics as usual in Guyana.  The APNU+AFC will set out to embarass the PPP but no body will be jailed for corruption.  They do not want to create a situation where if they lose an election the governing party will come after them for corruption.  Believe it or not this happens in the USA.  Yes politicians get jailed for corruption in the USA but it is always triggered by whistle blowing and aggressive prosecutors.  Politicians do not go after politicians for corruption.  They will raise it during campaigns and when they win they hug up and make up behind the scenes. 


If the government is serious about going after the corrupt they will need to get outside (ABC) help.  Goolsarran and Ram will not be able to do it.  They simply do not have the modern resources and know how to do an in-depth forensic audit.  They will catch book keeping errors and small time swindling but they will not uncover anything major.  Look what the USA did to the crooked "cash jet" pilot...they took his ass to the cleaners.  This is what needs to be done to Jagdeo and Ramroop.  Until this happens Guyana will be Land of Many Crooks.

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Guyana should seek outside help to investigate corruption

SN July 2, 2015

Dear Editor,

Ever since the new APNU+AFC took over from the corrupt PPP/C regime, announcements are being made almost on a daily basis of the large number of massive frauds, embezzlement, corruption and wrongdoings.

Some persons feel that the administration should tackle each corporation or entity at a time and not carry out too many investigations at the same time. The main reason is that the country does not have either the financial or the manpower resources to do so.

In addition to the large-scale corruption at a variety of entities which would cost the country a fortune to investigate, the administration is saddled with conducting enquires such as the tragedy at the mining pit which killed eight persons, which will cost more money. The previous government had already spent a US$1 million in the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry.

It is not a secret that the Granger/Nagamootoo government inherited an empty treasury and the dilemma is to realize funds for these investigations. I feel that the government should start to tap friendly countries for financial and technical assistance. The ABC countries, America, Britain and Canada, wanted to see the back of the PPP/C administration and they might be willing to assist because they are totally against corruption. The United Nations, Australia, and other friendly countries should be contacted.

It might be surprising how much assistance a country like Guyana can get in its plight. In my experience as a Solicitor General in St Vincent and the Grenadines and Belize, a few countries are willing to give assistance if approached, and I would strongly advocate that the government appoint a small team of senior officers who have overseas contacts to work towards realizing funds to carry out investigations, and perhaps contribute towards the salaries of some judges, prosecutors and top investigators.

Australia, a few years ago, was willing to pay judges for Belize, and only two years ago the US Government assisted in the setting up of a magistrate’s court in the southern end of that English-speaking Central American country.

Influential and world known Guyanese are scattered throughout the planet. Maybe a few can be contacted to assist.


Yours faithfully,
Oscar Ramjeet

Originally Posted by VVP:

I always questioned why TK and couple others on this BB used to say after the elections  that no one will be jailed.  After all Ramjattan said that the guilty will be jailed to break the cycle of corruption.  However, no body every provided a written explanation as to why they think no one will be jailed.


I think no body will be jailed because it is politics as usual in Guyana.  The APNU+AFC will set out to embarass the PPP but no body will be jailed for corruption.  They do not want to create a situation where if they lose an election the governing party will come after them for corruption.  Believe it or not this happens in the USA.  Yes politicians get jailed for corruption in the USA but it is always triggered by whistle blowing and aggressive prosecutors.  Politicians do not go after politicians for corruption.  They will raise it during campaigns and when they win they hug up and make up behind the scenes. 


If the government is serious about going after the corrupt they will need to get outside (ABC) help.  Goolsarran and Ram will not be able to do it.  They simply do not have the modern resources and know how to do an in-depth forensic audit.  They will catch book keeping errors and small time swindling but they will not uncover anything major.  Look what the USA did to the crooked "cash jet" pilot...they took his ass to the cleaners.  This is what needs to be done to Jagdeo and Ramroop.  Until this happens Guyana will be Land of Many Crooks.


The PNC will not jail these PPP twats for a very simple reason. They WANT Indians to be led by incompetent buffoons. It's in the PNC's interests that Indians are led by incompetent low lifes. Congress Place is thrilled that the PPP leadership remains in place and will go to lengths to defend them. For the same reasons why Burnham LOVED Cheddi. Who de F wants to deal with intelligent savvy opponents in politics? People will always prefer their opponents to be mindless idiots.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I always questioned why TK and couple others on this BB used to say after the elections  that no one will be jailed.  After all Ramjattan said that the guilty will be jailed to break the cycle of corruption.  However, no body every provided a written explanation as to why they think no one will be jailed.


I think no body will be jailed because it is politics as usual in Guyana.  The APNU+AFC will set out to embarass the PPP but no body will be jailed for corruption.  They do not want to create a situation where if they lose an election the governing party will come after them for corruption.  Believe it or not this happens in the USA.  Yes politicians get jailed for corruption in the USA but it is always triggered by whistle blowing and aggressive prosecutors.  Politicians do not go after politicians for corruption.  They will raise it during campaigns and when they win they hug up and make up behind the scenes. 


If the government is serious about going after the corrupt they will need to get outside (ABC) help.  Goolsarran and Ram will not be able to do it.  They simply do not have the modern resources and know how to do an in-depth forensic audit.  They will catch book keeping errors and small time swindling but they will not uncover anything major.  Look what the USA did to the crooked "cash jet" pilot...they took his ass to the cleaners.  This is what needs to be done to Jagdeo and Ramroop.  Until this happens Guyana will be Land of Many Crooks.


The PNC will not jail these PPP twats for a very simple reason. They WANT Indians to be led by incompetent buffoons. It's in the PNC's interests that Indians are led by incompetent low lifes. Congress Place is thrilled that the PPP leadership remains in place and will go to lengths to defend them. For the same reasons why Burnham LOVED Cheddi. Who de F wants to deal with intelligent savvy opponents in politics? People will always prefer their opponents to be mindless idiots.

You will have to go save those coolie people, Counsel.  You know how to talk to them.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The PNC will not jail these PPP twats for a very simple reason. They WANT Indians to be led by incompetent buffoons. It's in the PNC's interests that Indians are led by incompetent low lifes. Congress Place is thrilled that the PPP leadership remains in place and will go to lengths to defend them. For the same reasons why Burnham LOVED Cheddi. Who de F wants to deal with intelligent savvy opponents in politics? People will always prefer their opponents to be mindless idiots.

But Jagdeo nearly win...what you have to say about that?  Jagdeo ain't dumb; he is a smart man.  He is like Burnham but ten times more crooked. If the PPP could have rigged I am sure Jagdeo would have rigged the elections. 


Those low life Indians received 50% of the total votes cast.  They will get 50% votes in 2020 and they will for the next Government if you like it or not.

We, Indians, do not give a rat's ass if the PPP is corrupt or not, we will always vote for them.

The AFC has lost it's Indians support permanently.  Everybody sees that Ramjattan and Moses cannot do their jobs, thanks to the racist PNC.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Those low life Indians received 50% of the total votes cast.  They will get 50% votes in 2020 and they will for the next Government if you like it or not.

We, Indians, do not give a rat's ass if the PPP is corrupt or not, we will always vote for them.

The AFC has lost it's Indians support permanently.  Everybody sees that Ramjattan and Moses cannot do their jobs, thanks to the racist PNC.

keep on fooling your self in the next five years Indo population will

decline further,how the Indo party will win??

Last edited by Django

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