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Now is the time for Unity towards the Common Good

The elections are over. As with any elections, there were winners and there were losers. It is time for our politicians – the victors and the vanquished – to set aside their differences and their bitterness, and unite to ensure a better life for our people.
The oil companies must not find us in disunity. These companies are notorious for lining the pockets of corrupt politicians, and for promoting division. While the people and politicians are fighting, these companies are free to plunder our wealth.

It is time our politicians stop fighting with each other and start fighting for the country.

President Irfaan Ali and Bharrat Jagdeo, David Granger and Joseph Harmon, and their respective teams, should put their heads and shoulders together and work to plug the loopholes, reduce excessive fiscal concessions, remove the confidentiality clauses, and renegotiate improved terms from foreign investors in not only the oil industry but in bauxite and gold as well. Our natural resources are sufficient to guarantee everyone a superior standard of living. No Guyanese should be scratching a living.

We should all be living on par with the citizens of the rich, oil-producing states. We can only reach there if we all work together.
Use pics of Irfaan Ali, Jagdeo, Granger and Harmon


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You don't trust fraudsters and bullies. National Unity is commenced when trusted and civilized people sit down and have a rational discussions. It is not who want to be boss or who is there to screw the other one.


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