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Mitwah has to be a young man in age. So I will educate him with knowledge.   Burnham never expelled Hamilton Green. Burnham's father and Hamilton Green's mother Edith Dorothy (a popular hair stylist in South Georgetown British Guiana) were second cousins.  Hamilton Green was appointed Prime Minister by Hoyte who became President on the death of Burnham (Burnham had appointed Hoyte as Prime Minister and First Vice President over Green).  Thus began his fight with Hoyte.  Green's father Adolphus Green was a popular dispenser in the Alboystown area. He thus had a solid middle class upbringing in Georgetown British Guiana.  He went to Queen's College at the time when affluent parents could have payed to send their children there.  Before the PPP Burnham and PPP Jagan split.  Green was known then as the PPP's man on the docks because of his job with the transport and harbours department in Georgetown. His name was later prominently mentioned in the x-13 terror files and the Guyana police force in the 1970s mentioned that a car linked to him may have been seen at the scene of the Biology Lecturer/ Ratoon group founder Josh Ramsammy's attempted assassination in downtown Georgetown. Green was friends with Imam  Wallace Deen Muhammed the son of Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammed.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

I don't know if he was a founder of Gump.

His Muslim name is Muhammad Bilal. Bilal was an Ethiopian slave in the Quran who converted to Islam and the Prophet freed him from his Arab slave master.

On 24 November 1964, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Anthony Greenwood, appointed a Commonwealth Team of Observers to observe the upcoming elections. The terms of reference for this Commission stipulated that it should examine whether the administrative arrangements were conducted in a fair and proper manner; if there was freedom of expression through the media and public meetings; and to consider if other factors affected the free and fair conduct of the election.

The team was led by Mr. Tek Chand, an Indian judge, and was made up of two members from Canada, two from Ghana, two from Malta, one from Nigeria, one from India, and two from Trinidad and Tobago.

For the elections, the ruling PPP was opposed by the PNC and the UF, as well as by four splinter parties formed solely to contest the election. There were strong allegations that two of these splinter parties, the Justice Party (JP) led by Balram Singh Rai and Jai Narine Singh, both Hindus, and the Guiana United Muslim Party (GUMP), led by Hussain Ghanie, received lavish funding from sources in the United States and from local Indo-Guyanese big business opposed to the PPP. Their platform, like the PNC and the UF, was anti-communism, but they added race and religion in their campaign.

Last edited by Django
@Prashad posted:

I was just joking that Green got grade D in Scripture. I was told by a man many years ago who knew his father and mother that he got a Grade C in British History. His only qualification.

I have no idea what Hammie Green's qualifications are.  What is beyond question is that he got things done.  I was a high school student in Georgetown when Joshua Ramsammy was shot and remember the drama that played out at the hospital not far from my school, where Dr. Ramsammy had taught some years before.  I also remember that Green was rumored to be behind the shooting.   My point about questioning people's qualifications is the it really doesn't seem to matter to the average Guyanese.  Look at Irfan Ali.  There is absolutely no doubt that his academic qualifications are fake.  That so called Ph.D. from UWI is a black mark on that institution.  I have been listening to Ali and reading some stuff he has written and he is most definitely not worthy of a doctorate.  The truth about his "qualifications" will come out some day.   

@Totaram posted:

I have no idea what Hammie Green's qualifications are.  What is beyond question is that he got things done.  I was a high school student in Georgetown when Joshua Ramsammy was shot and remember the drama that played out at the hospital not far from my school, where Dr. Ramsammy had taught some years before.  I also remember that Green was rumored to be behind the shooting.   My point about questioning people's qualifications is the it really doesn't seem to matter to the average Guyanese.  Look at Irfan Ali.  There is absolutely no doubt that his academic qualifications are fake.  That so called Ph.D. from UWI is a black mark on that institution.  I have been listening to Ali and reading some stuff he has written and he is most definitely not worthy of a doctorate.  The truth about his "qualifications" will come out some day.   

Totaram list some of the things that he got done that was a benefit to society apart from youth soccer?

Last edited by Prashad
@Django posted:

On 24 November 1964, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Anthony Greenwood, appointed a Commonwealth Team of Observers to observe the upcoming elections. The terms of reference for this Commission stipulated that it should examine whether the administrative arrangements were conducted in a fair and proper manner; if there was freedom of expression through the media and public meetings; and to consider if other factors affected the free and fair conduct of the election.

The team was led by Mr. Tek Chand, an Indian judge, and was made up of two members from Canada, two from Ghana, two from Malta, one from Nigeria, one from India, and two from Trinidad and Tobago.

For the elections, the ruling PPP was opposed by the PNC and the UF, as well as by four splinter parties formed solely to contest the election. There were strong allegations that two of these splinter parties, the Justice Party (JP) led by Balram Singh Rai and Jai Narine Singh, both Hindus, and the Guiana United Muslim Party (GUMP), led by Hussain Ghanie, received lavish funding from sources in the United States and from local Indo-Guyanese big business opposed to the PPP. Their platform, like the PNC and the UF, was anti-communism, but they added race and religion in their campaign.

These splinter parties as we called them night bus parties were financed by the CIA under the Kennedy administration.


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