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“PPP didn’t know Nigel Hughes was company secretary for Amaila Inc.” – General Secretary

September 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Recently appointed General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, is saying that his party was not aware, prior to the publication of the fact, that Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman, Nigel Hughes is the Company Secretary of Amaila Falls Hydro Inc.PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee

General Secretary Rohee

is now De Brightest Bulb in the PPP 



Rohee made the disclosure at a PPP press conference

held at Freedom House on Monday.


When asked if the PPP was aware of Hughes’s professional attachment to the entity, in the aforementioned capacity,.....

Rohee’s response was that......

he was not in a position to pronounce

on the Party’s knowledge on that issue.


The General Secretary was then questioned

as to whether he personally knew of the development,

to which he responded in the negative.


Rohee said that he was personally unaware and

doesn’t think that the government was aware.


It was asked

how the government didn’t know

what was going on in its own camp

especially taking into consideration that

Amaila is the government’s most important project of the day.

Rohee’s only response to this was

“these things happen.”


Rohee is now....

the Brightest Bulb in the PPP....

"Now only Bharat, Brassington & Ashni knew...

and they kept it a secret from everyone"....




Nuff Larwa Passing....

Watch all dem Secrets...

get exposed by Anil....


Also at the press conference was

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs,

Anil Nandlall who lambasted

both Nigel and Cathy Hughes for their involvement

in the very project government promotes.


He said that it was incestuous that the

Alliance For Change (AFC) called to be informed on the project

when it’s Chairman—Hughes—

knows all that there is to know.


Nandlall refuted Hughes’s claim that

he wasn’t party to any of the meetings

between Amaila Falls Hydro Inc, Sithe Global and the government.



Jagdeo, Brassington, Ramotar & Ashne

had to know....

Rohee is not the Brightest Bulb in the Party.........


According to Nandlall, that cannot be true,

as Company Secretary you must know

all that is going on in the company

and must therefore be present at meetings.


Nandlall and Rohee’s accounts conflicted,

as Rohee said

the government most likely didn’t know


while Nandlall said that

Nigel Hughes was at meetings with the government.


In the end,

Rohee was asked to give an account as to

whether the Amaila Falls Hydro Project was dead or alive.


The General Secretary said

that he could only respond using the old adage

“You can heal the sick but you cannot raise the dead.”


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