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Former Member

OK Folks,

Now that the COI ruled that the PNC and Burhnam murdered his leader Walter Rodney, will Roopnarine resign from the coalition and prove that he has a little honour left in him ?

Roopnarine must withdraw WPA's support for the PNC otherwise he will go down as the biggest traitor in Guyana's history. Bigger than Moses.

What do say good folks ?



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yuji22 posted:

OK Folks,

Now that the COI ruled that the PNC and Burhnam murdered his leader Walter Rodney, will Roopnarine resign from the coalition and prove that he has a little honour left in him ?

Roopnarine must withdraw WPA's support for the PNC otherwise he will go down as the biggest traitor in Guyana's history. Bigger than Moses.

What do say good folks ?


Rupert will not resign. He is devoid of principles. Publicly he pretended to be Walter's trusted Deputy, but privately he was Walter's traitor.


yuji22, Dr Rupert Roopnarine did not have to wait for the Ramotar-appointed COI to tell him that PNC people killed Dr Walter Rodney. He and everybody else knew that even before Rodney was buried at Le Repentir Cemetery.

And, it was not Rupert Roopnarine alone who coalesced with the PNC and other parties to form APNU in 2011. The whole WPA leadership took a collective decision in favor of APNU. 

yuji22, if you read world history or international affairs extensively, you will see numberless examples where deadly political enemies have joined forces for a common cause. In Guyana, Cheddi Jagan was willing to coalesce with Burnham's PNC despite the killing of the Berbice "ballot box martyrs" and the killing of Dr Rodney. Jagan and Burnham held coalition talks up to a few days before Burnham died in 1985. 

Gilbakka posted:

yuji22, Dr Rupert Roopnarine did not have to wait for the Ramotar-appointed COI to tell him that PNC people killed Dr Walter Rodney. He and everybody else knew that even before Rodney was buried at Le Repentir Cemetery.

And, it was not Rupert Roopnarine alone who coalesced with the PNC and other parties to form APNU in 2011. The whole WPA leadership took a collective decision in favor of APNU. 

yuji22, if you read world history or international affairs extensively, you will see numberless examples where deadly political enemies have joined forces for a common cause. In Guyana, Cheddi Jagan was willing to coalesce with Burnham's PNC despite the killing of the Berbice "ballot box martyrs" and the killing of Dr Rodney. Jagan and Burnham held coalition talks up to a few days before Burnham died in 1985. 


Talk is cheap.

Spin all you want but Roopnarine is a traitor and Rodney must be turning in his grave.

Cheddie NEVER became a part of the PNC or was willing to become Burnham's Butler like Moses and Ramjattan who are Granger's Butlers and dish washers.

Last edited by Former Member
Mr.T posted:

We East Indians demand an investigation into the murder of Sawh. Why is the PPP not making that case? Did the PPP murder one of their own? Justice for Sawh! Jagdeo and Ramotar must stand trial for failing the East Indian community.

You a East Indian now, you had posted on this forum you are not collie or black. 


I wish to repeat what I said when ex-President Donald Ramotar appointed the COI in 2014 and set out its Terms of Reference. It was patently clear that Ramotar's objective was to dredge up plenty PNC dirt that the PPP could use in its 2016 general elections campaign against David Granger. Had APNU+AFC not cut short the PPP's term in office, the Rodney COI Report would have provided ammunition to the PPP.

Remember, the PPP could have appointed a COI during the tenure of Presidents Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan and Bharrat Jagdeo. The PPP did not do that because it had supreme confidence in winning elections. However, with a minority Ramotar administration the ball game changed, requiring a different approach to regaining the PPP majority. Especially since the regime was facing a mountain of criticisms regarding rampant runaway corruption. 

According to the brains at Freedom House, invoking the "crimes and misdemeanors" of Burnham was the magic wand to guarantee victory in the 2016 elections. After receiving over $400 million from the PPP regime, the Rodney COI couldn't conclude its job in time for May 11 elections last year. No matter, the PPP still invoked Burnham during its campaign.

I call upon President Granger to release the COI Report ASAP and let the PPP and its supporters enjoy their last hurrah now. In the 2020 elections, the PNC killing of Dr Rodney will be a non-issue.

Chameli posted:

so what they going to do about this info?????????


can they now tell us which PPPiteS is responsible for the death of Sash Sawh?

It was wild accusation no different from all the other wild accusations that the current government while in opposition swore they will hold the PPP accountable for and so far, they are 0 for n'.

ksazma posted:
Chameli posted:

so what they going to do about this info?????????


can they now tell us which PPPiteS is responsible for the death of Sash Sawh?

It was wild accusation no different from all the other wild accusations that the current government while in opposition swore they will hold the PPP accountable for and so far, they are 0 for n'.

Sash Sawh family don't believe it is a "wild accusation"

Mr.T posted:

We East Indians demand an investigation into the murder of Sawh. Why is the PPP not making that case? Did the PPP murder one of their own? Justice for Sawh! Jagdeo and Ramotar must stand trial for failing the East Indian community.

You are in luck bai. The current government is perfectly in place to grant your wish.

redux posted:
ksazma posted:
Chameli posted:

so what they going to do about this info?????????


can they now tell us which PPPiteS is responsible for the death of Sash Sawh?

It was wild accusation no different from all the other wild accusations that the current government while in opposition swore they will hold the PPP accountable for and so far, they are 0 for n'.

Sash Sawh family don't believe it is a "wild accusation"

Even better now since the current government is perfectly in place to solidify Sawh's family's belief.

skeldon_man posted:

Gilly man said " He and everybody else knew that even before Rodney was buried at Le Repentir Cemetery".

Yet the neemakharam choose to join a party of murderers. What a moral individual!!! How can a man know this and go to sleep with the enemy?

Let's put things into perspective. There were more murders committed in almost every single year under the PPP than in total under Burnham or Hoyte. There were also far more political murders under the PPP than under all other governments combined.

But as soon as the murder of an Indo calls for investigation, suddenly the PPP wants only the murder of black people to be investigated. Why is that? What has the PPP got to hide? 

Mr.T posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Gilly man said " He and everybody else knew that even before Rodney was buried at Le Repentir Cemetery".

Yet the neemakharam choose to join a party of murderers. What a moral individual!!! How can a man know this and go to sleep with the enemy?

Let's put things into perspective. There were more murders committed in almost every single year under the PPP than in total under Burnham or Hoyte. There were also far more political murders under the PPP than under all other governments combined.

But as soon as the murder of an Indo calls for investigation, suddenly the PPP wants only the murder of black people to be investigated. Why is that? What has the PPP got to hide? 

We have to look a the whole picture. Not all the murders were reported under the PNC dictatorship. Kick down door and murders were "Shhh" under the PNC.

Mr.T posted:

Me and the family of Sawh don't want a picture. We want justice, just like everyone else. No black man is more important than a coolie. Sawh was a minister on top of that. He deserves justice just even more so than Rodney. Rodney was no minister.

You talkin sheer daag sh*it here. Time to check in to  the doctor for your next CT scan of the brain.

Mr.T posted:

Let's put things into perspective. There were more murders committed in almost every single year under the PPP than in total under Burnham or Hoyte. There were also far more political murders under the PPP than under all other governments combined.


Keeping things in perspective, the criminals were not as brutal as Fineman under the governments of Burnham and Hoyte to necessitate the Police Headquarters in Eve Leary to hire security guards to protect them.

Last edited by Former Member
Mr.T posted:

Me and the family of Sawh don't want a picture. We want justice, just like everyone else. No black man is more important than a coolie. Sawh was a minister on top of that. He deserves justice just even more so than Rodney. Rodney was no minister.

Who cares about you? It should be the family of Sat Shaw. What makes you so important? Pe-ons don't count.


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