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The people of Guyana have been denied any investigations into the murder of minister Sawh. A couple of black men were conveniently blamed and then executed without a trial. This looks like a PPP cover up. How soon can there be an investigation into the murder of Sawh? Why is the PPP quiet on the murder of an East Indian, but are instead keen to focus on the death of a black man? Are East Indian lives no longer important to the PPP?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

East Indians have the same rights as blacks in Guyana. So an investigation into Sawh's brutal murder deserves priority measures. We can't wait till the murderers have all fled Guyana, or died of old age.

It was the PNC paid thugs: Fineman and crew who killed Shaw.

That has never been confirmed by any police investigation, or court trial. It was no doubt an attempt to protect the real murders. That is why we need an investigation.

Chameli posted:
Mr.T posted:

East Indians have the same rights as blacks in Guyana. So an investigation into Sawh's brutal murder deserves priority measures. We can't wait till the murderers have all fled Guyana, or died of old age.

 East Indians and WE in same statement??? what gives T? lol

Because my mum is of East Indian descent. Should I be ashamed of the colour of my skin or my family heritage?

Mr.T posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

East Indians have the same rights as blacks in Guyana. So an investigation into Sawh's brutal murder deserves priority measures. We can't wait till the murderers have all fled Guyana, or died of old age.

It was the PNC paid thugs: Fineman and crew who killed Shaw.

That has never been confirmed by any police investigation, or court trial. It was no doubt an attempt to protect the real murders. That is why we need an investigation.

Wah you nah shet you scurvy mouth. You accused the PPP of theft all these years. You could not prove anything. There has never been anyone in the PPP yet who has been convicted of theft. Now your are giving us your haag sh*t about court trial?

You got CTE(Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy ). Who knack you pun you head all dis time?


Why are you using the PPP and the murder of Sawh in the same sentence? Is there a link that we should know about? Why are you suddenly defending the investigation of the murder of a black politician, but denying the family of an East Indian politician justice? One moment you talk about racists, next moment you stand in the same queue as them to rubbish the death of an Indo. Somebody paying you to protect the murderers of Sawh?

Mr.T posted:
redux posted:
skeldon_man posted:

There has never been anyone in the PPP yet who has been convicted of theft . . .

proving exactly what, sir?

That they got money to pay off the police, judges, and lawyers.

You don't know "nuttin" about Guyana. Police and judges all pull for the PNC. Lawyers accept the highest bidders. It was ok for PNC cum AFC lawyers to defend drug dealers and thugs? You need a gallon of black paint or tar.

redux posted:
Prashad posted:

The life of an East Indian in Guyana is worth far less than an African Guyanese. add to this, koolie crab dog fight up and envy of their fellow koolie. In the end you have life of a people not worth much.

tekkin a lil break from your other handle . . . i seee?

Since you get the big work in the coalition like you change

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

I am waiting for Good and Green Guyana Activist Oscar Ramsheet to start writing his bull on the Sawh murder.

Oscar Ramjeet is a good and decent person. I happen to know him.

A wonderful activist/spokesperson for the Good and Green party of Guyana.First rate. I was looking for him celebrating and jumping up outside of the Georgetown City Hall.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
redux posted:
Prashad posted:

The life of an East Indian in Guyana is worth far less than an African Guyanese. add to this, koolie crab dog fight up and envy of their fellow koolie. In the end you have life of a people not worth much.

tekkin a lil break from your other handle . . . i seee?

Since you get the big work in the coalition like you change

u hear sumting?

Mr.T posted:

So far all that we have got from the PPP on GNI is a lack of support to investigate the murder of Sawh. So why is the PPP complaining when far lesser persons of East Indian descent are murdered? Only an investigation could determine why the PPP is avoiding justice for Sawh.

How did you come to this conclusion bai? As I said earlier, we can make this happen now by asking the current government. Send them a request nah.

ksazma posted:
Mr.T posted:

So far all that we have got from the PPP on GNI is a lack of support to investigate the murder of Sawh. So why is the PPP complaining when far lesser persons of East Indian descent are murdered? Only an investigation could determine why the PPP is avoiding justice for Sawh.

How did you come to this conclusion bai? As I said earlier, we can make this happen now by asking the current government. Send them a request nah.

And Wadell too.

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

I am waiting for Good and Green Guyana Activist Oscar Ramsheet to start writing his bull on the Sawh murder.

Oscar Ramjeet is a good and decent person. I happen to know him.

There is nothing wrong about supporting the political agenda of the GGG. That is your political right. But don't hide behind the PPP of Jagdeo to do so.


I would like it to be made a top priority. Sawh was an East Indian and a minister. I cannot remember the last time that a sitting minister within a democratically elected government was ever murdered and the murder not investigated. For it not to happen in Guyana is even more worrying. There are people eager to investigate the murder of black activists, but not willing to support the investigation of an Indo. We cannot sweep this under the floor. We East Indians demand justice for Sawh.

yuji22 posted:

All of a sudden some people have become East Indian while Moses was hollering that he is ashamed to be East Indian.

Any COI will end up proving that elements of the PNC were involved.

Stop trying to lump the PPP with the murderous criminal PNC.

Whatever Moses says that he is, that is his problem. Woods says that he is Thai, not black.

But let's not confuse the issue. When the PPP mouth piece, and purveyor of fabricated news, yuji cannot find himself to back a call for a proper investigation into the murder of Sawh, then we know that he knows something of interest to any investigations.

As for me: my grandad was once a PPP bigwig. He ended up in prison after he got sold out to the Burnham run security service by the same PPP clique that controlled Wismar and MacKenzie. The PPP has been very good in stabbing its own in the back when money is there to be made. And to watch these snakes doing all they can to thwart an investigation into a fellow East Indian, whilst at the same time claiming that Guyana is under threat from black murderers, we can only come to one conclusion: the PPP  does not think that East Indian lives matter.  

ksazma posted:
Mr.T posted:

So far all that we have got from the PPP on GNI is a lack of support to investigate the murder of Sawh. So why is the PPP complaining when far lesser persons of East Indian descent are murdered? Only an investigation could determine why the PPP is avoiding justice for Sawh.

How did you come to this conclusion bai? As I said earlier, we can make this happen now by asking the current government. Send them a request nah.


Their PNC government is in office. Let them make request. PPP is not afraid of an inquiry.

Another inquiry will implicate the PNC twice for political murders.

Last edited by Former Member

My two bits: There should be a Commission of Inquiry into the dastardly murder of PPP government minister Sash Sawh. For whatever reason, neither President Jagdeo nor President Ramotar appointed a Sawh COI. Lots of us who knew Sash personally, including myself, were shocked at the news of his murder. It is not late for a Sawh COI just as it was not late for a Rodney COI. I am not going to blame anyone for Sash's death until an official probe completes its work.

Last edited by Former Member

 We are looking into inquest for the high profile individuals. What of the many poor people who were gunned down by the police or as a consequence of extra judicial acts. How about one for George Bacchus and his brother?  He was a self acknowledged snitch for gagraj and said he was targeted for murder by his former associates and master and he was murdered the day he was supposed to testify in court.

Stormborn posted:

 We are looking into inquest for the high profile individuals. What of the many poor people who were gunned down by the police or as a consequence of extra judicial acts. How about one for George Bacchus and his brother?  He was a self acknowledged snitch for gagraj and said he was targeted for murder by his former associates and master and he was murdered the day he was supposed to testify in court.

I wholeheartedly support a COI on extra judicial killings of the innocent like Crum Ewing and Sawh.  I do not think the PPP was involved in Sawh death, however.

VVP posted:
Stormborn posted:

 We are looking into inquest for the high profile individuals. What of the many poor people who were gunned down by the police or as a consequence of extra judicial acts. How about one for George Bacchus and his brother?  He was a self acknowledged snitch for gagraj and said he was targeted for murder by his former associates and master and he was murdered the day he was supposed to testify in court.

I wholeheartedly support a COI on extra judicial killings of the innocent like Crum Ewing and Sawh.  I do not think the PPP was involved in Sawh death, however.

What about the Linden martyrs and Wadell?

Mitwah posted:
VVP posted:
Stormborn posted:

 We are looking into inquest for the high profile individuals. What of the many poor people who were gunned down by the police or as a consequence of extra judicial acts. How about one for George Bacchus and his brother?  He was a self acknowledged snitch for gagraj and said he was targeted for murder by his former associates and master and he was murdered the day he was supposed to testify in court.

I wholeheartedly support a COI on extra judicial killings of the innocent like Crum Ewing and Sawh.  I do not think the PPP was involved in Sawh death, however.

What about the Linden martyrs and Wadell?

Is this an oxymoron?

VVP posted:
Stormborn posted:

 We are looking into inquest for the high profile individuals. What of the many poor people who were gunned down by the police or as a consequence of extra judicial acts. How about one for George Bacchus and his brother?  He was a self acknowledged snitch for gagraj and said he was targeted for murder by his former associates and master and he was murdered the day he was supposed to testify in court.

I wholeheartedly support a COI on extra judicial killings of the innocent like Crum Ewing and Sawh.  I do not think the PPP was involved in Sawh death, however.

there should be no COI

a properly equipped organized crime task force should be set up for a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION modeled on Mafia probes in the USA

the perps, masterminds and enablers are still walking around


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