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BREAKING NEWS- A man who claimed that he was sent by a well known figure from office of the president to collect ballot boxes from a North Ruimveldt polling station, has been arrested by police after an alarm was raised by public spirited citizens. The man also had a list of the different polling stations across the country in his pocket.

He is in police custody.

 — with Audrey Harding.

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Breaking News: Chaos erupts at Tucville Polling Station

May 11, 2015 12:59 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Fareeza Haniff

One of the young men who was captured by residents.

One of the young men who was captured by residents.

[] – Chaos erupted at the GECOM polling station at Turning Point Snackette in Tucville, Georgetown on Monday afternoon when two men attempted to storm the polling station.

This situation caused some amount of unrest after residents caught one of the men and dealt him several blows to the body before police took him away. His alleged accomplice managed to escape.

The incident has since forced GECOM to close the polling station, much to the dissatisfaction of residents who are yet to cast their ballot. Efforts made to contact GECOM for an official comment on the matter proved futile.

The closed polling station at Turning Point, Tucville. [iNews' Photo]

The closed polling station at Turning Point, Tucville. [iNews’ Photo]

When iNews arrived at the scene, several police vehicles were seen speeding away from the polling station.


One woman, who witnessed the incident named a senior official from one of the major political parties as being involved in the incident.

Residents outside the polling station. [iNews' Photo]

Residents outside the polling station. [iNews’ Photo]

According to the resident, “a bus dropped off the men at the internet to collect the ballot boxes and after the people realize that he came for the boxes, he start running and he get ketch at this point here [Turning Point] and everybody start beat he and the other one get away.”


There are many angry voters outside the polling station, which is being guarded by members of the Guyana Police Fo


Polling going smooth - GECOM



Polling smooth – Chief Election Officer

By Anand Persaud On May 11, 2015 @ 9:34 am In Local News

Chief Election Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield today said that except for a few glitches such as the malfunctioning of some of the official six-digit stamps and some polling stations not opening at the 6am scheduled time, the country’s national and regional elections commenced smoothly.

Lowenfield, speaking at the first press conference of the day just after midday and first as CEO on elections day at the commission’s Kingston command centre, said that the issue with the malfunctioning of the stamp was quickly rectified. This occurred at the Central High School, where some voters protested, and it also occurred in Districts Six and Two. The stamp has to be used on ballot papers before being given to voters.

The CEO also announced that there was an “unfortunate situation” in District Three (West Demerara and Essequibo Islands) where the polling staff issued tendered ballots for voting but he said corrective actions were taken and an investigation has been launched. Tendered ballots are issued in cases where there is a doubt about the eligibility of voters.

Voters at the National Aquatic CentreVoters at the National Aquatic Centre

Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Dr Steve Surujbally said that he was particularly disturbed by the failure of the stamps since the commission paid “good money” for same. He named Code International as the company which provided the stamps and said discussions would have to be had with the company since it sold the commission substandard equipment. Surujbally did point out that the commission has had a long history with the company and that this is the first time such issues have arisen.

The Chairman also raised the issue of some persons turning up to vote with their old, decommissioned identification cards which he said would not be accepted by the polling staff. Persons, he said would either have to return home for the current identification card or an oath would be administered to them before they would be able to vote.

A report of polling staff being disrespectful in Region 3 is also being investigated and according to Surujbally there were complaints of police officers being inside the polling stations which should not be. They are to be outside.

Asked about the process that should be observed when photographs of government officials-such as President Donald Ramotar and Education Minister Priya Manickchand are in classrooms that are being used as polling stations, Lowenfield said staff are aware that they should be removed or covered. Surujbally doubted this newspaper’s report that there was one such incident in one of the polling stations at the St Gabriel’s Primary School which saw APNU candidate Keith Scott having to bring the issue to the attention of officials who then removed the photographs. This was witnessed by this newspaper’s reporter.

Meantime, Lowenfield said the commission up to 12 today has been in contact with the political parties and there has been no major incident although he confirmed that they had received reports that the police may have arrested a man for attempting to snatch a ballot box in South Georgetown. However, he made it clear that it was alleged as there was no confirmation of this report.


This photo shows voters lined up at the National Aquatic Centre, Liliendaal.


Article printed from Stabroek News:

URL to article:



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Just as in the case of Fineman, the PPP using black people to commit criminal acts on behalf of the PPP.

sO YOU ARE SAYING  " Black People" stupid?????

Hey you racist fool, he is saying the PPP IS paying people to commit crime.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

We have a peaceful election process in Guyana, and here on GNI we're having riot. I am asking everyone to be calm and respect each other for a change.


Hello Chief! 

Cobra how you doing? 

Hope you and your family had a nice mothers day.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Now will these people get to vote.  You al close the polling station.  OPEN IT UP.



This is exactly what will cause problems if the PPP wins.  People have a right to vote.  This is exactly what Kwame is attempting to do.  Prevent people from voting.


If the PPP wins and polling stations in PNC areas are closed then people will feel disenfranchised.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

We have a peaceful election process in Guyana, and here on GNI we're having riot. I am asking everyone to be calm and respect each other for a change.


Hello Chief! 

Cobra tell your PPP to stop rigging the election.  People should be allowed to vote!

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Kwame?  Ondinga?

If I were a gambling man I would put money on Kwame and Odinga.

This is Kwame's work, just as Crum Ewing was!


Shaitaan will then wonder why people will be angry if the PPP wins.  The election must not only be transparent, but must also be seen to be transparent.  Every one who wants to vote and who is qualified to voet should be allowed to vote.


Now to baseman, and Shaitaan.  How is the police preventing voting in a PNC stronghold helping the PNC?  They are carrying out PPP orders!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Just as in the case of Fineman, the PPP using black people to commit criminal acts on behalf of the PPP.

sO YOU ARE SAYING  " Black People" stupid?????

no, you are.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

We have a peaceful election process in Guyana, and here on GNI we're having riot. I am asking everyone to be calm and respect each other for a change.


Hello Chief! 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I still think it is too close to call.

Both sided campaign well.

Brother Nehru is no Fool....


He saw the AFC-APNU Rally

at the Square of the Revolution.


Burnham Daughter

acknowledge him in the House.


Since Nehru Visit Cuffy Square

he has become a Real Diplomat


The People had many

issues contemplating and

Corruption, Thiefing, Nepotism, Fraud, Scams,

Lawlessness, Nastiness &

Practicing, Protecting, Promoting &

Supporting Kwameism...

by De Jagdeo Cabal...


(Ramotar) the President

did not help himself....

Ramotar did not behave like

De President of Guyana...



by having

Ex President Bharat Jagdeo

close to him.

Ramotar Behaved like a Lucknee (or Pimp)

to prolong the Illegal

Reign of Jagabat

on the Guyanese People



People will associate

all of Jagdeo's Faults

with (Ramotar) the President.


And it is no secret

there are many...


Also, the President (Ramotar)

was slow on making

some crucial decisions.


Because he had to get

Instructions on everything

from Jagabat...


Ramotar proved to be

Jagdeo  Patt-ah-cake



the President (Ramotar)

has convinced the People

dat the Opposition blocking of everything

was the reason

for the slow down of the Economy


WILL ENSURE progress.


But....Moses & Granger

Buried the PPP

at the Square of the Revolution.


Nehru stood with the PPP

Right up to the Very End...


Forbes Burnham was the

First Chairman and Leader of the PPP...


Kabaka Daughter

recognized Nehru at Cuffy Square...


President Carter

Invited the Leaders of the Two Parties

to meet him at the Pegasus....


to discuss with them....

One on One

the way forward

for the country....

after the Elections....

Granger accepted the Invitation

and Show up

without any Luknee


U.S. President Jimmy Carter and The Carter Center election observation delegation co-leaders — Dame Billie Miller of Barbados and Dame Audrey Glover of the United Kingdom with Guyana presidential candidate David Granger. [Carter Center photo)

U.S. President Jimmy Carter and The Carter Center

election observation delegation co-leaders —

Dame Billie Miller of Barbados and Dame Audrey Glover of the United Kingdom

with Guyana presidential candidate David Granger. (Carter Center photo)





Ramotar Show up

at the Pegasus

with his flower-gal


Who Invited the Brides-maid?


Carter just call his Jet up

which was waiting in Trinidad...

and left Guyana...


Ramotar say President Carter Left Guyana

without saying Goodbye....


So embarrassing....

PPP will now get their

Marching Order

From President Carter in Atlanta....



Nehru is Right

Jagdeo is the Downfall

of the Mighty PPP.... 


carter donaldBefore leaving Georgetown Sunday morning, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and The Carter Center election observation delegation co-leaders — Dame Billie Miller of Barbados and Dame Audrey Glover of the United Kingdom — met with former Guyana President Bharrat Jagdeo, Glover, Carter, Guyana President Donald Ramotar

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

We have a peaceful election process in Guyana, and here on GNI we're having riot. I am asking everyone to be calm and respect each other for a change.


Hello Chief! 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I still think it is too close to call.

Both sided campaign well.

Brother Nehru is no Fool....


He saw the AFC-APNU Rally

at the Square of the Revolution.


Burnham Daughter

acknowledge him in the House.


Since Nehru Visit Cuffy Square

he has become a Real Diplomat


The People had many

issues contemplating and

Corruption, Thiefing, Nepotism, Fraud, Scams,

Lawlessness, Nastiness &

Practicing, Protecting, Promoting &

Supporting Kwameism...

by De Jagdeo Cabal...


(Ramotar) the President

did not help himself....

Ramotar did not behave like

De President of Guyana...



by having

Ex President Bharat Jagdeo

close to him.

Ramotar Behaved like a Lucknee (or Pimp)

to prolong the Illegal

Reign of Jagabat

on the Guyanese People



People will associate

all of Jagdeo's Faults

with (Ramotar) the President.


And it is no secret

there are many...


Also, the President (Ramotar)

was slow on making

some crucial decisions.


Because he had to get

Instructions on everything

from Jagabat...


Ramotar proved to be

Jagdeo  Patt-ah-cake



the President (Ramotar)

has convinced the People

dat the Opposition blocking of everything

was the reason

for the slow down of the Economy


WILL ENSURE progress.


But....Moses & Granger

Buried the PPP

at the Square of the Revolution.


Nehru stood with the PPP

Right up to the Very End...


Forbes Burnham was the

First Chairman and Leader of the PPP...


Kabaka Daughter

recognized Nehru at Cuffy Square...


President Carter

Invited the Leaders of the Two Parties

to meet him at the Pegasus....


to discuss with them....

One on One

the way forward

for the country....

after the Elections....

Granger accepted the Invitation

and Show up

without any Luknee


U.S. President Jimmy Carter and The Carter Center election observation delegation co-leaders — Dame Billie Miller of Barbados and Dame Audrey Glover of the United Kingdom with Guyana presidential candidate David Granger. [Carter Center photo)

U.S. President Jimmy Carter and The Carter Center

election observation delegation co-leaders —

Dame Billie Miller of Barbados and Dame Audrey Glover of the United Kingdom

with Guyana presidential candidate David Granger. (Carter Center photo)





Ramotar Show up

at the Pegasus

with his flower-gal


Who Invited the Brides-maid?


Carter just call his Jet up

which was waiting in Trinidad...

and left Guyana...


Ramotar say President Carter Left Guyana

without saying Goodbye....


So embarrassing....

PPP will now get their

Marching Order

From President Carter in Atlanta....



Nehru is Right

Jagdeo is the Downfall

of the Mighty PPP.... 


carter donaldBefore leaving Georgetown Sunday morning, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and The Carter Center election observation delegation co-leaders — Dame Billie Miller of Barbados and Dame Audrey Glover of the United Kingdom — met with former Guyana President Bharrat Jagdeo, Glover, Carter, Guyana President Donald Ramotar



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Now will these people get to vote.  You al close the polling station.  OPEN IT UP.



This is exactly what will cause problems if the PPP wins.  People have a right to vote.  This is exactly what Kwame is attempting to do.  Prevent people from voting.


If the PPP wins and polling stations in PNC areas are closed then people will feel disenfranchised.

somebody need to give kwame a jumbie lash 


All is well, there is a hallowing silence in the county.  DEAD silence.  Scary silence.


As the people wait.


No violence to date.  Only one arrest.  More that 300,000 people have already voted.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

What position does Jagdeo occupy for him to be allowed to take an official picture with Ramotar?

I hear is the bite the pillow kinda position.


Actually, he is the puppet master for puppet Ratomar.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

What position does Jagdeo occupy for him to be allowed to take an official picture with Ramotar?

I hear is the bite the pillow kinda position.


Actually, he is the puppet master for puppet Ratomar.


Originally Posted by Georgie:


BREAKING NEWS- A man who claimed that he was sent by a well known figure from office of the president to collect ballot boxes from a North Ruimveldt polling station, has been arrested by police after an alarm was raised by public spirited citizens. The man also had a list of the different polling stations across the country in his pocket.

He is in police custody.

 — with Audrey Harding.

I wonder if this man was ever prosecuted?


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