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Ayoo rass like granger and pnc spreading lies. Here is the truth:

β€œAccording to the New York Times, Trump was referring to a regulation that limited the ability of laboratories run by states, universities and private companies to conduct screenings not approved by the FDA. Now, those labs are allowed to use tests they independently developed.”

Speak the truth and it will make you free. 

Trump saved Guyana from dictatorship and he will sane USA from democrats who are worse than PNC.



Why are you so infatuated with Donald Trump.  The coronavirus is moving at a fast pace in the US, Canada still have it under control with no deaths. Trump is to blamed for each death, his administration took too long to act and don;t have enough testing kits.  

The death count is 11.

 Because of scrapping the affordable care many American can't afford to see a doctor if sick, and when they do it's too late.


Dumbass UGLI

Get over the fact that I am a conservative and will NEVER forgive the democrats for overthrowing the PPP, twice !

Successive american administration in the cold war have been working against communist and communist bent regimes as an extension of the Monroe doctrine. Maybe you should read a bit so you would not latch on to nonsense that a republican would have allow the rise of Communism in Gy. No one caused the PPP to fail in 2015. Years of kleptocracy caused many to seek relief. Granger was any port for a storm not a desired alternative. 



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