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Nuclear talks show US shift from Israel on Iran: Analyst


The recent nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers signal a shift in the United States’ policy on Iran, with Washington distancing itself from Israel’s scenario against the Islamic Republic, a political analyst tells Press TV.

“I think that the meeting really is an indicator that a new chapter has begun and that we are going to see now the United States backing away from the Israeli scripted dialogue concerning Iran and her nuclear... program,” said Mark Glenn on Friday.

He noted that the speech by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly and the active participation of US Secretary of State John Kerry in the course of the Thursday nuclear talks with Iran has infuriated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The foreign ministers of Iran, Britain, China, France, Russia, the United States, and Germany held talks at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Thursday.

The participants at the meeting have expressed satisfaction over the results of the talks.

Iran and the six world powers have held several rounds of talks on a range of issues, with the main focus being on Tehran’s nuclear energy program. The two sides wrapped up their latest round of negotiations in April in the Kazakh city of Almaty.

The United States, Israel and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.

Iran has categorically rejected the allegation, stressing that as a committed member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), it is entitled to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

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Netanyahu furious over Iran nuclear talks: Mark Glenn


Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Glenn, political commentator, about the latest talks held between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany in New York over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.

What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: How do you assess this meeting? A lot of positive words seem to be coming out of it?

Glenn: Yes I think that the meeting really is an indicator that a new chapter has begun and that we are going to see now the United States backing away from the Israeli scripted dialogue concerning Iran and her nuclear ... program.

Syria has been an absolute disaster for the United States in terms of public relations. Nobody believes for a moment that what took place in Syria was anything other than an American-backed insurgency that has killed a hundred thousand people and at the same time now we have the situation with Iran’s nuclear program looming large.

So I think that the United States understands now that it cannot sell this lie anymore. It has been forced to the bargaining table to discuss these things with a sovereign country and I think that the United States realizes that it is trying to sell something to the world that the world simply is not going to buy.

Press TV: And obviously all of this must be making Netanyahu and the Israeli lobby in the United States very nervous?

Glenn: Absolutely. I think nervous is an extreme understatement. I think you could fry an egg on the top of Netanyahu’s head at any given time during the day right now. He is absolutely furious. He did not get his war in Syria, he is not going to get his war in Iran and now you have got an American administration talking reasonably with the Iranians, first time it has happened over thirty years.

So Netanyahu is absolutely furious particularly after the speech that President Rouhani made that he has completely torn to shreds the lies that Israel has tried to paint concerning Iran, concerning the nature of the Iranian ... [government] and it is a whole new day, it is a whole new ball game now.

And of course while many of us breathe a sigh of relief over this, at the same time we also have to look with a certain amount of concern over this because as I said Benjamin Netanyahu is a wild animal in a suit. He is just not capable of doing the worse in order to turn the tables on the situation but it is liable to do the worse and I think that this is something that we have to take into account when trying to gauge what we maybe dealing with in a very near future.

Press TV: And if you can just under a minute Mr. Glenn, do you think that President Obama has the courage essentially to go forward with these talks with Iran keeping in mind, of course, the Israel lobby?

Glenn: I think he does not have any other choice. I do not think it is a matter of courage. I think that he realizes that it is either the frying pan or the fire and the fire in this case is seeing America literally going up in flames as a result of these never-ending wars that Israel has got less involved in throughout the world.

So I do not think it is a matter of courage. I think Obama understands he does not want to be the president, the sitting president when America literally goes up in flames. He does not want that to be, that for him to be remembered that in the history books.


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