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Two Catholic nuns left Italy to do mission work in Africa. When they returned, they were pregnant

The Roman Catholic Church is investigating how two nuns on

separate charity missions to Africabecame pregnant.


The nuns were sent to their home countries in Africa from their order in Sicily to complete missionary work, Italian news outlet ASNAreported last week.

One nun, age 34, discovered she was pregnant after she was given an ultrasound following complaints of stomach pains.

The other nun, a mother superior originally from Madagascar who cared for the elderly, also found herself pregnant, the report said.



She left the order to return to her home country, the report

. The other is expected to leave the order to raise her child.

A church official told The Sun an investigation was being opened into the breaching of the "strict rules of chastity."

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I am still trying to decode the meaning as to why God said to his disciples to go forth and multiply and fill the earth. This has happened after two naked people were snapped out of their sacred purpose of life and became sinners. Yet, God never said to have sex. So, I have been trying parthenogenesis all my life but it never works.  



Prince posted:

I am still trying to decode the meaning as to why God said to his disciples to go forth and multiply and fill the earth.

This has happened after two naked people were snapped out of their sacred purpose of life and became sinners.

Yet, God never said to have sex.

Probably happened when Princess joined with odda wan.

Nehru posted:

Ping Pang works best

I want you to play some hot, sizzling songs tomorrow to put me in the mood because I am trying to fulfill what God has intended me to do. If I can't complete my mission, I would be a shame to see him upon entering heaven. Leave me a note if you wish to convey a message to him.   How many wives do you want, etc? 

Prince posted:

I am still trying to decode the meaning as to why God said to his disciples to go forth and multiply and fill the earth. This has happened after two naked people were snapped out of their sacred purpose of life and became sinners. Yet, God never said to have sex. So, I have been trying parthenogenesis all my life but it never works.  

No wonder yuh skont suh miserable!!!  You listen god too much.  Sometimes guh with satan!


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