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Nursery students dazzle on Day 2 of Children’s Mash competitions


The National Cultural Centre was filled to capacity as nursery and primary students piled into the auditorium to participate in the annual Children’s Mash Competition. Today, the second day of the Georgetown leg of the event saw nursery and primary students competing in dance 1 and masquerade.


St. Margaret’s Primary receiving their trophy for securing 1st in the Religious Beliefs category

St. Margaret’s Primary receiving their trophy for securing

1st in the Religious Beliefs category


The pieces performed were performed under the following categories: religious belief, fantasy, legends and tradition, social commentary, interpretative and ring game. During the day’s event the students and parents were kept lively by the competition’s master of ceremony Travis Chase.


From the start of the day’s presentations, the students and parents in the audience, showed their support with load cheers and applause as the dancers performed.


In the fantasy category, Sherman’s nursery gained the first position followed by Head Start and J.E. Burnham respectively.


‘Crazy Maids’ being performed by Winfer Gardens Primary

‘Crazy Maids’ being performed by Winfer Gardens Primary


In the religious belief category Head Start came in first followed by Stella Maris and Alexander Village nursery schools. And, in ring games, South Road Nursery copped the first position with Head Start and Stella Maris nursery schools gaining the second and third spots, respectively.


These enthusiastic revellers from South Road Nursery stormed the stage to receive their trophy. They attained 1st place for their effort

These enthusiastic revellers from South Road Nursery

stormed the stage to receive their trophy. They attained

1st place for their effort


In the 5-7 group, Winfer Gardens, St. Agnes and North Georgetown primary schools secured the top positions in the fantasy categories while Sophia and South Ruimveldt primary schools gained first and second in the religious beliefs category.


St. Agnes and St. Pius primary schools copped the first and second positions respectively for the ring games category.


Head Start Nursery performing ‘Red Ants’

Head Start Nursery performing ‘Red Ants’


For the 8-10 group, in the social commentary category St. Agnes, St. Pius and East La Penitence primary schools secured the first, second and third positions  respectively. Meanwhile, in the legends and traditions category, Smith’s memorial, South Ruimveldt and Tucville primary schools achieved the first, second and third spots, respectively.

Alexander Nursery performing ‘Children’s Prayer’

Alexander Nursery performing ‘Children’s Prayer’


In the interpretative category, St. Agnes primary copped the first position followed by Winfer Gardens and Smith’s Memorial primary schools respectively. St. Margaret’s, St. Pius and North Georgetown primary schools secured the top spots in the religious beliefs category, and Bel Air and North Georgetown primary schools got the first and second in the masquerade category.


Bel Air Primary receiving their first place trophy for the Masquerade category

Bel Air Primary receiving their first place trophy for the

Masquerade category


This year the Children’s Mashramani Competitions are being held under the theme “Reflecting Creativity Embracing Diversity” and continues tomorrow with Dance 2 and Masquerade. This component will see secondary school students displaying their talents and skills.


The Education Ministry has also introduced a new category of “Hip-Hop” into the dance competition so as to encourage male students to get involved.

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