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Former Member

Trump’s plan to send migrant detainees to sanctuary cities draws concerns about cost, legality!

Should President Trump follow through on a proposal to release migrants in U.S. “sanctuary cities,” it would be a major departure from the way federal agencies are handling detainees. It could also be prohibitively costly and make it more difficult to deport migrants once they reach those cities.

The plan — which Trump tweeted Friday is under “strong consideration” — would have the Department of Homeland Security moving migrants from detention centers to cities scattered across the country in vans, buses and airplanes. It would require a massive investment in transportation infrastructure, something that Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials told the White House would be “an unnecessary operational burden.”

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Don't let me burst your bubble now. Many of those migrants have families who will be happy to take them in and support them. Some of them might have parents and siblings in the US. Trump is making a big mistake. It will backfire on him.

skeldon_man posted:

Don't let me burst your bubble now. Many of those migrants have families who will be happy to take them in and support them. Some of them might have parents and siblings in the US. Trump is making a big mistake. It will backfire on him.

Many don't!  it cost TPs $235k per person per year!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Don't let me burst your bubble now. Many of those migrants have families who will be happy to take them in and support them. Some of them might have parents and siblings in the US. Trump is making a big mistake. It will backfire on him.

Many don't!  it cost TPs $235k per person per year!

so you paid a buck or 2 to take care of some poor people...I am sure you spend much more than that of coffee

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Don't let me burst your bubble now. Many of those migrants have families who will be happy to take them in and support them. Some of them might have parents and siblings in the US. Trump is making a big mistake. It will backfire on him.

Many don't!  it cost TPs $235k per person per year!

All dem sanctuary cities can take them in. Reality now kicks in for them. 

Direct those caravans to NYC !

Ha Ha !

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Don't let me burst your bubble now. Many of those migrants have families who will be happy to take them in and support them. Some of them might have parents and siblings in the US. Trump is making a big mistake. It will backfire on him.

Many don't!  it cost TPs $235k per person per year!

All dem sanctuary cities can take them in. Reality now kicks in for them. 

Direct those caravans to NYC !

Ha Ha !

Most of these cities are willing to take them. Would Trump then let loose his ICE dogs on the cities to deport these folks? I do not put it past Stephen Miller.

yuji22 posted:

Ok then Bhai. Let Trump redirect those caravans to NYC. 

Trump cannot run his own business. How can he run a country? Mr. Credit and Bankruptcy(just like the PNC). He cannot file bankruptcy on behalf of America. He has over 1 trillion dollars deficit already in his two years. All from his tax cut, that benefits his rich buddies.

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ok then Bhai. Let Trump redirect those caravans to NYC. 

Trump cannot run his own business. How can he run a country? Mr. Credit and Bankruptcy(just like the PNC). He cannot file bankruptcy on behalf of America. He has over 1 trillion dollars deficit already in his two years. All from his tax cut, that benefits his rich buddies.

Fine, so take them!


What amount of restraint would it take for law enforcement to apprehend illegals at the border and then drop them off scotch free in an American city. Especially those he referred to today as rapists, drug lords, human traffickers, etc. Trump is as stupid as they come. He has company in Basil Williams.

skeldon_man posted:

Don't let me burst your bubble now. Many of those migrants have families who will be happy to take them in and support them. Some of them might have parents and siblings in the US. Trump is making a big mistake. It will backfire on him.

NY is very near to Canada and Justin is desperate to show what a kind and compassionate man that he is, one not over come by corporate greed.  I think that Toronto will host those who don't have relatives willing to take them in.

Just because one has relatives doesn't mean that they will help.

Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

Trump is a skont.

That said, I don't think we should condone the breaking of our laws. 

A huge, HUGE, H-U-U-U-G-G-G-G-E one.

Why? NYers are already arranging transportation to the Canadian border.


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