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Former Member


Bill O’Reilly sparked outrage online Tuesday for what he described as the “hidden reason” behind calls to abolish the Electoral College.

“This is all about race,” the conservative commentator said on his Fox News show. “The left sees white privilege in America as an oppressive force that must be done away with. Therefore white working class voters must be marginalized.”

He later added that liberals believe “white men have set up a system of oppression and that system must be destroyed ... The left wants power taken away from the white establishment and they want a profound change in the way America is run.”

O’Reilly’s admission of “white privilege” and the “white establishment” struck a chord with Twitter users, and discussion on the topic became a trending topic overnight.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

With Mr. Donald Trump being elected , this type of Talk will become more prevalent.

White supremacy , although not openly said, was the hidden tool that made Mr. Trump President.

Now the brazen on FOX will out do each other for foolishness.

Right her on GNI we have seen one foolish Trump supporter who went over board and even addressing Trump as the Mahatma.

This jackass  Yugi who openly hate blacks and Muslims is no different than OReilly.

Last edited by Chief
Chief posted:

If Mr. Trump listen and follow the advise of his friends at Fox, then this country is in for big trouble.

This country has always been like this. It is only now that there is a white leader who is frank about it have people coming out and expressing their feelings. It got worse when Obama got elected a second time.


In many ways there is a lot of truth about what this banna is saying, though many of us do not want to admit it. Trump win is a backlash against the slide into leftism and extreme liberalism that has been ongoing since the Roosevelt New Deal program. Many of these whites cant stand to see the fact that this country was changing and immigrants, illegals and minorities getting so much rights in the US and whites losing their power. So in case anyone has not noticed, Trump's win is a backlash to what all of us on this site represents. White people now have a hero in the White House. This is what makes some of us nervous, but I believe some fears might be unfounded.  

Regarding what this person is saying, he is right about the electoral college. It is a built in principle in the constitution that will not change. The framers (rich white men, some who even had slaves) intended it this way.

Many of us have benefitted from the civil rights movement which created an opening for Guyanese, otherwise we would have been sitting in the back of the bus.




Chief posted:

Vish Mahabir 

You are all over the frigging g place with your above post, make up your mind.

I am saying that OReilly is right in his analysis of the reason democrats want to change the electoral college. i am also saying that the electoral college will not be replaced by popular vote because this will require enormous constitutional changes.

VishMahabir posted:
Chief posted:

Vish Mahabir 

You are all over the frigging g place with your above post, make up your mind.

I am saying that OReilly is right in his analysis of the reason democrats want to change the electoral college. i am also saying that the electoral college will not be replaced by popular vote because this will require enormous constitutional changes.

The man is right, I agree. One of these days, the white ppl going to pick up them guns if the Democrats doan stop their stupidness. They feel somehow they are qualified to govern to marginalize the white people of America. Dem rednecks going to be pissed off wan a dese days.

Chief posted:

Some all you sorry that all you ain't born white.


You didnt answer the last question. McLean is a good guy because he is a Muslim? OR  are Muslims above criticism from us infidels?

He was inmlicated in Rodney's assassination and the many other illegal things Burnham did.

Chief posted:


I am tax paying American, one who is not afraid to stand up for justice and am never afraid to speak up .

This country belongs  to whites as it belongs  to every other race.

You don't talk too fat now!  The IRS might just pay you a visit!

Chief posted:

President Donald Trump set the pace for business essential owners when it cows to tax.

Baseman like you haRd of hearing?


Is he taxing cows?  I never heard of such a thing.  He is a friend of the farmers!


After January 20th it will be Nuff licks on people of color.

WHEN licks will pass, Baseman and Yugi will say " give some more Mahatma  Massa".

All you stupid coolie skonts.

Last edited by Chief
Chief posted:

After January 20th it will be Nuff licks on people of color.

WHEN licks will pass, Baseman and Yugi will say " give some more Mahatma  Massa".

All you stupid coolie skonts.


You see baseman ease up on you, now, without provocation, you go calling baseman coolie!


America is different from other countries in that it is 50 autonomous states forming one nation. The Electoral College allows for each state to be represented in the national government so while not normal it will not work any other way. Clinton did not lose because of the Electoral College. She lost because traditional democratic voters did not vote for her. O'Reilly may be an idiot with his white rule shit but he knows fully well that the Electoral College cannot adequately replaced.


"She lost because traditional democratic voters did not vote for her". 

Not true, she lost because the margin required to overcome the the rigged system was not big enough.  

Compared to Obama 2008 victory, 8 million voters stayed away from the polls.

Bill knows what he is talking about, its the rest of us who are fools for believing the system is not rigged against us.

Abu Jihad posted:

"She lost because traditional democratic voters did not vote for her". 

Not true, she lost because the margin required to overcome the the rigged system was not big enough.  

Compared to Obama 2008 victory, 8 million voters stayed away from the polls.

Bill knows what he is talking about, its the rest of us who are fools for believing the system is not rigged against us.

The democrats put all their eggs in one basket. They believed that the Latinos and blacks will carry them. Well, the blacks did not turn out to vote, the Latinos did their part. Obama was not on the ballot. Trump knew that the blacks would not turn out to vote. 

Chief posted:

With Mr. Donald Trump being elected , this type of Talk will become more prevalent.


This is just chatter by rich white men to fool poor white men that they care about them. Yes let us invent a white conspiracy to fool the same white men whose jobs that we rich white men have destroyed, to win their support.

This is just like Jagdeo running around terrifying Indians about blacks when in fact a mainly Indian oligarchy is all that he cares about.

VishMahabir posted:

whites losing their power.




Victor Mahoney when did whites in this country lose power. The whites who lack  power today NEVER had it. The whites who had power will now have MORE of it.

Over the past 30 years  the vast majority of the economic gains have gone to the top 10%. Who are the these people? Blacks and Hispanics? One would think so from your nonsense.

The fact that real wages for the white working class, males especially, have declined is because of decisions made by RICH white men. And when last I checked the VAST MAJORITY of these men are stone cold Republicans.  Because these are the people who own industries like steel, auto and heavy equipment manufacturing.

The reality is that poor white men want the right to use racial epithets against non whites and women without consequences. That is all they had when America was "GREAT" in the 50s and this is all that the United States of Trump & Goldman Sachs will offer them.  The illusion of power because of their unfettered ability to racially harass.

ksazma posted:

America is different from other countries in that it is 50 autonomous states forming one nation.

With all the wailing the system is no different from that of countries which use the Westminster system of governance. A party can win more parliamentary seats but fewer national votes.  The PM will come from the party which wins the most seats. Unlike the USA the voters have NO input in determining who this person will be.

In Guyana 35 people will determine who the PPP candidate will be in 2020.  A some what larger number, but still way less than 1,000, will determine who the PNC candidate will be.  

In the USA millions of people determined who the GOP and Dem candidates were.   And in the case of the GOP they had a vast pool to do so.

Abu Jihad posted:

"The left sees white privilege in America as an oppressive force that must be done away with".


I am 100% in agreement with Bill on this statement.

I don't think that you understand what Bill means though. Bill thinks that it is WRONG for white privilege to be done away with because whites are the superior group. He will not be so blatant in 2016, but he certainly was in the less enlightened 90s.

Cobra posted:
Chief posted:

Some all you sorry that all you ain't born white.

You rass mad? I happy the way I am. I never wanted to be white, but meh love living in whiteman country. 

You enjoy relatively equitable treatment thanks to the struggles of many blacks, who by the way you ungratefully never thank.

Now as rich white men want to make America "Great" again, this being as it was in the 50s, they will give poor white men the unfettered rights to jump all over your ass. Because those really were the only rights that they enjoyed then. And enjoy it they did as it made them think that they were part of the same White Man's club that the rich white men were in.

Chief posted:

Vish Mahabir 

You are all over the frigging g place with your above post, make up your mind.

Vish is wishing and hoping that his white neighbors will be nice to him, but he has already mentioned that he senses some cooling in how they view him.

Chief posted:

Some all you sorry that all you ain't born white.

White ppl get nuf nuff respect from me. If wasn't for them u razz be still warming up uself wid cow shit back in Pakistan. Dey fetch u forefather wid u in dem loins and give a better life in Guyana and in America.

Ingratitude is quite common among some kinds of people.

skeldon_man posted:
Abu Jihad posted:

"She lost because traditional democratic voters did not vote for her". 

Not true, she lost because the margin required to overcome the the rigged system was not big enough.  

Compared to Obama 2008 victory, 8 million voters stayed away from the polls.

Bill knows what he is talking about, its the rest of us who are fools for believing the system is not rigged against us.

The democrats put all their eggs in one basket. They believed that the Latinos and blacks will carry them. Well, the blacks did not turn out to vote, the Latinos did their part. Obama was not on the ballot. Trump knew that the blacks would not turn out to vote. 

Obama rants against Trump only ENERGISED White voters to shut up that Kenyan.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:

With Mr. Donald Trump being elected , this type of Talk will become more prevalent.


This is just chatter by rich white men to fool poor white men that they care about them. Yes let us invent a white conspiracy to fool the same white men whose jobs that we rich white men have destroyed, to win their support.

This is just like Jagdeo running around terrifying Indians about blacks when in fact a mainly Indian oligarchy is all that he cares about.

Man, look hey, juss guh tek a lil holiday.

seignet posted:
Chief posted:

Some all you sorry that all you ain't born white.

White ppl get nuf nuff respect from me. If wasn't for them u razz be still warming up uself wid cow shit back in Pakistan. Dey fetch u forefather wid u in dem loins and give a better life in Guyana and in America.

Ingratitude is quite common among some kinds of people.

You mean all the work done by my ancestors were for one benefited financially?

seignet posted:

Obama rants against Trump only ENERGISED White voters to shut up that Kenyan.

Note that because of the Electoral College Hillary lost by a mere 77k votes, out of almost 130 million cast.

Your need to pretend that this was a land slide victory for Trump is bolstered by your self hating groveling to whites.

VishMahabir posted:

In many ways there is a lot of truth about what this banna is saying, though many of us do not want to admit it. Trump win is a backlash against the slide into leftism and extreme liberalism that has been ongoing since the Roosevelt New Deal program. Many of these whites cant stand to see the fact that this country was changing and immigrants, illegals and minorities getting so much rights in the US and whites losing their power. So in case anyone has not noticed, Trump's win is a backlash to what all of us on this site represents. White people now have a hero in the White House. This is what makes some of us nervous, but I believe some fears might be unfounded.  

Regarding what this person is saying, he is right about the electoral college. It is a built in principle in the constitution that will not change. The framers (rich white men, some who even had slaves) intended it this way.

Many of us have benefitted from the civil rights movement which created an opening for Guyanese, otherwise we would have been sitting in the back of the bus.

It is amazing how me miss the centrality of the arguments for their partiality to race and we chime in to the detriment of ourselves. This is what happened in general in the elections.

First, white working class and black working class face the same common enemy. It is the rich that owned the plants owned the productive resources who decided to leave. It is not democrats who always stood for both. The left is socially conscious and that means concerned with the society in general. The right is rich folks domain.

Additionally, the main theme here that drives the stratification of the poor class into racist factions is that one has or should have prerogatives independent of and one over the other. That is by definition racism. Note that the reason that his commentator opposes affirmative action is he does not believe in that instance in preferences. Yet here he is digging deep to nucleate the idea that there is such a thing as white privileged that is to be defended and preserved.

Give such an idea public viability and once again we will creep backward to jim crow. Overturning this awful system is  not about "many benefitting". It was a revolutionary transformation from of institutionalized practices of public right to be prejudicial and the means to perpetuate white privileges that was legally deemed unconstitutional. It made America live up to the best expression of its creed. It was an expansion of the declaration that all men, black and white, are equal before the law.

I do not care to elaborate on the antiquated electoral college. That is to be debated an ultimately its deficiencies will be found to be detrimental to true democracy where every vote has the same weight.


Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
Chief posted:

Some all you sorry that all you ain't born white.

White ppl get nuf nuff respect from me. If wasn't for them u razz be still warming up uself wid cow shit back in Pakistan. Dey fetch u forefather wid u in dem loins and give a better life in Guyana and in America.

Ingratitude is quite common among some kinds of people.

It was not charity. It was as if you an I go to skid row, recruit a bunch of down and out folks and worked them to the bone in a rice plantation for a generation and once the practice begins to achieve negative returns we free the off-springs of these people claiming we raised them teetotaler.  

You need to acknowledge it was an exploitation of humanity and the reality that they achieved in a different place was incidental not by design. The brits did my fore parents no good deed in stealing their lives and making them the labor force for their enrichment.

How many of our people died at the cruelty generations of abuse by these people? You are why Napail say many west indians are half made people. YOu are conditioned to think you were done a good turn when you fail to realize you have over come a generational wrong. People like you are his half made people.

Chief posted:


I am tax paying American, one who is not afraid to stand up for justice and am never afraid to speak up .

This country belongs  to whites as it belongs  to every other race.

You should be more accountable on how your weekly zakat is being spent, as well as your tax money. The democrats are big spenders and they're fully responsible for the pork barrel spending and the $20 trillion in national debt. Don't you think?

Prince posted:
Chief posted:


I am tax paying American, one who is not afraid to stand up for justice and am never afraid to speak up .

This country belongs  to whites as it belongs  to every other race.

You should be more accountable on how your weekly zakat is being spent, as well as your tax money. The democrats are big spenders and they're fully responsible for the pork barrel spending and the $20 trillion in national debt. Don't you think?

That 20 trillion dollar of national debt went into somebody's pocket. It is not the same as deficit. Now where did that 20 trillion dollar went? Don't you think it went into those rich Republicans pocket who pretend that they actually care about national debt?


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