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OAS observer mission pulls out of Guyana over flawed Region Four process

Head of the OAS mission Bruce Golding during his stay here [OAS photo)
Head of the OAS mission Bruce Golding during his stay here (OAS photo)

In a sign of the deepening crisis for Guyana and the caretaker Granger administration, the OAS election observer mission today announced it was withdrawing from the country as the tabulation process for Region Four is not transparent despite the many complaints about it.


In a statement, the Organisation of American States (OAS) mission warned that any government installed on the basis of these results would be open to question. A report is to be prepared for the OAS Secretary General.

A statement from the OAS mission follows:

Statement from the OAS Electoral Observation Mission in Guyana

 March 13, 2020

The process being conducted by the Returning Officer for Region 4 to ascertain the results of the national and regional elections held on March 2 does not meet the required standard of fairness and transparency.

The Chief Justice’s ruling handed down on March 11 required the Returning Officer or Deputy Returning Officer to determine the best method of tabulating the Statements of Poll and included the expectation “that the Returning Officer would act reasonably in ensuring a process that allows persons to observe what is being tabulated and how”.

This has not occurred. Instead, and without any plausible explanation, the Returning Officer continued to ascertain the votes cast for each party list without affording the duly authorized candidates and counting agents an opportunity to see the Statements of Poll, in order to compare them with the copies in their possession. Such a process could have been easily facilitated using the same technology which allows the tabulation to be displayed.


The Returning Officer’s defiance of the Chief Justice’s orders and expectations, and his refusal to allow the Statements of Poll to be exhibited, gives credence to the allegations that the numbers being tabulated do not correspond with the numbers appearing on the Statements of Poll prepared following the March 2 elections.

The Mission has noted that images of the Statements of Poll published by the PPP/Civic, on its website, which it claims were given to its polling agents after the ballots were counted at each polling station on the night of the elections, produce a result that is vastly different from that being declared by the Returning Officer and would have a decisive effect on the outcome of the national election.

To date, neither the Chief Elections Officer nor APNU has challenged the authenticity of the Statements of Poll published by the PPP/Civic by producing the copies in their possession. The implications are deeply troubling and make it all the more necessary for the Returning Officer to display the Statements of Poll on which he is relying.

The OAS Election Observer Mission was pleased to have declared that the March 2 poll was, in almost all respects, well executed. The subsequent tabulation of the Statements of Poll in the other nine regions was carried out in compliance with the law and no dispute has arisen in relation to the declaration of results.

However, the process employed by the Returning Officer for Region 4 is not transparent and, based on the numbers that have emanated since the process was first disrupted, is unlikely to produce a result that is credible and is able to command public confidence.

The legitimacy of any government that is installed in these circumstances will be open to question. This would be a terrible blow to the country’s democracy. The people of Guyana do not deserve this.

Given the circumstances cited above, the OAS Electoral Observation Mission regrets that it has no option but to withdraw from Guyana. The Chief of Mission will prepare his report for submission to the Secretary General.



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Eventually, they will all withdraw. That is the aim of the PNC. Granger will ask all diplomatic missions to cease activities in Guyana. Banishment of his government will permit him to be more bold.

Men like Granger does end up bad at the hands of those who sides with his criminality.

There is no doubt in my mind, he is going to sworn in. He believes he has right on his side. Imagine, as a young person he had Burnham and Green as his role model. Either he is a racist or wants the Negroes in Guyana to own the country.

After some time, the army will be split. Granger will be replaced. I hope the new faction seeks the help of a civil society for the creation of an inclusive government. God knows the PPP and PNC are no good, period. 


This is a stinging criticism of PNC led GECOM.

The observers are wasting their time in Guyana. In light of that, Granger will be viewed as a rouge administration and as such face sanctions from the world. Guyanese will have to tolerate hardships and eventually may rise up and drag the PNC cabal in the street like dogs. 

Lowenfield and Mingo might end up being tried at independence square at a public hearing and eventually public punishment for their acts of violation of court orders and broad daylight rigging. 

There will be no opposition in parliament. 

A one party state illegal administration will collapse over time and this might have to be the eventual outcome that the nation needs.

Burnham’s rigging manual was in place by PNC but it was never updated to suite modern era technologies. This is broad daylight robbery infront of cameras and the world to witness.

It would have served Guyana better had the dog granger died during the first bout of Cancer. That would have served Guyana well. This dinosaur and monster granger will be scorned by all historians. We learnt from history what happened to Saddam and Granger might face a similar faith. 

This is no longer about Indians and Africans but this is about the will of the people. Remember this, some 80,000 Afro Guyanese voted PPP in Region 4. This must never be forgotten. They will also demand that their votes be counted and they will never forget what A PNC controlled GECOM did to their votes. 

Viva Guyana !!!!

Last edited by Former Member

Let’s see what the world community does.  

My relatives in Guyana saying Blacks have become so bold that they revert to sovereign rights and not the rigging. They believe they have the right to do as they wish and who don’t like could f-off.  


Haiti is a sovereign nation too. They have been a sovereign nation for as long as America but they are eating mud cakes to keep their belies filled. That is what will happen in Guyana or at least I hope it does. I am not worried about the Indians in Guyana because Indians have always managed.


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