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@Former Member posted:

... Former Jamaica Prime Minister Bruce Golding to present a report on Guyana's unfinished elections process.


Bruce Golding to present at OAS Permanent Council meeting on Guyana elections today

Former Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding is set to make a presentation today at the Organization of American States (OAS) Permanent Council virtual meeting on Guyana’s four month long 2020 Elections process.

OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro

Former Jamaican Prime Minister – Bruce Golding

The meeting was requested by OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro as Guyana’s governing A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition endorsed the use of fraudulent figures as the basis on which an elections declaration should be made.
This is also coupled with increasing efforts by its appointed electoral Commissioners, and the Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield to work towards frustrating the declaration of the recount results.
Golding who served as the head of the OAS Elections Observer Mission for the March 2, 2020 Elections has been outspoken over the fraudulent actions committed by District Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo.
The former Jamaican Prime Minister had detailed in his electoral observer report several instances where Mingo fraudulently awarded votes to APNU in order to grant them an unlawful win.
Golding during his presentation of the report several weeks ago had said, β€œI have never seen a more transparent effort to alter the results of an election.”
The Permanent Council has reaching powers, which could see its powerful 35-state union passing resolutions to condemn wayward states or even to recognize a government sworn in on fraudulent results as illegitimate.


Granger spoke incessantly about fit and proper. After the CCJ ruled against him unilaterally appointing Patterson as Chairperson as well as him violating the constitution in not holding elections within 90 days of a carried NCM, he sought to delay those elections by introducing the term credible into his vernacular. Now that everyone has bought in to his credible mantra and declared that all credible evidence points to a PPP victory in the March 2020 elections Granger and his rigging cabal has given up on credible. Instead he wants to use Mingo's already discredited declaration as the basis to illegally declare him the winner of those elections. There is a word for people like Granger. 

Last edited by Former Member

Basil Williams and the rigging cabal are living in a dream world. What came out of the mouth of Basil are pure lies. For one, Granger does not abide by the constitution. Basil said only GECOM’ s SOPs are valid when he knows all the carbon copies are also valid and  consist of the same information. He totally misrepresented the CCJ last ruling. They are all going crazy. The new narrative is power sharing. After the declaration they need to concede and allow the new administration to take office. Only after this can the new government and all parties and civic society sit down and initiate a process for constitution reform which must include electoral reform. It is within this process issues of equality must be addressed so that ALL ethnic groups are given an equal opportunity to participate in the development of Guyana and thereby improve their standard of living.

Long Live Democracy.

@Django posted:

Looks like Bruce Golding reading from script prepared by the PPP.

Looks like? Are you implying that Bruce Golding is incapable of writing his own speech? He was not elected Prime Minister of Jamaica for nothing. Furthermore, as Head of the accredited OAS Observers Team he witnessed firsthand Mingo's clumsy magic tricks at Ashmin's. 

@Former Member posted:

Looks like? Are you implying that Bruce Golding is incapable of writing his own speech? He was not elected Prime Minister of Jamaica for nothing. Furthermore, as Head of the accredited OAS Observers Team he witnessed firsthand Mingo's clumsy magic tricks at Ashmin's. 

Bruce Golding is not as bright as Django. Have you not seen his scholarly cut and paste items on GNI?

Bibi Haniffa
@Former Member posted:

Looks like?

Are you implying that Bruce Golding is incapable of writing his own speech?

He was not elected Prime Minister of Jamaica for nothing. Furthermore, as Head of the accredited OAS Observers Team he witnessed firsthand Mingo's clumsy magic tricks at Ashmin's. 

 Many heads of government have speech writers , he is probably in the category.

Mr.Golding record is tainted as Prime Minister of Jamaica . The theory he was planted as the head of the OAS observer team for the Guyana Elections is plausible.

@Django posted:

 Many heads of government have speech writers , he is probably in the category.

Mr.Golding record is tainted as Prime Minister of Jamaica . The theory he was planted as the head of the OAS observer team for the Guyana Elections is plausible.

Theory is theory. Facts is facts. Fraud is fraud. Bruce Golding is a brilliant man who make Bazidee look like a coooonoooomooonoo today in front of the OAS Ambassadors.

Bibi Haniffa

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