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Let's see:

True, he bailed out GM but....

10's of thousand small businesses and individuals have entered bankruptcy due to a stagnant economy, continued joblessness, stagnant to declining wages, bankrupt local governments, high gas prices, high food prices, general uncertainly and instability.  No, we are not talking Jimmy Carter


Skyrocketing healthcare costs have been addressed by imposing 18 new taxes.  Very innovative.


Mideast in a huge mess, yes I know, it's of their own making, but it always was.  Oh yes, we know Bush invaded Iraq, but it seems working out, so maybe Bush was right.  Oh yes, we all know, Obama delivered us Osama's head.


Obama promised a different relation with the ME.  What we have is sheer chaos, continued gun-boat diplomacy with Iran and absolutely no talk of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.  The Israelis continue to do as they wish while Obama continues to find the cheapest way to overthrow Arab Govts.  Hey, with all the failure of Jimmy Carter, his legacy in etched in the Camp David accord.  When was the last time has anyone heard the phrase, "Palestinian-Israeli conflict from Obama"?  Is like it does not exist since he was elected.


Obama said on his winning night "change has come to America".  Now, what has really changed.  Time for real change, vote Romney-Jindal.

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

What s there you want listed. He DESTROYED BOTH.

Where is Mas?  Where is Bain, where is Staples, where is Dominos Pizza, etc, etc??  Last time I checked, Mas was still an existing state and Bain still there, so is Staples and Dominos.


Rather than talking about the "failures" of Romney, why don't you refute the point I raised above about Obama, or at least mitigate them.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

What s there you want listed. He DESTROYED BOTH.

I think you watch too many bad news TV. We don't need a Washington insider who play politics all the time. Romney made many great accomplishments for his State like other governor did. He's one of the most admired governor and he's the people's choice for America and the next president to be.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

What s there you want listed. He DESTROYED BOTH.

I think you watch too many bad news TV. We don't need a Washington insider who play politics all the time. Romney made many great accomplishments for his State like other governor did. He's one of the most admired governor and he's the people's choice for America and the next president to be.

Like you Ah PNC. Yuh like Punishment?  OBAMA BABY OBAMA TILL 2016. NO ONE CAN STOP US NOW.


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