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Why the shock?  Since last year I said that Obama is a white man in a brown man's body. He is less comfortable among blacks who arent his friends then either George Bush or Bill Clinton.  His almsot 100% white man's cabinet in his second term, where he no longer feels pressure to "pretend" that he is inclusive, reflects who he feels happiest with.


OK so one might say that past racism denied non whites the opportunity to have the experience/qualifications, to head up these agencies.  My question is to what extent is Obama working to ensure that future administrations will not have thie problem by ensuring that non whites and women are at least in the second tier level where they will gain the experience and reputation to be competitive whenever the next Democrat becomes President.


Sad isnt it?

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

What do you think good folks ?


Since when do you care so much about black people?

When Rev Al went to cry with the GOP at the thrashing in the last election (imagine losing to a President who had unemployment at over 7%), they told him that he needs to go to celebrate with Obama where most of his "kind" are.  I think that some enraged Red Neck threw some peanust at him.


He found out that he isnt white.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

What do you think good folks ?


Since when do you care so much about black people?

When Rev Al went to cry with the GOP at the thrashing in the last election (imagine losing to a President who had unemployment at over 7%), they told him that he needs to go to celebrate with Obama where most of his "kind" are.  I think that some enraged Red Neck threw some peanust at him.


He found out that he isnt white.

Clinton was acknowledged as the first black president.


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