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Originally Posted by asj:

Both are killings,  whether it is by drones or by Gas, only a Moron, would think that when he kills, it does not matter......but it does, worse than Adolf Hitler.


That is what Obama is someone worse than Adolf Hitler.

ASJ, don't get carried away.  Hitler killed 5.5 million Jews and millions of other races. 

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by asj:

Both are killings,  whether it is by drones or by Gas, only a Moron, would think that when he kills, it does not matter......but it does, worse than Adolf Hitler.


That is what Obama is someone worse than Adolf Hitler.

ASJ, don't get carried away.  Hitler killed 5.5 million Jews and millions of other races. 


Some of you guys are behaving like President Obama is sharing candies to kids, in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Yemen.


Whatever you say, will not hinder my belief that what he is doing in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Yemen and other places, is murder and being  mass murder at that. Seems to me that none of you gentlemen,

have the balls to call a murder a murder.


Obama Drone Strikes Are 'Mass

Murder' - Jeremy Scahill


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by asj:


That is what Obama is someone worse than Adolf Hitler.

Boy you seriously need help. You probably wear that Obama mask with the Hitler mustache, or Hitler is a choir boy when it comes to Obama?


You are so distasteful.


There is a reason, why you are so much in sync with Obama, the mass murderer, and no matter how many women and children and babies he massacres, what do you see.........someone just like you 'cut from the same bolt'


Guess that you were the happiest when he passed the Gay Rights Law, in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah


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Originally Posted by Kari:

Lucas, go take 2 phensic and see your doctor in the morning. Try some limacol if necessary......

Not a good response Kari.


When Obama tries to outBush Bush in his Syria trap and the world sees dead Syrian kids after a US missile attack what then?  Its is established that Assad does not care if Syrian kids die and will therefore place his military assets among civilians.


This is why every one except for the stupid US are keeping out of this mess.  This is aside from the fact that among the opposition are jihadists who are probably even worse than Assad.


The Saudis and the Turks have spent billions on their armies so let them deal with this problem.


Now where did the Obama of 2008 disappear to?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by asj:


That is what Obama is someone worse than Adolf Hitler.

Boy you seriously need help. You probably wear that Obama mask with the Hitler mustache, or Hitler is a choir boy when it comes to Obama?


You are so distasteful.

I see that you are one of teh few Obama maniacs left and will defend him to the end.  After this emerging Syria fiasco many of the others have finally seen the light.


Obama is walking in a deep fog in a very dark night, and is about to stomp his toe.


The result will be the GOP taking back the Senate in 2014 and the WH in 2016 when this blows up.


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