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American employers added 292,000 jobs in December. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney predicted 211,000 jobs would be added.

For all of 2015, the economy added 2.65 million jobs, the second best year of jobs gains since 1999.
The unemployment rate stayed at 5% for the third straight month. That's near what most economists consider "full employment." Unemployment is down by half from its peak of 10% in 2009.
Americans saw their paychecks go up too. Wages grew 2.5% in December, matching the gains in October, which were the best in six years.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Great for the economy and good for Obama.  But why why are so many of our Guyanese brethren and sistren still buying food with food stamps.  Every time I go to one of those stores on Liberty Avenue to buy something, I see people with those food stamp cards shopping away.  Why can't they get one of these jobs?

They probably cheating the system,i see that all the time in my neck of the woods,some drive Mercedes Benz SUV.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Great for the economy and good for Obama.  But why why are so many of our Guyanese brethren and sistren still buying food with food stamps.  Every time I go to one of those stores on Liberty Avenue to buy something, I see people with those food stamp cards shopping away.  Why can't they get one of these jobs?

They probably cheating the system,i see that all the time in my neck of the woods,some drive Mercedes Benz SUV.

Everyone who can, does cheat the system. We had a guy and his wife here(white) who owned a yacht and expensive property, they were collecting food stamps. So they come in all races and colors.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Great for the economy and good for Obama.  But why why are so many of our Guyanese brethren and sistren still buying food with food stamps.  Every time I go to one of those stores on Liberty Avenue to buy something, I see people with those food stamp cards shopping away.  Why can't they get one of these jobs?

They probably cheating the system,i see that all the time in my neck of the woods,some drive Mercedes Benz SUV.

Yes, they drive up with their luxury vehicles and shop with food stamps. Bad bad bad! 

Bibi Haniffa
RiffRaff posted:


For all of 2015, the economy added 2.65 million jobs, the second best year of jobs gains since 1999.
The unemployment rate stayed at 5% for the third straight month. .

The labor force participation rate dropped because of the George Bush induced Great Recession, and has yet to fully recover. 

40% of working age people are not at work or at school.  While some of them are care givers (housewives, or househusbands), many have "given up." and eke out a living some way.

If one adjusts for labor participation rates which existed prior to the Great Recession the unemployment rate will be more like 7%.

George Bush did great damage to the economy, and when I see lunatics like baseman screaming for the GOP I can only wonder.

Face it, the best times were in the late 90s!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Great for the economy and good for Obama.  But why why are so many of our Guyanese brethren and sistren still buying food with food stamps.  Every time I go to one of those stores on Liberty Avenue to buy something, I see people with those food stamp cards shopping away.  Why can't they get one of these jobs?

Income inequality. I bet that most of the people who you see have jobs, but earn low pay.

There has been increasing income inequality since the Reagan era.  Post 2000 this has been accompanied with lower labor force participation rates, and declining real wages for those lower down the occupational ladder.

That adds up to more food stamps. 

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Great for the economy and good for Obama.  But why why are so many of our Guyanese brethren and sistren still buying food with food stamps.  Every time I go to one of those stores on Liberty Avenue to buy something, I see people with those food stamp cards shopping away.  Why can't they get one of these jobs?

They probably cheating the system,i see that all the time in my neck of the woods,some drive Mercedes Benz SUV.

You sound like a Romney.  The vast majority of those on food stamps need the cash because their wages have declined in real terms.

Try supporting a family on $30k p.a. in NYC.  That's two minimum wage earners with 2 kids.  At least 50% of this goes in rents.  I assume that the various tax credits that they receive for being poor offset the FICA that they have to pay as working people.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Shouln't the heading say "American Companies Created 2.65 million jobs?


If 1 million jobs were lost they would be screaming "Obama".  So even though you are correct, give him credit, because he will surely be blamed if there were job losses.

Obama destroyed so many jobs, it's no surprise the job market picked up.  Everyone celebrating the looming history of US's worse president.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Shouln't the heading say "American Companies Created 2.65 million jobs?


If 1 million jobs were lost they would be screaming "Obama".  So even though you are correct, give him credit, because he will surely be blamed if there were job losses.

Obama destroyed so many jobs, it's no surprise the job market picked up.  Everyone celebrating the looming history of US's worse president.

You must be pulling every hair out of every part of your body, including your genitals, at the notion that millions of jobs have been created, and that MORE Americans have jobs now than under George Bush.

So let us look at the FACTS.

1. George HW Bush left 110 million jobs for Clinton.

2. Clinton left 133 million jobs for George W Bush.  A net 23 million INCREASE in jobs.

3. George W left 134 million for Obama.  ONLY 1 million jobs created.  Given that the labor force was larger, this meant a drastic DECREASE in the % of Americans of working age actually working.

4. As of the end of 2015 a total of 142 million Americans were working.  An INCREASE of 8 million jobs under Obama.

While Obama's record pales when compared to Clinton he is MUCH MUCH better off than George HW, or George W Bush.

I assume by now you are totally DRUNK at the facts as presented to you.  The GOP FAIL in job creation, when compared to the Democrats.  Even Ronald Reagan, produced 16 millions jobs in his two terms, FEWER than did Bill Clinton.

So what's this about Obama destroying jobs?  WHERE. So scream and cry that BLACKMAN created a NET INCREASE of 8 million jobs. NET INCREASE!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

The labor force participation rate dropped because of the George Bush induced Great Recession, and has yet to fully recover. 

40% of working age people are not at work or at school.  While some of them are care givers (housewives, or househusbands), many have "given up." and eke out a living some way.

If one adjusts for labor participation rates which existed prior to the Great Recession the unemployment rate will be more like 7%.

George Bush did great damage to the economy, and when I see lunatics like baseman screaming for the GOP I can only wonder.

Face it, the best times were in the late 90s!

Listen banna, all good things come to an end.  The 90's saw growth and also saw excesses which led to the collapse on the 2000s.  The easy money Go Go model of the 90's led to a massive bubble in real estate which burst and took down banks and the rest of the economy.  There is no one group to blame.  The fact that it burst under Bush's watch does not make him the person to be blamed.  The Feds (Greenspan) all had their hands in the fiasco.  Did the Nasdaq bubble not burst under Clinton?  Do you blame him?

caribny posted:

Baseman is too upset that a black president saw a net increase of 8 million jobs, after George W, the WORST president in modern history presided over the WORST job creation record within modern times.

Nah, 5 mil of that 8 was lost under Obama.  Obama has accomplished very little in 7+ years.  I see him planning executive action on guns.  I'm no gun owner or advocate, and I believe his heart is in the right place however, these actions will do little to stop what he was crying over.  No one trust his problem solving capability.  He tries to address a 5%/10% issue by dragging the 95%/90% through the mud, and just like ACA, creates a bigger problem.  But as I said, his heart is in the right place.

caribny posted:

So let us look at the FACTS.

1. George HW Bush left 110 million jobs for Clinton.

2. Clinton left 133 million jobs for George W Bush.  A net 23 million INCREASE in jobs.

3. George W left 134 million for Obama.  ONLY 1 million jobs created.  Given that the labor force was larger, this meant a drastic DECREASE in the % of Americans of working age actually working.

4. As of the end of 2015 a total of 142 million Americans were working.  An INCREASE of 8 million jobs under Obama.

While Obama's record pales when compared to Clinton he is MUCH MUCH better off than George HW, or George W Bush.

I assume by now you are totally DRUNK at the facts as presented to you.  The GOP FAIL in job creation, when compared to the Democrats.  Even Ronald Reagan, produced 16 millions jobs in his two terms, FEWER than did Bill Clinton.

So what's this about Obama destroying jobs?  WHERE. So scream and cry that BLACKMAN created a NET INCREASE of 8 million jobs. NET INCREASE!

To add to the narrative above we must recognize hat the Obama Presidency coincided with the period of time that there was a demographic shift in that the labor force participation decline would match the increase in the dependency class - those who retired because of age and who live longer. This makes the jobs growth under his Presidency even more remarkable, given also that his Presidency coincided with a shift in employment in the US in that manufacturing jobs are a historically smaller percentage of total US jobs (and a lot of that has to do with US manufacturing companies following the norms of sound free market economics - go where labor costs are cheaper and also reduce the human workforce participation in the value of output of goods and services - tech innovations).


baseman posted:

Listen banna, all good things come to an end.  The 90's saw growth and also saw excesses which led to the collapse on the 2000s.  The easy money Go Go model of the 90's led to a massive bubble in real estate which burst and took down banks and the rest of the economy.  There is no one group to blame.  The fact that it burst under Bush's watch does not make him the person to be blamed.  The Feds (Greenspan) all had their hands in the fiasco.  Did the Nasdaq bubble not burst under Clinton?  Do you blame him?

George Bush destroyed the economy.  Nothing more need be said.

The real estate bubble came from the laissez faire policies of the GOP. Don't they whine about regulation?

The Democrats learned their lesson, and now demand closer scrutiny of the financial sector.  The GOP wishes to go back to the Bush era.  They want the Volker rules concerning large financial institutions to be dismantled.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:

Baseman is too upset that a black president saw a net increase of 8 million jobs, after George W, the WORST president in modern history presided over the WORST job creation record within modern times.

Nah, 5 mil of that 8 was lost under Obama. 

There was a NET INCREASE of 8 million jobs.  Bush left 134 million working. 142 million working now. RECORD level!

Now go and scream and cry that a black Democrat created MORE jobs than that loser George Bush.  And his term hasn't even finished  yet.

Kari posted:

To add to the narrative above we must recognize hat the Obama Presidency coincided with the period of time that there was a demographic shift in that the labor force participation decline would match the increase in the dependency class - those who retired because of age and who live longer. This makes the jobs growth under his Presidency even more remarkable, given also that his Presidency coincided with a shift in employment in the US in that manufacturing jobs are a historically smaller percentage of total US jobs (and a lot of that has to do with US manufacturing companies following the norms of sound free market economics - go where labor costs are cheaper and also reduce the human workforce participation in the value of output of goods and services - tech innovations).


I am not sure about all of that. The biggest drop in labor force participation was among those in their 40s and 50s. US workers CANNOT afford to retire early, so these were "discouraged" workers.

Even though there was a good recovery of job growth in Obama's 7 years, and this is credible when we consider the mess that Bush left the economy, and the fact that global recovery has been even slower (and now many emerging markets are stagnating), we still have a problem.

The off-shoring/outsourcing of manufacturing jobs occurred BEFORE the Obama presidency. This began in the 70s, and accelerated under Reagan through the Clinton era.  

In fact there is some ON shoring of jobs occurring at this point, this being part of the reason why the job recovery has been better than most people in 2008 thought that it would be.  These new jobs are located in regions where wages are low and unions are weak.

There are additional factors. While more people are working many earn much less than they did before, and also real wages have been declining.  In addition job growth is at the top and at the bottom.  There is less growth of the mid tier jobs, which is why many earn less than they did before.

The reason why Americans are in a sour mood isn't because they aren't working.  They are, though job growth hasn't quite kept up with growth in the labor force.  Its the fact that their REAL household income is LESS than it was in 2000.   This is a factor of employers pushing for efficiency, and because there is a switch of returns from labor to capital.  The GOP have NO solutions for this problem.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:

Baseman is too upset that a black president saw a net increase of 8 million jobs, after George W, the WORST president in modern history presided over the WORST job creation record within modern times.

like ACA, creates a bigger problem.  But as I said, his heart is in the right place.

Please outline what problems has ACA created.  True it hasn't addressed the true causes for our high healthcare costs, but that was a problem BEFORE ACA.  MORE people have access to healthcare than before.

We have already established that job growth hasn't been impacted as there was a NET INCREASE in jobs. Given that ACA went into force in 2011 the net increase is HIGHER than 8 million, as 2009 saw massive job losses due to the Bush induced Great Recession which began (it turns out) in late 2007.

Now unlike Kari, I am no Obama-maniac, But for you to scream that he is the worst president just reflects your hatred of blacks. George Bush was the WORST in recent history. Even the much maligned Jimmy Carter saw a net increase of 10 million jobs in his ONE term presidency!

FACT.  More jobs are created under Democratic presidencies than under the GOP. Only Reagan has had a record which compares to the Democrats.  Please note that many technocrats from the Reagan era think that the GOP is now run by a bunch of nuts!

Last edited by Former Member

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