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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Obama said he will end the war but somehow he expanded it. He said he will create jobs and the country's unemployment is at its peak. He said he will cut spending and he raised the spending cap twice. It's time he get out of the white house and replace the white man to screw us.

how exactly has the war expanded from what it was under Bush?

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Obama said he will end the war but somehow he expanded it. He said he will create jobs and the country's unemployment is at its peak. He said he will cut spending and he raised the spending cap twice. It's time he get out of the white house and replace the white man to screw us.

how exactly has the war expanded from what it was under Bush?

Do you think that you and I can get to a fruitful conclusion on this topic? No, I don't think so because you're like a dog trying to catch his tail, spinning in circles. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

He said he will cut spending and he raised the spending cap twice.

Please educate me where Obama, having just come in to the White House with over $400 billion TARP money voted under Bush's last days to be spent and the $800 billion Stimulus that he fought for to stem the Great Recession, could then turn around and say he will, as you put it, cap spending.


Also educate me on the two occasions he Obama raised the spending cap. Please note that only Congress can vote on increasing the US federal debt limit.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by raymond:

btw, Obama never said that he will end the war...just that he will focus on Afganistan and Pakistan instead of Iraq

It's pointless to try to find some difference between Bush and Obama, or Obama and Romney. It's like arguing about which of the Three Stooges was the smartest.

Henry, here is what Michael Grunwald wrote about Obama in hiis book "the new New Deal". Do you think that Romney wants any part of what Obama did when he took office?


The stimulus has launched a transition to a clean-energy economy, doubled our renewable power, and financed unprecedented investments in energy efficiency, a smarter grid, electric cars, advanced biofuels, and green manufacturing. It is computerizing America’s pen-and-paper medical system. Its Race to the Top is the boldest education reform in U.S. history. It has put in place the biggest middle-class tax cuts in a generation, the largest research investments ever, and the most extensive infrastructure investments since Eisenhower’s interstate highway system. It includes the largest expansion of antipoverty programs since the Great Society, lifting millions of Americans above the poverty line, reducing homelessness, and modernizing unemployment insurance. Like the first New Deal, Obama’s stimulus has created legacies that last: the world’s largest wind and solar projects, a new battery industry, a fledgling high-speed rail network, and the world’s highest-speed Internet network.


Why would anyone mention Bush and Obama in the same breath, the former is a man of class and balls.  Obama made no tough decision, he made the OBL call after the CIA/Military conformed a 90% probability factor.


Apart from that, Tunisia imploded, Yemen imploded, Egypt imploded, Bahrain imploded, Libya imploded.  Obama sat back, talked tough for let the people face the bullets and the Europeans take the lead.  Now today we have Syria EX-PLODING and Obama will talk tough but hope the Russian and Chinese give him the perfect excuse not to do anything.  You see, Syria, you touch it, you own it.  Obama cannot fathom that.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Why would anyone mention Bush and Obama in the same breath, the former is a man of class and balls.  Obama made no tough decision, he made the OBL call after the CIA/Military conformed a 90% probability factor.


Apart from that, Tunisia imploded, Yemen imploded, Egypt imploded, Bahrain imploded, Libya imploded.  Obama sat back, talked tough for let the people face the bullets and the Europeans take the lead.  Now today we have Syria EX-PLODING and Obama will talk tough but hope the Russian and Chinese give him the perfect excuse not to do anything.  You see, Syria, you touch it, you own it.  Obama cannot fathom that.

It's easy for the US to drop bombs on any country it does not take balls to do that....just dumb people going after Iraq and it's innocent population for 9/11...some yall didn't drink a cup of kool aid, yuh drink the whole barrell

Originally Posted by baseman:

Why would anyone mention Bush and Obama in the same breath, the former is a man of class and balls.  Obama made no tough decision, he made the OBL call after the CIA/Military conformed a 90% probability factor.


Apart from that, Tunisia imploded, Yemen imploded, Egypt imploded, Bahrain imploded, Libya imploded.  Obama sat back, talked tough for let the people face the bullets and the Europeans take the lead.  Now today we have Syria EX-PLODING and Obama will talk tough but hope the Russian and Chinese give him the perfect excuse not to do anything.  You see, Syria, you touch it, you own it.  Obama cannot fathom that.

Bush is one who took the nation into war on deception. He also did it with the motivation for vengeance against attempts on his father's life. He is also the one who give us all the intrusions into privacy and the mammoth bureaucracy called homeland that is top heavy and sloppy and bringing that up to par will be a decade long enterprise.


Obama is pragmatic, he does what is militarily expedient and  always what is sufficient to get the job done.  The CIA is there to inform the President. The better informed he is of issues on the ground is the aim and  is part of planning ie procedural. You do not go in with less than is necessary.


Jihadists were trying for decades to topple these dictators. They tried religion, they tried terror they tried intimidation. In the end it is the peoples will catalyzed by a back story they identified with because it encapsulated their plight and in the end motivated their will to depose their leaders and initiate a change no one expected ever to happen in our lifetime.


Obama would have loved to have the magical elixir to mobilize regime change here but no one had that magic except an illiterate fruit vender. It was also never Obama's desire to possess  or wield the military might of the US so he uses it sparingly. He also fights war differently, by remote machines with little or no boots on the ground.Yes, he sat back as he should, and only did what is necessary to get the job done



Syria's Christians may need protecting. He should go in but it is not his way. There is more to lose going in than staying out. There are cries of conservatives and Christians that he needs to make up his mind and protect the ones persecuted. They see a new Yugoslavia in the making here and factions need protection one from the other.


I believe he is doing the right thing. The Russians have already abandoned the regime and the Chinese is keeping a low profile. There are stories of American agents on the ground but to this point no one knows. All that any is sure of is Asad is a dead man walking.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by D2:

Obama is pragmatic, he does what is militarily expedient and always what is sufficient to get the job done.

Important to remember.

You fellows must be livin' in some parallel universe. Obama is reported to be in a state of almost sexual excitement over his "kill list," where he personally selects the targets for drone execution like a Roman emperor giving thumbs down in the coliseum. And the collateral damage has been massive -- in Pakistan, a country with which we are supposedly not at war, the US has adopted the tactic of launching a drone strike, waiting until a crowd gathers to give medical aid to the victims, and then launching a second strike to execute those attempting to give aid. This is a trademark tactic of some the terrorists the US is supposedly fighting.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by D2:

Obama is pragmatic, he does what is militarily expedient and always what is sufficient to get the job done.

Important to remember.

You fellows must be livin' in some parallel universe. Obama is reported to be in a state of almost sexual excitement over his "kill list," where he personally selects the targets for drone execution like a Roman emperor giving thumbs down in the coliseum. And the collateral damage has been massive -- in Pakistan, a country with which we are supposedly not at war, the US has adopted the tactic of launching a drone strike, waiting until a crowd gathers to give medical aid to the victims, and then launching a second strike to execute those attempting to give aid. This is a trademark tactic of some the terrorists the US is supposedly fighting.

That is crap. The news is he is always somber, deliberative and quite serious with these decisions. Collateral damage has not been more than if they sent in a tomahawk. The second strike crap is your invention. 

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by D2:

Obama is pragmatic, he does what is militarily expedient and always what is sufficient to get the job done.

Important to remember.

You fellows must be livin' in some parallel universe. Obama is reported to be in a state of almost sexual excitement over his "kill list," where he personally selects the targets for drone execution like a Roman emperor giving thumbs down in the coliseum. And the collateral damage has been massive -- in Pakistan, a country with which we are supposedly not at war, the US has adopted the tactic of launching a drone strike, waiting until a crowd gathers to give medical aid to the victims, and then launching a second strike to execute those attempting to give aid. This is a trademark tactic of some the terrorists the US is supposedly fighting.

If I give you 3 billion dollars in aid every year do you think I am giving you that money to look at your face? Pakistan wants to eat her cake and have it too. I see no reason to take prisoners.


Obama is capitalizating of every (successful) mission on his watch to overshadow his poor domestic agenda, especially on the economy and job creation. One of the retire navy seal wrote a book on the killing of Bin laden that is under scrutiny for exposing highly classified information. Why is this mission remained classified? It is classified because from the full story, half is propaganda. If the killing of Bin Laden ever comes to light prematurely, the American media will grill every detail to get the fact if there is any.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Obama is capitalizating of every (successful) mission on his watch to overshadow his poor domestic agenda, especially on the economy and job creation. One of the retire navy seal wrote a book on the killing of Bin laden that is under scrutiny for exposing highly classified information. Why is this mission remained classified? It is classified because from the full story, half is propaganda. If the killing of Bin Laden ever comes to light prematurely, the American media will grill every detail to get the fact if there is any.

People who don't know why military missions are classified don't belong on any discussion forum.

People who blame Obama for the poor economy he inherited don't belong any discussion forum.

People who allow themselves to be indoctrinated by and blindly propagate republican don't belong on any discussion forum.


Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Obama is reported to be in a state of almost sexual excitement over his "kill list," where he personally selects the targets for drone execution like a Roman emperor giving thumbs down in the coliseum.
Reported where?

For starters, there is the Ulsterman Report, which is widely read in Washington. Ulsterman has a "Deep Throat" source in the Obama adminstration (for you youngsters, that's a reference to the administration of Richard Nixon, a president in the 1970s who was remarkably similar to Obama.) This is an excerpt of a dialogue between Ulsterman (UM) and White House Insider (WHI):

UM:  I need to your to expand on the Drone thing – Obama’s love of using the drones.  You say you “got the goods” – your words.  What do you mean?
WHI:  It’s what has been brewin’ for well over a year nowâ€Ķit’s causing all kinds of hell between theadministrationâ€Ķthe militaryâ€Ķinfighting and concern among the staffâ€Ķeven Jarrett don’t have a handle on all of it.  Even she is not entirely comfortable with how the president has sunk his teeth into the dronesâ€Ķthe kill list.  She’s not bothered by their use specificallyâ€Ķshe’s moreâ€ĶI would guess she’s more worried over the political implications of Obama’s obsessionâ€Ķthat eventually enough people will stand together and say ENOUGH.  She can’t afford to have that happen too soonâ€Ķthe re-election makes them all vulnerableâ€Ķthe plansâ€Ķthe obligations to othersâ€ĶAmerica can still stop them in 2012 and she understands that.  So having Obama so oddly focusedâ€Ķnot just focusedâ€Ķhe gets excitedâ€Ķvisuallyâ€Ķthe guy gets off on it and he ain’t even hiding that fact anymore.  And some are repulsed by it.  They’ve done video reviews you knowâ€Ķof  the missions.  The drones.  The kills.
UM:  The president you mean?  He watches videos of the drone attacks?
WHI:  Yeah – like it wasâ€Ķlike it was porn.  I can’t emphasizeâ€ĶI don’t think I’m painting a clear enough picture here for you of how this thing has people really freaking out inside theadministration.  It’s good on one hand because it’s got more of them willing to talkâ€Ķbutâ€Ķthe fact it’s gotten this badâ€Ķthese dronesâ€Ķan American president who has the video sent up to his personal study so he can watch them over and over againâ€Ķlike I said – sh-t ain’t right.  And more and more people are figuring that out – and that is what has Jarrett concerned.  But even sheâ€ĶObama won’t listen to her on this one.  Those drones are the one thing he really feels he has control overâ€Ķall the restâ€Ķhe’s been told what to say and where to goâ€Ķwhen to wakeâ€Ķwhen to sleepâ€Ķbut the drones.  The drones are all his – and he ain’t given those up.  For nobody.

Then here's something from the latest issue of The Atlantic:


Barack Obama wasn't pressured to be executioner-in-chief. He asserted himself as arbiter of which human beings to kill without trial, at times far from any battlefield, sometimes without even knowing their identities. He decided to limit congressional oversight and totally exclude the judiciary. 

House Speaker John Boehner didn't define militants as all men of military age that American drones kill. The Obama Administration did that.

Voters didn't clamor for an unprecedented war on whistleblowers. The Obama Administration decided to wage it.

An intransigent Congress didn't force the Obama Administration to make frequent use of the state-secrets privilege, or to keep Bradley Manning in solitary confinement, or to keep secret the legal memo that outlines the theory behind his extrajudicial assassination of American citizens.

No one made Obama violate the War Powers Resolution in Libya. 

The president wouldn't suffer politically if he ordered the CIA to stop firing on rescuers who rush to the scene of drone strikes, or instructed the NSA to stop spying on the communications of American citizens suspected of no wrongdoing, or stopped turning military equipment over to police.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Obama is reported to be in a state of almost sexual excitement over his "kill list," where he personally selects the targets for drone execution like a Roman emperor giving thumbs down in the coliseum.
Reported where?

For starters, there is the Ulsterman Report, which is widely read in Washington. Ulsterman has a "Deep Throat" source in the Obama adminstration (for you youngsters, that's a reference to the administration of Richard Nixon, a president in the 1970s who was remarkably similar to Obama.) This is an excerpt of a dialogue between Ulsterman (UM) and White House Insider (WHI):

UM:  I need to your to expand on the Drone thing – Obama’s love of using the drones.  You say you “got the goods” – your words.  What do you mean?
WHI:  It’s what has been brewin’ for well over a year nowâ€Ķit’s causing all kinds of hell between theadministrationâ€Ķthe militaryâ€Ķinfighting and concern among the staffâ€Ķeven Jarrett don’t have a handle on all of it.  Even she is not entirely comfortable with how the president has sunk his teeth into the dronesâ€Ķthe kill list.  She’s not bothered by their use specificallyâ€Ķshe’s moreâ€ĶI would guess she’s more worried over the political implications of Obama’s obsessionâ€Ķthat eventually enough people will stand together and say ENOUGH.  She can’t afford to have that happen too soonâ€Ķthe re-election makes them all vulnerableâ€Ķthe plansâ€Ķthe obligations to othersâ€ĶAmerica can still stop them in 2012 and she understands that.  So having Obama so oddly focusedâ€Ķnot just focusedâ€Ķhe gets excitedâ€Ķvisuallyâ€Ķthe guy gets off on it and he ain’t even hiding that fact anymore.  And some are repulsed by it.  They’ve done video reviews you knowâ€Ķof  the missions.  The drones.  The kills.
UM:  The president you mean?  He watches videos of the drone attacks?
WHI:  Yeah – like it wasâ€Ķlike it was porn.  I can’t emphasizeâ€ĶI don’t think I’m painting a clear enough picture here for you of how this thing has people really freaking out inside theadministration.  It’s good on one hand because it’s got more of them willing to talkâ€Ķbutâ€Ķthe fact it’s gotten this badâ€Ķthese dronesâ€Ķan American president who has the video sent up to his personal study so he can watch them over and over againâ€Ķlike I said – sh-t ain’t right.  And more and more people are figuring that out – and that is what has Jarrett concerned.  But even sheâ€ĶObama won’t listen to her on this one.  Those drones are the one thing he really feels he has control overâ€Ķall the restâ€Ķhe’s been told what to say and where to goâ€Ķwhen to wakeâ€Ķwhen to sleepâ€Ķbut the drones.  The drones are all his – and he ain’t given those up.  For nobody.

Then here's something from the latest issue of The Atlantic:


Barack Obama wasn't pressured to be executioner-in-chief. He asserted himself as arbiter of which human beings to kill without trial, at times far from any battlefield, sometimes without even knowing their identities. He decided to limit congressional oversight and totally exclude the judiciary. 

House Speaker John Boehner didn't define militants as all men of military age that American drones kill. The Obama Administration did that.

Voters didn't clamor for an unprecedented war on whistleblowers. The Obama Administration decided to wage it.

An intransigent Congress didn't force the Obama Administration to make frequent use of the state-secrets privilege, or to keep Bradley Manning in solitary confinement, or to keep secret the legal memo that outlines the theory behind his extrajudicial assassination of American citizens.

No one made Obama violate the War Powers Resolution in Libya. 

The president wouldn't suffer politically if he ordered the CIA to stop firing on rescuers who rush to the scene of drone strikes, or instructed the NSA to stop spying on the communications of American citizens suspected of no wrongdoing, or stopped turning military equipment over to police.

This is your source? Are you serious? Well... material from one website deserves material from another:


Whitehouse Insider

The group was aware that Hate is more powerful than any other impetus. People will walk barefoot two miles in the snow to attack someone they hate. Hence they chose Barack Obama.

They had appreciated that Americans seemed astounded that they had put a Black Man in the White House, and would do anything, no matter how badly it impacted on the American people or government to hurt him.

The group decided to pretend to be 'White House Insiders' privy to all sorts of 'secrets'; but to tip their hand, to prove that it was a hoax. They used the term "Ulsterman". They assumed that persons with fully operational brains would grasp the fact that an Ulsterman is someone who lives in Northern Ireland, not someone who works in Washington D.C.

They misjudged the stupidity of the average Netizen.

You make it hard to uphold the idea that Guyanese as a people are prone to be of above average intelligence. Can you at least pretend to be objective?


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