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Obama was more feisty but he ducked the questions, same as Rommey. The people who asked the questions are now more confused than before. Libya question was not answered, gun control question question was not answered, the black guy who wanted to know why he should vote again for Obama is probably voting for Rommey. The tax cut issue is confusing, if Rommey is reducing taxes but taking away deductions, then this is not a tax cut, your taxes might actually go up. Obama did not make this point. The girl who asked about non green card holders is no wiser than before. Her family has to stay in hiding. Overall Obama seemed more eloquent and reeled off numbers whether they were true or not. Rommey was at a disadvantage because the questions seemed to favor Obama. Rommey made good points when he said economy got worse under Obama, but scored bad points with women rights. Obama is a showman, and town halls are all about showmanship. I actually learnt nothing from this debate.
Originally Posted by TI:
Obama was more feisty but he ducked the questions, same as Rommey. The people who asked the questions are now more confused than before. Libya question was not answered, gun control question question was not answered, the black guy who wanted to know why he should vote again for Obama is probably voting for Rommey. The tax cut issue is confusing, if Rommey is reducing taxes but taking away deductions, then this is not a tax cut, your taxes might actually go up. Obama did not make this point. The girl who asked about non green card holders is no wiser than before. Her family has to stay in hiding. Overall Obama seemed more eloquent and reeled off numbers whether they were true or not. Rommey was at a disadvantage because the questions seemed to favor Obama. Rommey made good points when he said economy got worse under Obama, but scored bad points with women rights. Obama is a showman, and town halls are all about showmanship. I actually learnt nothing from this debate.


However the one thing that came out of this is that Obama woke up!!


Chiefsta......Presidential debates are meant more to answer in broad strokes than answer specifics. How do you expect the candidates to answer questions like "Candidate A, how can you help me find a job?".


You have to have a serious examination of policy positions that will lead to tangible actions - will lower taxes for all send the deficits upwards and seep into other costs for ordinary folks that will amount to more taxation rather than less? Is preparing for war with Iran while applying forceful sanctions before they are ready to weaponize nuclear materials better than saying I will attack you on the proverbial "Day 1"? Is saying that Israel is right no matter what a better way to achieve peace in the Middle East than being an honest broker? Will reducing regulatory compliance to "help" business lead to another meltdown like we had in 2008? Will health care costs be better handled with medicare vouchers than the cost-side approach with providers?


You can't say one guy is just like any other politician before you look at the issues that are real.


An election that is one for the ages, where there is a smaller middle ground and much partisanship is one that will see one of the lowest turnout? Don't bet on that.


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