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Obama pleased with return of Local Government Elections in Guyana

In a letter to President Granger, the U.S President said the commitments of friendship between Guyana and the U.S "are exemplified in Guyana by the announcement that local government elections will resume and be held in March for the first time since 1994. Local elections are essential to bolstering good governance, development, and respect for the rule of law."

Obama pleased with return of Local Government Elections in Guyana

U.S President Barack Obama has written to President David Granger expressing best wishes as Guyana observes its 46th Republic Anniversary and praising the return of local government elections in Guyana.

Local Government Elections will take place on March 18, 2015. The last time local government elections took place was back in 1994.

In a letter to President Granger, the U.S President said the commitments of friendship between Guyana and the U.S “are exemplified in Guyana by the announcement that local government elections will resume and be held in March for the first time since 1994.  Local elections are essential to bolstering good governance, development, and respect for the rule of law.”

Mr. Obama continued that “your efforts to ensure broad participation and an informed electorate will contribute to successful elections and a bright future for Guyana.”

 President Obama also said “the bonds of friendship and cooperation between our two countries have never been stronger, grounded in our shared commitments to citizen security, improved governance, and inclusive democracy.”

The letter was released by the US Embassy here in Georgetown.

The US government has been pushing for local government elections in Guyana over the past few years under the previous government. When the new government took office in May last year, the US continued its call for local elections.

A date for the local government elections was announced last November.

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Well, he installed the regime, so ahwe dayzz now!!  Not sure whose learning curve is slower, Obama or Granger!!

Imagine, the 2nd most failed US presidency (Carter) and the #1 most failed (Obama) installed one of the most incompetent Gov'ts in the world!!  I guess birds of a feather, they say!!!


In a letter to President Granger, the U.S President said the commitments of friendship between Guyana and the U.S "are exemplified in Guyana by the announcement that local government elections will resume and be held in March for the first time since 1994. Local elections are essential to bolstering good governance, development, and respect for the rule of law."


Does anyone know the reason the PPP never held local elections?

cain posted:

In a letter to President Granger, the U.S President said the commitments of friendship between Guyana and the U.S "are exemplified in Guyana by the announcement that local government elections will resume and be held in March for the first time since 1994. Local elections are essential to bolstering good governance, development, and respect for the rule of law."


Does anyone know the reason the PPP never held local elections?

They were practicing demockcracy PPP style. They installed their lackeys as regional heads of IMC's (Interim Management Committee) so the tiefin could go on unchecked.

Last edited by Mars

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