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baseman posted:
susan posted:

Obama as President of the most powerful Nation on Earth


True, the weakest president of the most powerful nation on earth.  Give credit where credit's due!!

I gave credit where credit's due, but you did not.  And it was disingenuous of you to quote part of what I said and then twist to serve your warped view. 


Obama will be read years to come as one of the greatest presidents of USA, since in office he has brought PEACE, his job was clean the mess of the republicans--Bush& BUSH.The unemployment is the lowest in 15 years, universal health care for all, he is able to keep Russia, China at bay. Him addressing the Muslims in their Mosque is giving them assurance that they are Muslim Americans and not Muslim or Americans. Trump on the other hand wants to bring back the White KKK America and all other races are inferior.

kp posted:

Obama will be read years to come as one of the greatest presidents of USA, since in office he has brought PEACE, his job was clean the mess of the republicans--Bush& BUSH.The unemployment is the lowest in 15 years, universal health care for all, he is able to keep Russia, China at bay. Him addressing the Muslims in their Mosque is giving them assurance that they are Muslim Americans and not Muslim or Americans. Trump on the other hand wants to bring back the White KKK America and all other races are inferior.

Well said KP.

susan posted:

Obama as President of the most powerful Nation on Earth is just what the World needs, a decent, wholesome and brilliant leader, a healer with great values.  Too bad this is his last term. But Hillary will carry the torch just as well. 


So eh, out of curiosity, and in an attempt to move away from one liners and slaganeerings, can you tell me what makes Obama such a wholesome and brilliant leader? What qualifies a person to be a person on such a high pedastle as you placed him?

Just curious...


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